If you’re
on the more “conservative” or “traditional” side of the Catholic fence, you
probably cringe at the mention of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
(CCHD). The bishops have been taking up an annual collection for this group for
decades, but in recent times, whistleblowers have pointed out that the CCHD has
some strange bedfellows - partners whose aims or membership runs counter to Catholic moral teaching. The whole philosophy of the organization is suspect, being based on Alinsky-type community organizing (see ChurchMilitant.TV’s
extensive investigation here).
Some bishops have discontinued their support of the CCHD, while most others
continue to take up the annual collection, even while parishioners protest in
various ways and withhold their funds.
year, the CCHD is lashing back at those they hold responsible for cutbacks in
their budgets. A report by an Illinois
pro-life group notes:
Catholic Campaign for Human Development, known for funding organizations that
support abortion, contraception, and attacks on the family, recently had a
report issued on its behalf and signed by former CCHD staff members.
The report titled, “Be
Not Afraid” claims that in order to continue the mission of social justice
organizations that support the murder of babies in the womb, support
contraception and the redefinition of marriage, they must and will continue to
be given Catholic money.
I have
taken a good look at the report itself, with the intent to read the entire
thing. This is a difficult task because it is so…offensive. However, I think it
gives a very telling look into the way the liberal modernist dissident mind
works. I’ll give you a few excerpts and comments. All emphases are mine.
report starts out with this observation:
Of course! Let’s start out with some sweeping generalizations and assumptions
of motive. Incidentally, the CCHD accuses those right-wing purist Catholics of
doing the same thing to them.
And let's rethink that "community organizing" thing. Didn’t
Saul Alinsky, the master of “community organizing”, have the destruction of the
Catholic Church as one his goals? Didn’t he dedicate his handbook on community
organizing (Rules for Radicals) to
the devil? Here’s the statement I've seen quoted as coming from the book's dedication page:
Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder
acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and
history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or
which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the
establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom —
Back to
the report:
The stepped-up campaign against CCHD is draining
resources from critical social justice
advocacy at a time when more than 1 in 5 children live in poverty and
income inequality is the most severe it has been since the 1920s. An equally
troubling impact is the potential chilling effect on the church’s involvement
with diverse anti-poverty coalitions. In March of 2013, two members of the CCHD
Advisory Board in the Diocese of Cleveland resigned
in protest because of rigid CCHD
funding protocols that in the words of one former board member “value conformity over dialogue...and
make lists that exclude rather than act to promote understanding of the common
Ah yes.
“Social justice”. It’s interesting how the meanings of words can be subtly changed
and twisted; once upon a time, I used to wonder how anyone could be “against”
social justice! But now, I think we are all pretty aware that many of the
people who advocate “social justice” fail to ever include the notion of the “social
justice” due to abortion victims (the babies!).
“Gay marriage” also gets its share of support from the “social justice”
crowd, and yet it can certainly be argued that the influence of the
homosexualist political agenda is to undermine the traditional family and all
it stands for – which is to undermine the bedrock of society. It’s not only the
“conservatives” and “trads” who “know” the new meaning of the term; the social
justice people themselves know it.
article continues to bash the “conservative” element:
Threats to anti-poverty work
are part of a toxic climate of fear
in which efforts to narrow Catholic identity to a few hot-button issues distort
the debate over Catholic values in public life, and social justice advocates
face character assassination.
a few recent illustrative examples of this new landscape [i.e.,
the “most vociferous critics of CCHD]:
Catholic Relief Services, the U.S. bishops’
international relief and development agency, has faced sustained attacks from
several conservative Catholic web sites for its funding of the humanitarian
organization CARE, which LifeSiteNews.com describes as a
“contraception-providing charity” that is “pro-abortion.” The grant was used
for water and sanitation programs in Central American countries.
The Cardinal Newman Society launched a petition
drive against Gonzaga University for inviting the anti-apartheid hero and Nobel
Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu to give a commencement address. The
Newman Society described the world renowned global justice leader as “a pro-abortion
rights, pro-contraception Anglican.”
From its studios in suburban Detroit,
ChurchMilitant.TV is working to “expose” “traitorous” nuns, priests and other Catholics.
“We’re no more engaged in a witch hunt than a doctor excising a cancer is
engaged in a witch hunt,” executive producer Michael Voris told the Associated
so much more in this report that could be exposed for its mischaracterization
of true Catholic teaching that I would have to write a tome as long as the
report itself to cover it all. Read it for yourself, if you have the
stomach. But I will mention one more
point: Near the end of the report, we return to the Alinsky issue. The report
Not all of CCHD defunding involves
guilt by association. In some cases, there is also a deeper hostility toward
the principles of community organizing despite the church’s long history of
shaping and supporting this movement.
