Michael Voris and CMTV have created a new series of shows called "Dispatches" - as in "important communications sent from the front lines of battle".
This week's Vortex episodes will be debuting 5 "Dispatches" subtitled "The Demolition of the Faith". It's loaded with statistics about the state of the Church, and while they are depressing stats, they are necessary. After all, how many priests and prelates are still denying that there even IS a crisis?
This is well worth watching; I'm looking forward to the rest of the segments.
"You aim at a devout life, dear Philothea, because as a Christian you know that such devotion is most acceptable to God's Divine Majesty," says St. Francis de Sales in his book "Introduction to the Devout Life". And we can all be Philotheas, as St. Francis notes: "I have made use of a name suitable to all who seek the devout life, Philothea meaning one who loves God."
Monday, September 30, 2013
Fr. Belitz Undermines Catholic Identity in Perth Parishes
Fr. Justin Belitz, OFM, has recently been in Perth, Australia, giving his "Success: Full Living" mission at various schools and parishes. Never heard of him? Well…you might consider
that a blessing. He was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska; entered the
Franciscan Order in 1954; and was ordained a priest in 1961. See his website here; his “Franciscan Hermitage” in Indianapolis, Indiana is described as:
We offer a variety of workshops, lectures, classes and support groups, each designed to empower individuals on their journeys of faith and wholeness.
It’s not even Christian, let alone Catholic. In a video
on his website, Fr. Belitz justifies the non-Catholicity of his organization by saying
that Vatican II told us to “reach out to other traditions” because no one
religion has a monopoly on the whole truth. (Funny…I thought Catholicism had
the fullness of the truth!) Fr. Belitz is all about "personal success and fulfillment". I don't see much about sacrifice on his website, or about happiness in Heaven rather than "happiness" on earth. There's not much to support a Catholic identity, and much to undermine it.
we go any further, let’s look at what Fr. Belitz has been up to Down Under.
Fr. Belitz has led retreats entitled “Success: Full Living” at several
parishes in the Perth (Western Australia) area. For instance, the Parish of
Sts. John and Paul in Willetton advertised the September 1-5 event at their parish/school
website, saying in part:
Fr. Justin is
able to help people of every age, race or religion to find their way to a full
happy life, promised to us by Jesus. He shares how relaxation, meditation and
prayer are keys to achieving that goal by integrating mind, body and spirit.
Most of all, he is a very engaging and entertaining speaker who helps us all to
cope and thrive with the daily challenges that life throws to us.
Similarly, there was Fr. Belitz-led “Parish Mission and Renewal” at
Floreat Wembley Parish (an “amalgamation” of two parishes) from Sept. 15-20. A
description of the event appears on the parish
website; it says, in part:
The integration of mind, body and
spirit will form the agenda for Fr. Justin over the course of our parish
mission and renewal. It is his belief that meditation is a key tool in dealing
with life's problems. Through the use of meditation and quietly turning inward,
one is able to tap into a source of unlimited energy.
There are certainly some red-flag type words there…but of course, it’s
all intentionally vague so as to avoid any hint of not-quite-Catholic teaching.
Fr. Belitz’s background is hardly that of a priest any faithful Catholic
would want to listen to! For one thing, his participation in a blasphemous 2004
film entitled “Jesus and Her Gospel of Yes”…that’s right, Jesus portrayed as a
woman. You can see the trailer here (though I
don’t really recommend watching it; still, I leave you the choice); the closing
line is something about “a gospel of hope from God’s little girl”. Ugh.
The director’s summary of the film is available here and leaves no
doubt that the film is intentionally blasphemous! Further, the director
describes Fr. Belitz:
Fr. Justin Belitz gives us an erotic sermon. Fr.
Justin is, admittedly, a bit of a guru to me and possibly the most profound influence
I've had in my life. He is certainly not a typical priest and in short, his is
an avant-theology. Many of his homilies focus on sensuous spirituality and
meditation. Fr. Justin also never refrains from displaying a sense of humor and
here we have all that in abundance.
