On Monday, April 22, I traveled to the Portland area to
attend a confirmation Mass at St. Pius X parish with my new friend LouAnn Edwards. It was a beautiful day!
First, a little about LouAnn: I met her via this blog (I’ve
met so many wonderful people this way!). She works for Oregon Right to Life as the host of a show called Woman 2 Woman, a talk show airing
on public access TV in the Portland metropolitan area. It is sponsored by
Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation and supports the sanctity of life
from conception to natural death. LouAnn she interviews pro-life experts,
activists, writers, etc. Here’s her bio from the Woman 2 Woman website:
LouAnn and her team are excited
to bring you each and every Woman to Woman show so that all life may be
protected and celebrated!

Although of course I know that the bishop of a diocese is
supposed to confirm the candidates, I also know that the bishop can delegate
that responsibility to the parish priest; when I was confirmed at Easter Vigil
11 years ago, it was the priest who administered the sacrament, not the bishop.
So, somehow, I assumed that LouAnn’s parish priest would be administering the
Imagine my surprise when she informed me that Archbishop
Alexander Sample himself would be presiding at the Mass! She and I were both
excited about the prospect of meeting him.
Now…the Mass: oh my. Well, I didn’t really have high
expectations, so I was not completely scandalized by the music: piano, guitars,
drums, tambourines, rhythmic hand-clapping by the congregation, you name it.
Always with that karaoke-style rhythm thing in the background. A Gloria with a
refrain. Constant, constant noisy music (OMG, those drums!!!). By
the time we were halfway through Mass, I was thinking, “Could you please just
be QUIET for a few minutes?”
Still there was incense – yay! And priests alone administered
the Body of Christ at Holy Communion (lay ministers administered the chalice). And
from the logistical point of view, the organizers did an excellent job; there
were 150 confirmandi (most of them youth, with only 10 adults). The actual
mechanics of getting each one, plus the sponsor, in front of the archbishop ,
went very smoothly.
confirmandi, plus 150 sponsors = 300 bodies. I can’t even remember the last
time I was at a Mass with that many people present! Then add in friends and
family…the place was packed. LouAnn’s husband Gary noted that the only time
he’d seen the church that full was on Christmas or Easter, and this was a
Monday evening!
Even Archbishop Sample joked that, since he comes from a
small rural diocese, he had never seen so many candidates at one time. He
joked, “The amount of time it took to read off all of your names was longer
than my confirmation Masses usually last!”
Couldn't even get them all in the photo! |
After the Mass, the 150 newly-confirmed souls mounted a set
of risers in the very large parish hall for a group photo with the Archbishop.
Then, I saw the parish pastor, acting as a sort of battering ram, leading the
Archbishop out of the parish hall. I figured he’d be back, but I wasn’t going
to miss my chance to talk to him, so I followed on his heels. I could have
reached out and touched the hem of his garment!!! I should have. I wonder if he
would have felt power going out of him!
When we cleared the building, I called out, “Your
Excellency!” and he turned around, saying, “Yes?” I asked, “Are you coming back
in?” and he smiled is very genuine smile and assured me, “Oh yes, I’m coming
back. I just need to change out of these vestments.”
He did return, in his cassock (thanks be to God for
cassocks! I wish all priests and bishops everywhere would wear them all the
time!). And then he chose a spot in which to stand and be photographed with
everyone who wanted a photo. He was poised and gracious and seemed to be
enjoying meeting each individual. At one point he said to the assembled crowd,
“This is where I start to feel like Mickey Mouse at Disneyland!”
I snuck into the photo with LouAnn so that I would have
proof that I was there!
LouAnn wanted to ask Archbishop Sample for an interview for
her show, and I wanted to say a few words to him, so we waited. Finally, all of
the photos were done, and most of the people had left the parish hall. LouAnn
and I watched for our chance and once more approached the Archbishop.
I had joked with friends prior to this that I was going to
play the part of Diogenes by lighting a large, unbleached beeswax candle and
holding it up as I peered into His Excellency’s face, saying, “I’m looking for
an honest bishop!” I didn’t do that, but I was “peering” – trying to discern
whether Archbishop Sample is the “real deal”.
I think he is.
I told him that I loved his pastoral letter on music, and
asked if he thought he would be able to accomplish the same thing in Oregon. He
took a deep breath, and said, “In time. Give me time!” and he smiled. He has
such a genuine smile! I allowed that he certainly needed time and that he had a
lot of work to do in the Archdiocese of Portland. He nodded, and said, “Pray
for me!” I told him that I already do, daily, and assured him that I would of
course continue.
I ask all of you readers to pray for him, too. Daily! The
Archdiocese of Portland is so full of corruption and immorality and dissent…the
diabolical forces will be seeking to waylay a good bishop like Archbishop
Sample at every turn. We need him to remain irreproachable (Titus 1:7-9). With
our prayers and the grace of God, Archbishop Alexander Sample could be a leader
in bringing a revival, renewal, and reform to the Catholic dioceses of the Pacific
And, as I told His Excellency when I explained that many
outside the Archdiocese of Portland are counting on him: “No pressure!” Ha!
For more photos - a LOT more! - go here – the parish hired a professional photographer for the entire event. While most of the 715 photos are of the confirmands, you can find quite a few of the Archbishop celebrating Mass as well.
Other posts about Archbishop Sample on this blog:
For more photos - a LOT more! - go here – the parish hired a professional photographer for the entire event. While most of the 715 photos are of the confirmands, you can find quite a few of the Archbishop celebrating Mass as well.
Other posts about Archbishop Sample on this blog:
4/5/12 Good News
10/22/12 Bishop
Sample: Crossing the UP
10/12/12 A
“Sample” of What a Bishop Can Do
10/11/11 More
Bishops with Backbone
WOW , great photo of you Dr. Jay and you new friend and Archbishop Sample ...
ReplyDeleteSo the Holy Mass was little "noisy" ...got to keep praying for a return to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ...the Holy Mass of all times . Yep got to keep prayin because I long for this Beautiful Holy Mass ...and I am privileged to be able to attend St. Francis de Sales where we have that Holy Mass ...God Bless you Dr. Jay !
I know its not nice to envy, but I am a little. What a great picture. The Archbishop is coming to our parish for confirmation next month. I hope I can get a picture too.
Bill, just hang out till everyone else is gone! And if you get a picture, please send it to me! BTW, I think he is actually getting and reading his mail, so chances are he will have read your letter.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great story! If everyone understood the gravity of an Archbishop's role - which never should be taken lightly. It is obvious by his request of your prayers that Archbishop Sample understands - thanks be to God!