In the comment section of “Squelching
Latin in the Mass”, some of us got to commiserating about the state of
liturgical affairs in our various parishes and in the Church as a whole.

Those who desire truly reverent and correct liturgical
worship do experience pain at Masses that fall short in the rubrics department.
And many have found that the Masses that don’t
fall short are the ones offered in the extraordinary form, AKA the Traditional
Latin Mass. Funny how that works.
Here are a few comments from the post mentioned above:
The final straw in my parish
church occurred on Sunday. I have been hanging on by a frayed string for some
time now there, but Sunday's "homily" on the sin of
"individualism", building the Reign of God on earth, and the
priesthood of the people did me in. It is often a straw that breaks the camel's
back. But [it was] the conversation between the priest and an EM in front of
the open tabernacle that caused me the most pain. As an afterthought, the
priest made a reluctant bow, and the EM thought to imitate him and do the same
as they hurried away.
As I think I already mentioned
here, I am a former sedevacantist/SSPX chapel goer.
That is where I am on the
brink of returning - to my sedevacantist chapel.
Our diocese is bad….
Our diocese is bad….
…I have been advised to sit
home, but I cannot do that. I just want
a place where I have my faith and a reverent Mass.
Another commenter lamented:
I am struggling right now. I
have people telling me I need to go to the NO Mass…but I can hardly stand to be
there after 3 years of the diocesan TLM only. This difference is wearing on me
and the children.
Lately, I began going to the local SSPX chapel for First Fridays only and have found such an oasis there that I want to keep going back…
Lately, I began going to the local SSPX chapel for First Fridays only and have found such an oasis there that I want to keep going back…
I often wonder why it is that the people who just want a liturgy
that’s celebrated according to the rubrics and according to the various
documents of the Church – even the Vatican II documents! – are ignored, at
best; and at worst they are ostracized, ridiculed, and otherwise brow-beaten.
The minute a pastor makes a change in the liturgically correct direction, a
handful of “progressive” voices protest and say they’ll leave the parish if
they don’t get their way. And the pastor waffles. Why is that?!

Yet another commenter on the “Squelching Latin” post
mentioned and provided a link to an article by Fr. John Hardon entitled How to Cope
with Abuses in the Eucharistic Liturgy (thank you, CK!). I’ll give you a few excerpts here with a few comments
interspersed (my emphases throughout), but I recommend reading the
entire article at the link.
Fr. Hardon notes from the outset
that “[f]rom the very beginning of the Church’s existence Catholics have been
obliged to assist at Mass every Sunday and at…Days of Obligation”, and that
Catholics are well aware of this.
commonly recognize the seriousness of their duty. As a result, their conscience
tells them to participate in the Holy Sacrifice… This same conscience is now
being tested in not a few cases to the breaking point because of the widespread
liturgical abuses going on throughout the United States as well as other
countries in the Western world.
our question is, how does a Catholic satisfy this grave duty of assisting at
Mass…on Sundays and days of Obligation where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is
offered in ways that are frequently, very often nothing less than scandalous
to the faithful?
Fr. Hardon gives us an example of
a hypothetical parish
…[L]et us
suppose we are members of Ethel Rita Parish, located in the town of Middleburg.
Our pastor and the only priest of the parish is Fr. Filbert Imbecilius who
introduced altar girls many years ago. He refuses to distribute Holy Communion
to anyone kneeling. Either you are standing for Holy Communion or he will pass
you by.
Fr. Hardon goes on in a way that would be humorous, were it
not so true! And he notes too, that in this hypothetical parish:
Countless letters, letters of
complaint have been sent to the Bishop of the diocese. Every letter has gone unanswered, and there is no
reason to expect that the Bishop will make any effort to change the abuses in
this parish. In fact, the only occasion when the Bishop made any public
statement on the subject of the liturgy was when he rejected a petition to allow the celebration of the Tridentine Mass
in his diocese. Said the Bishop, “There is no need to return to the past.” and
the petitioners were labeled,
“Liturgical Reactionaries” by his Holy Excellency.
Sound familiar?! Then Fr. Hardon addresses the problem of
the distance one must travel to attend a Mass “celebrated with some regard for
the lawful norms” – again addressing a concern many of us face. He also
addresses the remedy some have found:
A few years ago some members of
St. Ethel Rita became so disgusted that they formed a private liturgical
association, and now hold meetings every other Sunday in an old Protestant
church building which they have purchased and converted into a small parish.
