Jesus is approaching the
end of his three-year ministry, and the dark clouds of persecution have
appeared in the sky: His enemies have already tried to kill him at least once.
and His disciples have departed Jerusalem for Galilee, because things were
getting a little too hostile.
the feast of Tabernacles approached, Jesus’ disbelieving cousins – James,
Joseph, Simon, and Judas – encourage Him to return to Judea (where Jerusalem is
located), “so that your disciples may see the works you are doing”, as they put
it. “No one works in secret if he wants to be known publicly. If you do these
things, manifest yourself to the world.”
He does go up to Jerusalem, secretly, arriving halfway through the week-long
feast. He heads directly for the Temple, and there begins to teach. And
immediately His teaching causes consternation: his hearers “were amazed and said, ‘How does he know scripture without having studied?’”
So He didn’t graduate from a recognized yeshiva, a seminary! Horrors!
Jesus confronts His critics directly on their accusation that He couldn’t be from God because He “broke
the Sabbath”: He had healed the paralytic at Jerusalem’s Pool of Bethesda . . .
on the Sabbath!
Jesus said to the
Jews: “Why are you trying to kill me?” [i.e., capital punishment by stoning] The crowd answered, “You are possessed! [i.e., insane] Who is
trying to kill you?” Jesus answered and said to them, “I
performed one work and all
of you are amazed because of it.
“Moses gave you circumcision...and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath. If a
man can receive circumcision on a Sabbath so
that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because I
made a whole person well on a Sabbath? Stop judging by
appearances, but judge justly.”
The problem with the
Scribes and the Pharisees – the legal and religious leaders of the Jews – was
that they didn’t have a “pigeonhole” in which to fit this upstart from Galilee.
He wasn’t of the priestly tribe, he wasn’t known to be a student of any of the
recognized rabbinical schools, and yet here He was – in the TEMPLE!!! –
presuming to teach the people. Just who did He think He was?!?
No doubt they had heard
the tales of his teaching and miracles in Galilee – including the claims that
He had cured lepers, expelled demons, gave sight to a man who had blind from
his birth, and even raised the dead (!) – and were both skeptical and jealous
of His increasing popularity with the people, who regarded Him as a prophet. In
the process, they had closed the ears of their hearts to the voice of God, to
what the Holy Spirit was doing in their midst.
said to the Jews: “Whoever belongs to God
hears the words of God; for this reason you do not listen, because you do not belong to God.”
And so they realized
that He was becoming a threat to the status quo: to their own stature among the
people. They had to find some plausible way of accusing Him of sin, of publicly
discrediting Him...and, if necessary, of getting rid of Him once and for all.
“Teacher, this woman
was caught in the very act of committing adultery. Now in the law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?”
This phenomenon is not
something that happened just two thousand years ago. It is not something that
happened solely to Our Lord. It has continued to happen over and over again.
Did not Our Lord warn
The Twelve at the Last Supper:
John 15:18. “If the world hates you, realize that it
hated me first. If you belonged to
the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the
world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you. Remember the word I spoke to you, ‘No slave is greater
than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.”
it is not difficult to apply these words to ourselves as the victims of
persecution, it is perhaps more challenging to consider whether or not we
ourselves have taken on the role of the persecutors. Jesus’ enemies repeatedly
tried to pigeonhole Him, and when they couldn’t find a convenient category to
which to consign Him and thus to dismiss Him, they sought to discredit
him...and eventually killed Him.
there people whose words and actions defy our own preconceived “pigeonholes”?
What is our reaction or response to someone who thinks, speaks, and acts
outside our own frame of reference? Are we attentive to the possibility that
the Holy Spirit might be challenging us – as It challenged the Scribes and Pharisees
– to consider anew that the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-merciful, all-just
God of the universe is not bound by the fallible constructions of limited,
human thought?
past week the cardinal electors chose His Eminence, Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio,
Archbishop of Buenos Aires, as the 266th Successor to the Prince of
the Apostles, Bishop of Rome, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, and
Vicar of Christ. Within seconds of the announcement from the balcony of the
loggia of St Peter’s Basilica, the five thousand accredited journalists
gathered in Rome began sending their stories to their respective news outlets
across the globe.
within hours critics on both sides of the political spectrum began digging for
“dirt”: that he was anti-gay marriage, anti-abortion, anti-contraception,
anti-divorce; that as Jesuit provincial he was complicit in the kidnapping and
torture of two of his priests, that he failed to fix the “dilapidated state of
his clergy”; that he was lukewarm to implement Pope Benedict XVI’s 2007
Apostolic Letter, Summorum Pontificum
that lifted the restrictions on the offering of Mass in the older form, etc.
since the white smoke was first seen rising from the chimney on the roof of the
Sistine Chapel and the announcement “Habemus Papam” was made, I have been asked
repeatedly, from multiple sources both inside and outside the Diocese, some
variation of the same question: “Will Pope Francis suppress the Latin Mass?”
And to all, I give the same answer: “I don’t know.”
only information I have is what I read on the Internet, which I’ve learned long
ago to take with a very large grain of salt. What I’ve seen is replete with
speculation, innuendo, prognostications, and rumors . . . but very short on
facts. In sum, I find insufficient data to make any reasonable assessment or
prediction in this regard.
our obligation as Catholic Faithful is first and foremost to be ever more open
to the working of the Holy Spirit, conforming our minds and our hearts to Our
“Whoever belongs to
God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not listen, because you do
not belong to God.”
we “belong to God”? Do we hear the words of God speaking to our
hearts at every moment? Or have we – like the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’
day – already decided in our hearts what God is permitted to say and not say,
what His servants are permitted to do and not do?
course, God is never ‘yes’ one moment, and ‘no’ the next, as St. Paul tells us.
Not even a pope can teach something that contradicts Sacred Scripture and
Sacred Tradition. But in the ordering of the life of believers there have
always been, from time to time, some aspects of ecclesiastical governance that
have been necessarily refined or corrected in order that the purity of the
Gospel may shine more brightly in a world that sits in darkness, in the shadow
of death.
also is it with the vocation to the Petrine ministry, to the papacy. Cardinal
Bergoglio will need the space of time to conform himself to the grace of his
new vocation as the Successor to St. Peter, as the Vicar of Christ. Give him
that space, give him the support of your prayers and sacrifices. Be not quick
to judge him for not conforming to preconceptions of what he ought to do or not
do. Rather, show yourselves as “belonging to God”, eager to hear the words of
I cannot imagine the new Pope suppressing Summorum. That would be the height of stupidity and/or provocation. I can imagine him doing little or nothing to promote it, but of course time will tell.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Dan. However - and I do not mean to imply anything about the Holy Father in saying this - I have found that when a bishop fails to actively encourage the EF Mass, the effect is almost as deadly as active suppression of it. Many priests I know of are afraid to attempt the EF Mass without the permission or at least encouragement of their bishop. Sad but true.