This is a great homily from Fr.
Michael Rodriguez for Passion Sunday. It’s long – almost 40 minutes – but important.
I’ve summarized it below, but I know I haven’t done it justice. You’ll be
greatly rewarded if you find time to listen to it in its entirety!
Fr. Rodriguez opens his homily by
reading from the visions of Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich and her description of the sufferings
Jesus will have to endure. There are four great sufferings Our Lord has to
· His own
torture and death on the Cross
The sufferings
of His Blessed Mother
The future
sufferings of His Mystical Body, the Church
His own
sufferings in the Blessed Sacrament
Our Lord’s awareness of
these future sufferings made His experience all the more painful and sorrowful.
Fr. Rodriguez draws particular attention to the description of the abuses Our
Lord has to endure in the Blessed Sacrament – the offenses and outrages
committed against Him there.
Here’s a sample – I’m
not sure if Fr. Rodriguez actually read this section, but it at least gives the
flavor of the vision (I found it here):
came and showed Him, in a series of visions, all the sufferings that He was to
endure in order to expiate sin; how great was the beauty of man, the image of
God, before the fall, and how that beauty was changed and obliterated when sin
entered the world...
soul of Jesus beheld all the future sufferings of His Apostles, disciples, and
friends; after which He saw the primitive Church, numbering but few souls in
her fold at first, and then in proportion as her numbers increased, disturbed
by heresies and schisms breaking out among her children, who repeated the sin
of Adam by pride and disobedience. He saw the tepidity, malice, and corruption
of an infinite number of Christians, the lies and deceptions of proud teachers,
all the sacrileges of wicked priests, the fatal consequences of each sin, and
the abomination of desolation in the kingdom of God, in the sanctuary of those
ungrateful human beings whom He was about to redeem with His blood at the cost
of unspeakable sufferings. The scandals of all ages, down to the present day
and even to the end of the world — every species of error, deception, mad
fanaticism, obstinacy, and malice — were displayed before His eyes...
Fr. Rodiguez devotes the second part of his homily to three
topics: 1) obedience, love, and prayer for our new Holy Father; 2) the grave
crisis in the Church today; and 3) the importance of each of us making
reparation for sins.
However, this obedience and love takes place in a context:
we are required to obey God’s Commandments and the Traditions of the Church. As
the Vicar of Christ, the Pope also stands for these things – he is not separate
from them.
The second point in Father’s sermon is the fact that the
main issue in the Church today is the grave crisis in which we find ourselves.
While we should certainly have joy in the election of a new Holy Father, we
must not lose sight of the fact that there is a crisis. The vineyard of the
Lord is devastated: there is a loss of faith, of a sense of the supernatural. The new Pope is being called
to correct the crisis.
Cardinals, bishops, and others are offering many
commentaries on the new Pope, but, says Fr. Rodriguez, “not too many are
weeping over the wounds of Holy Mother Church and everything she is suffering.”
We need to pray for the Pope because he has his work cut out for him. “In
practically every parish in the world,
the Catholic faith has been lost and lessened.”
The evidence of the devastation is the fact that Church dogma
and doctrine are not being taught any longer. Fr. Rodriguez offers a list of
the truths that seem to have gone missing:
ecclesiam nulla salus – outside the Church there is no salvation
Christ must reign in both private and public
The authority of the Pope, not “collegiality”,
is a supreme authority
The sanctity of marriage
The sanctity of life (sinfulness of abortion and
artificial contraception)
Belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the
What sense is there in talking about the election of the new
Pope if we don’t acknowledge the reality of the crisis, and recommit ourselves
to fight for our Catholic identity and the truths taught by the Church?
According to news reports, says Fr. Rodriguez, the vast majority of cardinals
seem to use as their priority for selecting a pope, the likelihood that he
would deal with the reform of a corrupt Roman Curia – all the while expressing
the notion that more collegiality is needed.
Fr. Rodriguez contends that there is corruption in the Roman
Curia because of the loss of faith.
Why point solely to the Roman Curia? he asks. Shouldn’t these cardinals be
thinking about their own diocesan curia back home? The same devastation of
faith that seems to be taking hold of the Roman Curia exists in every diocese
in the world.
Cardinals, suggests Fr. Rodriguez, should make every effort
to bring about reform and restoration of the faith in their own backyard. They
should make sure their priests are preaching the truths of the faith. It is
hypocritical to talk about corruption in the Roman Curia without also talking
about the corruption in dioceses everywhere.
Fr. Rodriguez uses this loose analogy: the foundation of the
Church is Peter – the rock. A false foundation has been laid in the
post-conciliar period; it’s supposed to be “new” and “better”, but this new
foundation is cracked and falling down. The Church doesn’t need collegiality,
he concludes. The Church needs “greater love, fidelity, respect, honor, and
prayer for the Vicar of Christ. The Church needs a rock-solid papacy.”