Flame Ministries International,
which is a canonical Public Association of Christ’s Faithful headquartered in
Perth, has an article
about Fr. Belitz; the article touches on everything that is wrong with this
man’s “theology” and “ministry”. It’s a long list, including a history of
involvement with Silva Mind Control. The article begins with a quote allegedly
from Fr. Belitz: “I
think that the Christian tradition has done a great disservice to organized
religion by concentrating on adoration of Jesus Christ.”
that background, one wonders why the hierarchy in the Perth area has
essentially condoned Fr. Belitz’s appearances there. In fact, here we see “Justin”
(as he calls himself) with Archbishop Timothy Costello.
And the sad fact is, Fr. Belitz has been offering this non-Catholic (if not anti-Catholic) twaddle to CATHOLICS with the consent of their bishops, for decades.
But Michael Voris? Naaah. He doesn't have the right "tone".
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Feast of St. Michael the Archangel
The excerpt
below is from the lessons for the office of matins in the Divine Office. The
archaic translation may cause a little stumbling in your reading of it, but it
still makes the point!
Lesson is taken from the Sermons of Pope St Gregory the Great.
34th on the Gospels.
34th on the Gospels.
We say
that there are nine Orders of Angels, for, by the witness of the holy Word, we
know that there be Angels, Archangels, Mights, Powers, Principalities,
Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim. Nearly every page of the holy Word
witnesseth that there be Angels and Archangels. The books of the Prophets, as
is well known, do oftentimes make mention of Cherubim and Seraphim. Paul,
writing to the Ephesians, counteth up the names of four Orders, where he saith
The Father of glory.. raised
(Christ) from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly
places, far above all Principality, and Power, and Might, and Dominion, and
every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to
And the same, again, writing to the Colossians, saith:
(By (the Son) were all things
created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,)
whether they be Thrones, or Dominions, or Principalities, or Powers; (all
things were created by Him and for Him.)
If, then, we add the Thrones to the four Orders of which he
spake unto the Ephesians, we have five Orders; and when we add unto them the
Angels and the Archangels, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, we find that the
Orders of Angels are beyond all doubt nine.
But we must know that the word Angel is the designation, not
of a nature, but of an office.
Those holy spirits in the heavenly fatherland
are always spirits, but they may no wise be always called Angels, (which is,
being interpreted, messengers,) for they are Angels only when they are sent as
Messengers. Hence also it is said by the Psalmist, ciii. 5, Who makest spirits
thine Angels! x as if it were, Of them who are always with Him as spirits, He
doth somewhiles make use as Messengers. They who go on the lesser messages are
called Angels they who go on the greater Archangels.
Hence it is that unto the Virgin Mary was sent no common
Angel, but the Archangel Gabriel. For the delivery of this, the highest
message, it was meet that there should be sent the highest Angel. Their
individual names also are so given as to signify the kind of ministry wherein
each is powerful. Michael signifieth Who-is-like-unto-God? Gabriel, the
Strength-of-God,and Raphael, the Medicine-of-God.
As often as anything very mighty is to be done, we see that
Michael is sent, that by that very thing, and by his name, we may remember that
none is able to do as God doeth. Hence that old enemy whose pride hath puffed
him up to be fain to be like unto God, even he who said, I will ascend unto
heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God… I will be like the Most
High, (Isa. xiv. 13, 14,) this old enemy, when at the end of the world he is
about to perish in the last death, having no strength but his own, is shown
unto us a-fighting with Michael the Archangel, even as saith John, Apoc. xii.
There was war in heaven Michael
and his Angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.
Unto Mary is sent Gabriel, whose name is interpreted the
Strength of God, for he came to herald the appearing of Him Who was content to
appear lowly that He might fight down the powers of the air.
Raphael, also, as we have said, signifieth the Medicine-of-God,
and it is the name of him who touched as a physician the eyes of Tobias, and
cleared away his blindness.
