This post was written by a friend who
shared his thoughts with me. Although he was addressing NFP in this essay, his thesis that choice does not make us happy can also be seen as a more general proposition that applies to many areas of our lives where we have, perhaps, too many choices.
Libertarian philosophy is based on the fundamental presupposition that
"Choice makes us happy." I am not simply attributing this to them,
any libertarian would be in complete agreement with this statement. This
applies to both the intellectual libertarians like Ron Paul as well as to the
lower-class libertines for whom "libertarianism" is just a euphemism
for smoking pot, free sex and royalty-free downloads. Both classes of
libertarians share the fundamental philosophy that "Choice is what makes
us happy." This philosophy has spread to the wider society as well, and
most Americans are philosophically libertarian.
problem with this philosophy is not its pragmatic consequences but its
foundational philosophy. Choice does not make us happy, choice makes us
miserable. Choice is the source of anxiety and ennui. Choice is the real reason
for the misery of modern life. Choice is fundamentally antithetical to the life
of the soul.
a mother who has just finished giving birth. She is joyful at seeing her
newborn child. But then someone comes to give her some information. "We
have finished genetic testing, and it turns out that your child has some
anomalies which might cause health problems in the future. You have the choice
to terminate your child. What do you choose to do?"
she has been presented with information and choices. Does this make her happy?
No, it makes her miserable. It sucks all the joy out of her childbirth. It
crushes her soul. It places a tremendous, insupportable weight upon her
shoulders. One choice will make her much more unhappy than the other, but
whichever choice she makes, the knowledge will continue to eat away at her,
destroying the delight she should have experienced.
To the
worldly person, a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience is the ultimate
misery. But the reality is that the religious life properly lived results in a
sort of ecstatic state. Relieved of the burden of choice, the soul is free to
breathe and grow and be happy.
we are like monkeys with our hands in the cookie jar of choice. We have to let
go in order to free ourselves, but it is very difficult to release from our
grasp the choices which we have made and intend to make in the future.
It is
also the case that we cannot effectively make the argument against NFP and
similar projects if we ourselves continue to believe in the myth of choice. If
we at heart believe that choice makes us happy, then we don't really have a
good argument against the guy from the CCL. It's true that NFP is fundamentally
a libertarian proposition, and that is what makes it attractive to modern
people, but that is also what makes it anti-Catholic. Only by recognizing that
choice is what makes us miserable can we effectively argue for the
providentialist position.
we also have to recognize that the anti-choice argument is fundamentally
religious and supernatural. One chooses either God and renunciation of
self-will or else the world and its choices. These are the two paths at the
fork in the road. NFP is a sort of compromise to allow us the illusion of
taking both roads at once.
ultimately only one path leads to eternal happiness.
It seems to me that Bishop Cary endorses NFP as the
ReplyDeleteCatholic way for couples to decide how many children they want:
"As the Church’s endorsement of Natural Family Planning
makes clear, openness to life in marriage does not mean that
couples must generate as many children as possible. Rather,
they are obliged to have as many children as God wills to
give them. How are they to know His will for the size of
their family? By prayerfully and honestly considering all the
significant circumstances that affect their ability to raise
children as God would have them do. For as St. Augustine put
it centuries ago, “By offspring is meant not merely their
begetting, but the raising of them lovingly, the nourishing of
them humanely, and the educating of them religiously.”
In carrying out this parental responsibility, however, they
must take care not to separate sex from reproduction; they
must not say “no” to each other’s fertility A couple schooled in
Natural Family Planning learns to recognize with precision the
signs of the woman’s fertile period and to order the timing of
their sexual relations accordingly: to come together in hopes
of conceiving or to refrain until the fertile period has passed in
order to avoid pregnancy (with the clear understanding that a
baby will be welcomed if conception occurs unexpectedly). In
neither case does the couple deliberately place a contraceptive
obstacle in the path of complete bodily self-giving. They do not
say “no” to the gift of life."
Choice is clearly implied in this as is the fact the Church endorses NFP.
Yes, I saw that, too. Well, Bishop Cary made a poor choice of words there, because the Church does not "endorse" best, She condones it. Perhaps Bishop Cary will some day read the copy of my book which I sent him. Perhaps he will one day choose to respond to my letters. One can always hope.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure I understand "Bishop Cary made a poor choice of words..."
ReplyDeleteHere is a man who has been at the forefront of movement against abortion, has been very outspoken against the HHS mandate and about as orthodox as they come. I am sure he would not say the Church endorses NFP if it really didn't. I do a lot of traveling and find many parishes across the country have NFP programs to teach couples the method. Are Bishop Cary and all these parishes wrong?
Anonymous, I do wish you'd use at least a pseudonym! The short answer to your question is a qualified "yes". NFP is not "endorsed" by the Church; it is permissible for serious reasons, not as a "life-style". That's not my opinion - those are the words of the Church. Read my book "NFP: Trojan Horse in the Catholic Bedroom?" for the full story. Many strong pro-life people have an erroneous view of NFP. Why wouldn't someone who is pro-life desire the conception of ALL of the souls God has in mind?
ReplyDeleteJay, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on "choice"! Your article sure rang true!