…In the 1930s, Saul Alinsky
began organizing in “Back of the Yards,” a working-class and largely Catholic
neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side… Alinsky had the support of the city’s
auxiliary Catholic bishop, Bernard J. Sheil…
report offers as a “case study” the situation of group in Diocese of Santa
Rosa, CA.
[Susan] Shaw was looking
forward to a long and productive relationship with the anti-poverty Campaign.
This hope quickly fizzled. In the summer of 2011, Bishop Robert Vasa was
appointed to the diocese of Santa Rosa. The funding relationship with CCHD came
to a halt. Shaw and her colleagues were
stunned. She left feeling even more perplexed after a cordial meeting with the
new bishop. Shaw was told the bishop did not believe in “Alinsky-style
for you, Bishop Vasa! But Bishop Vasa is painted in a very negative light in
this article!
The North Bay Organizing
Project is now working to fill a major hole left by the loss of CCHD funding.
“We’re scrambling for money now,” Shaw acknowledged.
“I choose not to discuss this,”
Bishop Vasa wrote in an e-mail to the author of this report seeking comment
about why the North Bay Organizing Project was not renewed for CCHD funding,
saying only that it is “reviewed annually.”
tone throughout the report is one that whines, “We’re trying to empower poor
people, and those mean ol’ ‘conservative Catholic activists’ are ruining
everything.” It is very evident that the author and those who back the report
do not understand what it is to be Catholic. They’ve usurped the meaning of “social
justice” to mean what they say it
means, and they throw around a lot of catch phrases like “empowering the poor”.
Well, are they empowering the poor by improving their spiritual and moral lives
as well as their education and training? Or are they simply attempting to “redistribute”
the wealth of this country so that the poor have an “equal share”?
speaking of justice and human rights…the Illinois
group mentioned above noted:
This report is stunning in its
ability to completely ignore the mass
murder of children in the womb and its attempt to blame Catholics, who
defend the right to life for all of God’s children, as lacking charity.
right: there’s not one word about the evil of abortion in that report. Not one
Wait! I’m
wrong. There was “one word”. It’s in a quote from a retired bishop (my emphases):
At a
time when poverty is growing and people are hurting we should not withdraw from
our commitment to helping the poor. Catholic
identity is far broader than opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage.
Catholic identity is a commitment to living the Gospel as Jesus proclaimed it,
and this must include a commitment to those in poverty.
— Archbishop Emeritus Joseph A.
President, U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops,
Yes, “Catholic
identity” is broader than those two
issues. But those issues lie at the core of the true sense of “human rights” and “social justice”,
and at the very heart of the Gospel. After all, what was it Jesus said about “the
least of these”?
Dr. Jay, one of your best post ever. Thank you.
Thank you, and do not understand how seemingly orthodox bishop, either continue to support this or say nothing! JMS
ReplyDeleteThis situation, while frustrating, should not be too surprising in this day of what you see is not necessarily what you get.
ReplyDeleteOur society has embraced a "fast food" mentality: food that appears good and appealing but is actually detrimental. We are only too happy to get a "deal" at Stuff Mart to obtain good produced by slave labor (located away from our view) in lieu of paying higher prices for similar products made in our towns and cities (Heaven forbid those workers be paid a living wage).
Democrats vs Republican? Catholics vs Protestants? Peace vs War? Security vs Tyranny? Who can tell the difference?
Our society has sold its soul and it's time to pay the piper. Guess the only hope for the future is in another remnant. Who's got the ark?
Dr Boyd:
ReplyDeleteI won't read the report; my time would be better employed setting my hair on fire and putting it out with a tack hammer. But the excerpts you provided are choice and hilarious, showing a desperation that I didn't think these aging hippies were capable of. Thanks for posting their droolings.
Aged Parent - ha! I admit, I never did make it all the way through that thing. It WOULD be funny if they weren't so dead serious about it!
ReplyDeleteI know this isn't the right post, but considering your book and numerous posts on NFP, I thought you might like to see this:
Thanks, HHM. The funny thing is, another reader sent me that link yesterday, and I immediately emailed the editor of the publication, and he put me in touch with the author! Seems like a very nice humble man! I plan to do a post highlighting some excerpts from the article. The article is posted on Rorate Caeli blog now, too.
ReplyDeleteI got the article from Rorate Caeli, which is one of my favorite blogs.
DeleteIt is heartening to see more & more heralds crying in the wilderness! I thank both you& the author for speaking out amidst great persecution & misunderstanding! I have seen some of the comments left on your NFP posts!
I know people think I am crazy for letting God decide my family size - 5 living, 3 miscarried. At 43, I still hope for more, but it doesn't seem to be God's plan for us.