***** ***** *****
We need the St. Michael prayer now more than ever! The well-known short version of this prayer follows in
English and Latin. The Pope ordered this prayer to be recited daily after Low
Mass in all the churches throughout the Catholic world. However, this practice
was almost completely swept away in the 1960s by liturgical changes made in the
wake of Vatican Council II.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle,
be our protection against the malice and snares of the
May God rebuke him we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell
Satan and all evil spirits
who wander through the world
for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Sancte Michael Archangele,
defende nos in praelio.
Contra nequitiam et insidias
diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices
Tuque princeps militiae
Satanam aliosque spiritus
qui ad perditionem animarum
pervagantur in mundo
divina virtute in infernum
detrude. Amen.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Vortex: "New Tone"?
Michael Voris nails it again, concerning the alleged "obsession" of the Church with abortion, homosexual marriage, and contraception. The gist of the September 25
Vortex is this:
when and where was this “obsession” on the part of Church leaders and her
clergy on preaching about, for example, contraception, that so many church
leaders are all rushing to the barricades now to foreswear, to pledge to TONE
down their incessant preaching about because there is suddenly a new “TONE”.
new about it? How is being silent for the past 40 years going to be different
from being silent moving forward from here. Silence is pretty silent and sounds
pretty much like any other silence.
MV isn’t alone in
this appraisal, either. LifeSiteNews
quoted Bishop Robert F. Vasa ‘s reaction to the media reports that the Pope has
said that the Church must not be “obsessed” by issues like abortion,
homosexuality, and contraception.
there a need for teaching about those things? Absolutely. Are there some folks
who overstep the boundary and say, 'OK we're preaching about this every single
Sunday?' Well, there may be. But there's a vast majority of people who never
talk about it,” he continued.
everyone talked about it a little, there would be fewer who feel the need to
talk about it more,” he added. [go here
for the rest of the story]
MV notes that “the application of ‘new tone’ hasn’t worked
for 50 plus years” and adds:
churches are emptying out and closing and yet Church leaders are positively
giddy about now being able to stop talking about the sins that send souls to
Hell and start speaking with a “new tone”.
And that “new tone” is being met with glee by the secular
media and others:
Jane Fonda and Chris Rock are cheering on you and your new tone, you better
watch out. They aren’t cheering you on because they have suddenly had a
Damascus moment and are agreeing with you. They are cheering you on because
they hope or actually think that YOU now agree with THEM, or at the very least
can now be persuaded to come over to their side.
MV also mentions that
notorious meme gleaned from the NARAL website that thanks Pope Francis on behalf of "pro-choice women". Says MV:
aren’t saying thank you for bringing us to the realization of the paschal mystery
and our path to salvation.
aren’t saying thank you for bringing to them the light of revelation and the
glorious mysteries of the Catholic Church.
are saying thank you for giving them the moral license to now fire back at
pro-lifers and faithful Catholics who have spent decades in front of the
abortion chambers praying for the killing to end.
Here's the Vortex:
The script:
Lots of cowardly clerics are most delighted at the Pope’s
interview because they feel and are even saying, in so many words, that they
are now off the hook. For years, they’ve kept their mouths shut about the hot
button issues of sexual morality. Cardinal Dolan even admitted that – as if
ANYONE needed his guilty admission to know the truth of the matter.
Unlike John Paul and Benedict, who many of them just ignored
when it came to stressing the importance of defeating these evils, now they
finally have a Pope who they can interpret to mean, “Phew, glad we don’t have
to mention those things anymore” as if they had ever in reality lifted one
blessed finger to preach against these evils in the first place.
And to the precise point, exactly when and where was this
“obsession” on the part of Church leaders and her clergy on preaching about,
for example, contraception, that so many church leaders are all rushing to the
barricades now to foreswear, to pledge to TONE down their incessant preaching
about because there is suddenly a new “TONE”.