In all the hoopla about the election of the new pope – which
is a good thing – we must not lose sight of the devastation in the vineyard. And that brings us to the third point: reparation.
Fr. Rodriguez returned to the point that we must look to
ourselves and not just point fingers at the Roman Curia. Bishops and priests
must pay attention to and make reparation for abuses going on in their own
dioceses and parishes. And the laity too must make reparation.
The two areas where the abuses are most rampant and
dangerous are in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and in the attitude toward the
Eucharist. Fr. Rodriguez reminds us of the beginning of his homily, where he
read from the vision of Venerable Sister Anne
Catherine Emmerich, in which she
describes the horrible abuses of the Sacrament that Jesus Christ must suffer.
He exhorts us to make reparation for the abuses that occur in the liturgy and
against the Blessed Sacrament by being more reverent in our own actions. He
suggests that we offer our Holy Communion for all those who are receiving
unworthily, and for other sacrileges that are being committed against the
We should also pray for the restoration of the Traditional
Latin Mass, Father reminds us.
Fr. Rodriguez mentions the sermon in which Pope Francis said
he was dreaming of a Church that is poor, and that is for the poor. While
acknowledging that that is an admirable thought and sentiment, Fr. Rodriguez
notes that he himself would dream of and long for a Church that seeks the Glory
of God above all things, and the salvation of poor souls; and insofar as
poverty is a powerful means to achieve that, so be it.
And in the TLM, Fr. Rodriguez maintains, that is what the
Church is doing: give glory to God and saving souls. Those are the goals of the
Traditional Mass. The Novus Ordo, on the other hand, he says, “was not
fabricated with those goals in mind. The motivation was active participation of
the faithful, and an effort not to offend non-Catholics.” With these
motivations, we cannot expect the Novus Ordo to achieve what the TLM can
achieve, even when the NO is said with reverence and devotion.
We have much to learn from Fr. Rodriguez! When Eucharistic adoration is available, we should really take advantage of the opportunity to make reparation. The Roman Catholic Church is certainly suffering and the Pope will have a great deal to bear.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this. I listened to Father Rodriguez's sermon last evening and as always was very edified by what he had to say. I deactivated my facebook account last week for a number of reasons. I knew that much of what would be posted by "friends" on FB after the conclave would be clouded with sentimentality. I knew that above all what the holy father so desperately needs is prayer and so I made a vow to offer daily 5 extra decades of the most holy rosary for him. I’m going to be 47 and I have never had any illusions since the death of Paul VI. I have only known the conciliar desert....The election of Karol Wojtyła gave me hope that a Catholic restoration would finally end the chaos in 1978. The Church in Poland was after all in Archbishop Lefebvre's words at the time "still very traditional". We had reason for hope. Unfortunately, this papacy proved a very big disappointment for me. I may have pondered a possible return of tradition when I (briefly) was overtaken with the delusion that Cardinal Burke or Cardinal Ranjinth or miracle of miracles Bishop Athanasius Schneider had any chance of becoming pope. I was quickly cured of any such notions of an authentic restoration of beautiful liturgical expression of a “hermeneutic of continuity in tradition” when I heard the holy father’s name read aloud. It was at that moment that I knew that the continuity would be with the last 40+ years and not to what existed previously. It is the past 50 years that would be commemorated and canonized and not what existed prior to that. We shall no doubt continue to see a canonization of Vatican II and its' the "year of faith". Our Lady of Fatima said, "pray much for the holy father'...... that is what I shall do.
Yes, the more I read about Fatima, the more it seems to me that we must heed the message of Our Lady to those three little children, and through them to the world!
ReplyDeleteFr. Rodriguez is that VOICE in the desert opinion.
ReplyDeleteHe speaks clearly and we must heed the Voice of Jesus ....
The MESSAGE of Fatima is CRUCIAL and must be proclaimed from our local parishes and the full disclosure of the 3rd Secret MUST be revealed and the Consecration to Russia must be done as Our Lady has requested ....URGENT my dear friends .
YES , Our Lady spoke to the 3 seers and every time she visited them she told them to PRAY the Holy Rosary everyday ...and to pray for the Holy Father who will have much to suffer.
let us all be obedient to the Message of Fatima is a matter of life and death ....Let us be obedient to the Mother of God and pray for our bishops and cardinals who think other wise!
I listened to all of Fr. Rodriguez's homily. Made me think that we should start standing outside of some Catholic churches and pray the rosary as public witness.
ReplyDeleteI went to the (cited at the end of the clip) and was delighted to find more. I downloaded Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea's 2013 Mission talks and have been listening to them (you can find similar stuff on youtube). Wow! Powerful, challenging. I haven't heard that kind of talk since before V2. Almost makes me want to return to the RC Church. I think I would if it was that. Fr. Relyea talked with an urgency and purpose that is void in today's church and has long been MIA. May God have mercy.