What’s new about it? How is being silent for the past 40
years going to be different from being silent moving forward from here. Silence
is pretty silent and sounds pretty much like any other silence.
Please. The mainstream MEDIA is the institution that
informed the world of the Church’s teaching about sexual morality in an
obsessed fashion – non-stop, 24hrs a day, every 24 hour news cycle you can
Most clergy, including bishops, were already ignoring the
sins that send more souls to Hell than any other, so warns the Queen of Heaven
at Fatima, or they were busy in confession outright denying that any of these
acts are sinful.
You will have to hunt from here into eternity on the US
Bishops website for statements condemning contraception for example, which
threatens an everlasting damnation of the person, and you will have to hunt
under mountains of press releases stressing immigration reform and welfare
policy which have no intrinsic power to damn a soul.
John the Baptist had no such tone that some bishops and
others are ascribing to Pope Francis.
Our Lord had no such tone. St. Peter had no such tone. It’s
not clear that St. Paul even would have understood what the word “tone” even
The application of “new tone” hasn’t worked for 50 plus years.
The churches are emptying out and closing and yet Church
leaders are positively giddy about now being able to stop talking about the
sins that send souls to Hell and start speaking with a “new tone”.
The churches are emptying out and closing and yet Church
leaders are positively giddy about now being able to stop talking about the
sins that send souls to Hell and start speaking with a “new tone”.
Again – how will the new tone, be anything different from
the old current tone? When Jane Fonda and Chris Rock are cheering on you and
your new tone, you better watch out. They aren’t cheering you on because they
have suddenly had a Damascus moment and are agreeing with you. They are
cheering you on because they hope or actually think that YOU now agree with
THEM, or at the very least can now be persuaded to come over to their side.
Why else does anyone think they are all tripping over each
other to issue press releases and statements praising the pope? Funny…didn’t
see ONE statement or press release from them the next day when the pope roundly
and solidly condemned abortion in the strongest tone AND words he has used
since his election.
Same question - Why else would the pro-abortion group NARAL
almost immediately create and post a meme on their Facebook page saying “Thank
you, Pope Francis from pro-choice women everywhere.”
They aren’t saying thank you for showing us the light so
that we can now convert to the truth.
They aren’t saying thank you for bringing us to the
realization of the paschal mystery and our path to salvation.
They aren’t saying thank you for bringing to them the light
of revelation and the glorious mysteries of the Catholic Church.
They are saying thank you for giving them the moral license
to now fire back at pro-lifers and faithful Catholics who have spent decades in
front of the abortion chambers praying for the killing to end.
The issue is about saving souls. Every action done, every
word uttered must be measured against this standard.
Will this encourage Jane Fonda to REPENT and become an
authentic Catholic? Will she hang up her weapons of mass contraception and
renounce a lifetime strategy of global population reduction through abortion
and contraception?
Just what part of the “good news” has she suddenly embraced,
so much so that she is praising the Vicar of Christ on earth? Same types of
questions for Chris Rock and all the other cultural elitists who have lived
against and even actively fought against the truth with every fiber of their
beings for most of the lives.
These statements about “loving the pope” and “the pope is
great” aren’t born out of any conversion and desire to repent; they are born
out the smell of blood in the water. They are moving in for the kill – they
But at the end of the day, the Church is Christ’s. Not the
pope’s, not the bishops’ or any other cowardly clerics’.
She is His Bride, and He will not suffer forever Her
mourning in the marketplace and desecration of Her altars and confessionals. He
is allowing this scourge of contradiction and humiliation, of being mocked and
laughed to scorn by Her enemies, to bring about salvation for some souls, somewhere
at some time.
In the meantime, amidst all the verbal and emotional stoning
going on, stand fast – while the faith is full of mystery, it is also quite
Loving God means more than just feeling a certain way. He
Himself has told us what it means – if you love me, you will keep my
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Another Diocese Bans Michael Voris
UPDATE: thanks to Christine Niles for this comment:
Contact info for Diocese of Evansville: (812) 424-5536
Bishop Charles Thompson: cthompson@evdio.org
We should each contact the diocese to let them know we are unhappy with their double standard. That won't necessarily change anything, but at least they are on alert that people are aware of the hypocrisy.
*** *** *** ***
My friend “CK”
reported to me a few weeks ago that some of his cohorts had been able to
arrange a talk by Michael Voris at “The Centre” in Evansville, Indiana – MV
will be there this coming Saturday, September 28.
But CK also tells me that a
priest of that diocese reported to another correspondent:
“…Just for your information, the bishop spoke
about this at the priests' meeting earlier today. He instructed us that we are
not to promote Mr. Voris' events, and that Mr. Voris is not to appear on
diocesan property. I don't know the story behind the directive; I just know
what the bishop has told us. We can talk about it more tomorrow, if you'd like.
Well, of course it seems to be
not all that unusual for MV to be banned from speaking on parish/diocesan
property in various dioceses around the nation. But CK brings up this point
about the Evansville Diocese:
it's okay for a known dissident, Sr. Joan Chittister, to "appear on
diocesan property" but not Michael Voris, who is totally and completely
orthodox and has support of certain bishops.
The event CK was referring to
occurred last April 12 and 13; here’s an excerpt from an eye-witness summary of
what Sr. Joan discussed:
On April 12 and 13,
the tri-state area had a nationally known guest speaker, Sister Joan
Chittister, O.S.B. Sister Chittister's speech on April 12 was entitled,
"God: the Feminine in the Divine," and was funded by the Sisters of
Benedict of Ferdinand, along with the Women of the Rule, a philanthropic circle
sponsored by the Sisters.
…I had the opportunity to listen to both of her
speaking engagements, and I would like to quickly touch on one issue she
indirectly mentioned and another that was a major focus of one of her speeches.
Though the idea of women's ordination was never directly raised, there were
vague references that questioned the sanity of male leadership in many areas.
…It has also become a popular myth in certain circles to commit a major error by implying that God is feminine, that God has a feminine nature or that God has both a feminine and masculine nature. This was a main focus during Sr. Chittister's Friday night presentation…
Now, of course, the Diocese of
Evansville could claim – as happened recently in the Archdiocese of Detroit –
that these talks were not held on Diocesan property. However, Sister Joan did
get a mention in the Diocesan
Dissident nun: IN |
The topic of MV’s presentation this Saturday will be: “Catholics Must Stand Up Against the Intrinsic Evil of Abortion”, and yet priests are not to promote the event! Oh yeah…that’s one of those issues we’re obsessing over…
Anyway, the reason MV is speaking on that issue is that a local hospital in Evansville performs abortions. And while the hospital is not itself a Catholic hospital (though that doesn’t make its practice of abortion any less egregious), the physician who does occasional abortions is alleged to be a "practicing" Catholic (in a neighboring diocese, though; not Evansville).
CK notes that:
The CEO of Deaconess Hospital's "Women's Clinic" is allegedly a practicing Catholic. This is where the terminations [abortions – the hospital’s official documents use the euphemism] are taking place.
The person who oversees all of the Deaconess Hospital agencies and/or affiliates is a former nun (OSB, as I understand it) and wrote the policy on Deaconess' position on pregnancy termination. From my source, this lady is also allegedly a practicing Catholic. The main "campus" for Deaconess Hospital is downtown Evansville.
My source also told me that the board members for Southwest Indiana Right to Life have spoken with our bishop on this situation.
So…liberal, progressive, modernist, dissident nuns: IN. Orthodox faithful Catholic layman: OUT.
Sounds like business as usual. But really, why in the world are Sr. Joan Chittister and her ilk allowed to speak anywhere that boasts of a Catholic affiliation?
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Vortex: The Pope's Interview
Frankly, I’m a little weary of all the haranguing over “the
Pope’s 12,000 Word Interview”, which seems to have taken on a life all its own.
But in the September 24 Vortex episode, MV makes his usually good points – and it’s not
about defending the Pope, or making sure we know what the Pope really said, either.
MV notes that
is a tension in living out of Catholic life. Every Catholic who cares for and loves the
faith knows this and has experienced it.
tension is brought about by trying to hold two (or more) SEEMING contradictions
in balance with one another.
No, he’s not talking about apparent contradictions between
Church teaching and what the Pope is quoted as saying. He’s talking about the
profound and sublime teachings of the Church:
Persons in One God; two natures in One person; the Immaculate Conception; Jesus
Christ under the appearance of bread and wine; victory through death and so
forth. None of these is a contradiction
– they just need deep, deep reflection because they are difficult to get our
little finite minds around. They are paradoxes
– not contradictions.
And then he comes to the heart of the issue that has arisen
from the Pope’s Interview:
the Church finds Herself in a state of paradox that many wrongfully claim is a
contradiction. It is the tension between the DOCTRINAL approach and the
PASTORAL approach.
have been set in opposition to each other – almost as if one is right and the other is wrong.
Exactly!! And of course that’s the wrong way to look at it.
Both “approaches” are necessary, and they are both inherent in Church teaching,
which reflects, of course, the teaching and example of Her Founder, Our Lord
Jesus Christ. MV explains:
them in opposition] is not only stupid, it’s also un-Christlike. Did the good
shepherd not come to earth and impart sound teaching THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED for
our salvation? “If you love me, you will keep my commandments (there’s the doctrinal part) and my Father and I
will come to you and We will make Our home in you (there’s the pastoral part).
MV also touches on that unfortunate remark of the Pope’s that
the Church is too focused on abortion, same-sex “marriage”, and
contraception. He says:
one thing that is curious about some of the Pope’s impressions is that the
Church is always going on about abortion and same-sex marriage and
contraception. REALLY?
is the last time a priest strode into the pulpit and gave a fire and brimstone
about contraception that you can remember? When is the last time a bishop – or
a bishops’ conference issued any statement about the depravity of an unmarried
couple living together.
Yes. I must say, my jaw certainly dropped when I read that
the Pope was saying that we talk about these things too much. I’ve seldom heard
a homily touching on any of those issues. I have heard a little about abortion
in the last few years, and I’ve heard one priest has vehemently denounced
same-sex “marriage” from the pulpit. I have never, ever heard a homily that
condemns artificial contraception.
Back to MV:
It is
the MEDIA which has painted this picture of a Church constantly hammering these
vast majority of faithful Catholics know these
things are seldom, if ever mentioned in any substantive way on the parish
level – they aren’t even talked about and requests TO talk about the doctrines
is usually swept away with an excuse that it wouldn’t be pastoral.
one does wonder where His Holiness’ perception comes from of a Church
emphasizing doctrinal over pastoral care – obsessing about them.
Here’s the Vortex:
The script:
Many words have been spoken and much ink has been spilled
these past few days about the Pope’s recent interview that the media ran wild
But something to keep in mind is this – there is a tension
in living out of Catholic life. Every
Catholic who cares for and loves the faith knows this and has experienced it.
The tension is brought about by trying to hold two (or more)
SEEMING contradictions in balance with one another. The faith is rife with
these things – Three Persons in One God; two natures in One person; the
Immaculate Conception; Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread and wine;
victory through death and so forth.
None of these is a contradiction – they just need deep, deep
reflection because they are difficult to get our little finite minds around.
They are paradoxes – not contradictions.
Today, the Church finds Herself in a state of paradox that
many wrongfully claim is a contradiction. It is the tension between the DOCTRINAL
approach and the PASTORAL approach.
At the heart of all the heartache by faithful Catholics
VERSUS the celebration and party atmosphere of unfaithful Catholics over the
Pope’s interview is the failure to fully appreciate this tension between
pastoral and doctrinal.
They have been set in opposition to each other – almost as
if one is right and the other is wrong. That is not only stupid, it’s also
un-Christlike. Did the good shepherd not come to earth and impart sound
teaching THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED for our salvation? “If you love me, you will
keep my commandments (there’s the doctrinal part) and my Father and I will come
to you and We will make Our home in you (there’s the pastoral part).
This pastoral vs. doctrinal false dichotomy that first arose
in the seminaries near the end of the 19th century has rained down
mass confusion on the Church by being exploited by many clergy.
Down here, on the street level where the ground troops are, it
has resulted in the falsely expressed notion that God is so loving that he
would never throw anyone in Hell forever – and of course, the quite logical
extension of that premise is therefore, leading an immoral life, while
regrettable isn’t THAT big a problem.
The Pastoral VERSUS Doctrinal battle has created the further
erroneous perception that there is opposition between God’s Mercy and His
Justice. Again, a massively absurd and ill-conceived proposition.
It is the tension between Pastoral and Doctrinal dimensions
of the Church that we find so very present in the Pope’s interview. Living with
life’s tensions is part of life. Parents are most familiar with this in the
case of raising their children.
When a child desperately wants something which MAY be
harmful to him – MAY be – and a parent’s first reaction is to say no because of
the POSSIBLE harm, then the protests or arguments of the child tend to have the
effect of perhaps softening the parents initial sense. They consider, for
example, if perhaps their firmness might have the effect of alienating their
son – which could be an even worse harm than the initial possible harm.
This is one of life’s millions of tensions, so we shouldn’t
be surprised in seeing this exhibited in the Pope’s own thoughts – none of
which by the way here are infallible – they are his considered opinions born of
his life experience and circumstances expressed in an off-the-cuff kind of way.
For the media and many unfaithful Catholic and enemies of
the Faith – they get great glee from these words and play them up incessantly
because in many, many cases, they live lives of gross depravity and sexual
immorality and DON’T WANT TO CHANGE. So to them, this feels like a triumph –
“see, even the Pope agrees,” they claim. “Stop telling me I can’t live with my
same sex partner or my live in girlfriend.”
For the faithful beleaguered Catholic who is down in the
trenches doing everything to fight the good fight and hold back the flood, the
spin on the pope’s words is massively deflating.
It IS pastoral to tell someone they need to live a moral
life. Is there a way to say it that such a person might respond to it better
than another way it would be presented – sure, but that depends on the hearer. Some
people need to hear things bluntly. Others don’t like hearing things directly
because they get their feelings hurt to easily and so forth.
The one thing that is curious about some of the Pope’s
impressions is that the Church is always going on about abortion and same-sex
marriage and contraception. REALLY?
When is the last time a priest strode into the pulpit and
gave a fire and brimstone about contraception that you can remember? When is
the last time a bishop – or a bishops’ conference issued any statement about
the depravity of an unmarried couple living together.
It is the MEDIA which has painted this picture of a Church
constantly hammering these themes.
The vast majority of faithful Catholics know these things
are seldom, if ever mentioned in any substantive way on the parish level – they
aren’t even talked about and requests TO talk about the doctrines is usually
swept away with an excuse that it wouldn’t be pastoral.
So one does wonder where His Holiness’ perception comes from
of a Church emphasizing doctrinal over pastoral care – obsessing about them.
Nonetheless, it is this false dichotomy between pastoral and
doctrinal - set up by the media and by many in the Church who want to undo Her
moral teachings – that is to blame for much of the deep concern over the Pope’s
For example, for the intrepid souls of the 40 Days for Life
Campaign, are they being too “doctrinal” “too obsessed” by standing outside
abortion chambers – highlighting the sanctity of life AND the evil of child
Or are they motivated by pastoral love and concern for the
child and the mother – and the abortionist for that fact?
And what about the parents pleading with their homosexual
son to not go down that path of giving into his passions – wherever they come
from? Are they being doctrinal by warning him of Hell or are they being
pastoral in wanting to help him choose the path to heaven. Again – a false
dichotomy. They are being both!
For the past 50-60 years, there has been an effort on the
part of many in the Church to play up pastoral care to such a degree that
essentially ignore doctrine.
Many times, this is to make them feel good about their own
moral failings – which often times are sexual and frequent. Sometimes, it is
owing to a worshipping at the altar of feelings and emotions – where they place
too much emphasis on these things to the detriment of truth.
But these things cannot be separated any more than you can
separate the heads from the tails of a coin.
A perfect example of this is the very next day after the
Pope’s interview was released and his words created headlines about abortion
not being that big a deal,His Holiness blasted abortion at a meeting with
gynecologists who he told, that every child that is killed, that child bears
the face of Our Blessed Lord and that every child aborted has been unjustly
What needs to be addressed in the Church today is this false
notion that doctrine and pastoral care are opposed to each other and one is
right, the other wrong.
If anything beyond headlines and excuses for peddling more
immorality by the media comes from all uproar, hopefully it will be this: The
tension between doctrinal and pastoral has been abused and lived out in an
unbalanced manner in the Church for two generations now – it’s time to right
the ship and correct course.
Does "Choice" Make Us Happy?
This post was written by a friend who
shared his thoughts with me. Although he was addressing NFP in this essay, his thesis that choice does not make us happy can also be seen as a more general proposition that applies to many areas of our lives where we have, perhaps, too many choices.
Libertarian philosophy is based on the fundamental presupposition that
"Choice makes us happy." I am not simply attributing this to them,
any libertarian would be in complete agreement with this statement. This
applies to both the intellectual libertarians like Ron Paul as well as to the
lower-class libertines for whom "libertarianism" is just a euphemism
for smoking pot, free sex and royalty-free downloads. Both classes of
libertarians share the fundamental philosophy that "Choice is what makes
us happy." This philosophy has spread to the wider society as well, and
most Americans are philosophically libertarian.
problem with this philosophy is not its pragmatic consequences but its
foundational philosophy. Choice does not make us happy, choice makes us
miserable. Choice is the source of anxiety and ennui. Choice is the real reason
for the misery of modern life. Choice is fundamentally antithetical to the life
of the soul.
a mother who has just finished giving birth. She is joyful at seeing her
newborn child. But then someone comes to give her some information. "We
have finished genetic testing, and it turns out that your child has some
anomalies which might cause health problems in the future. You have the choice
to terminate your child. What do you choose to do?"
she has been presented with information and choices. Does this make her happy?
No, it makes her miserable. It sucks all the joy out of her childbirth. It
crushes her soul. It places a tremendous, insupportable weight upon her
shoulders. One choice will make her much more unhappy than the other, but
whichever choice she makes, the knowledge will continue to eat away at her,
destroying the delight she should have experienced.
To the
worldly person, a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience is the ultimate
misery. But the reality is that the religious life properly lived results in a
sort of ecstatic state. Relieved of the burden of choice, the soul is free to
breathe and grow and be happy.
we are like monkeys with our hands in the cookie jar of choice. We have to let
go in order to free ourselves, but it is very difficult to release from our
grasp the choices which we have made and intend to make in the future.
It is
also the case that we cannot effectively make the argument against NFP and
similar projects if we ourselves continue to believe in the myth of choice. If
we at heart believe that choice makes us happy, then we don't really have a
good argument against the guy from the CCL. It's true that NFP is fundamentally
a libertarian proposition, and that is what makes it attractive to modern
people, but that is also what makes it anti-Catholic. Only by recognizing that
choice is what makes us miserable can we effectively argue for the
providentialist position.
we also have to recognize that the anti-choice argument is fundamentally
religious and supernatural. One chooses either God and renunciation of
self-will or else the world and its choices. These are the two paths at the
fork in the road. NFP is a sort of compromise to allow us the illusion of
taking both roads at once.
ultimately only one path leads to eternal happiness.
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