These meetings are followed by a Tridentine Mass celebrated of course without
the permission of the Bishop of Middleburg.
Fr. Hardon also addresses the canonical considerations
involved in attending an SSPX Mass. He notes:
In my judgment, Catholics do
fulfill their duty of assisting at Sunday Mass by attending in the Holy
Sacrifice a church affiliated with those who are members with a schismatic
group like the Lefebvres. But then I also must add the Catholics be sure that
those seeing them attending these schismatic Masses are not scandalized into
thinking that professed Roman Catholics have given up their fidelity to the
Bishop of Rome.
Unfortunately, many do
assume that anyone who attends an SSPX Mass no longer maintains “fidelity to
the Bishop of Rome”. Perhaps they can be educated!
In order to cope with the abuses of the liturgy, Fr. Hardon
suggests that the faithful must increase their understanding of the Eucharist, noting
that there has been an unfortunate abundance of wrong theology about the
Eucharist, with
They will tell you a priest saying Mass alone is not offering the
Eucharistic Sacrifice. What we are calling liturgical abuses are only
symptoms of deep doctrinal errors that have penetrated once Catholic circles
and are causing untold damage to the
faith, and I mean it, of millions!
…So many people nowadays are
speaking about Eucharistic celebration.
So few are ever talking about the Sacrifice
of the Mass… [T]here is no substitute for understanding the Holy Eucharist
as the Sacrifice of the Mass which is, we believe, a representation of Christ’s
sacrifice on Calvary.
…The main reason for the loss
of millions of once believing Catholics is they have not understood what they have believed. Either you understand
the meaning of the Holy Eucharist or today’s world you will cease to remain a Catholic.
Fr. Hardon also suggests that it is extremely important to
…keep up to date [with] the
Church’s directives on how the Holy Eucharist is to be celebrated, worshipped
and received. And hear it, the final
arbiter on the Holy Eucharist is not, is not, the Bishop of the diocese. It is
the Bishop of Rome.
Fr. Hardon’s third means of coping
with liturgical abuse is “prudential courage”. He says:
…The Catholic Church will
survive only where there are still
bishops, priests, and the laity who have the supernatural, even heroic, fortitude to live up to what they know the
Vicar of Christ expects of those who call themselves Catholics.
There is much more to this article, so please go and read
it! And keep in mind this prayer Fr. Hardon offers at the end of the
Lord Jesus, we beg you to give
us the strength to not just believe internally in your Real Presence in the
Blessed Sacrament. Give us the strength to profess our faith, especially in the
company of people who have accepted widespread Eucharistic liturgical abuses
and consider us out of touch with the times.
Mary our Mother, ask your Son
to make us strong in following Him really present in the Blessed Sacrament even
if this would cost us our lives. Amen.
Thank you, thank you for posting this, Dr. Jay!
ReplyDeleteI will send you and Lorraine via email two examples of the "bad theology" of the Holy Eucharist that was being taught in our seminaries back in the 50s through the 90s. Pope Paul VI addressed these in his encyclical Mysterium Fidei in 1965.
It has *directly* affected my diocese. Lorraine is right saying on the previous thread "Squelching the Latin Mass" that some of our priests have subscribed to Lutheran theology concerning the Most Holy Eucharist.
For now, I must retire - 04:40 comes early here in the Midwest!
More tomorrow.
I just wish you could all come to my church. I am so blessed with the TLM - the first time I attended a High TLM was the first time I ever understood what Jesus meant when He said He was the Water of Life.
ReplyDeleteForgot to mention:
All of the conferences by Fr. Hardon from "The Blessed Sacrament" tape-set are transcribed and available at website.
Just go to the homepage and scroll to the bottom. Look for "Hardon Archives" and click on it. Then look for "Eucharist." Father has dozens of conferences on the Holy Eucharist and many other topics.
God bless,
Thank you so much CK for all the info on this topic and for all your suggestions : Lorraine and I will have some great reading on all these papal documents that you have asked us to read...oh my, what a blessing this will be !
ReplyDeleteYes , and I will go to the web site on the real presence ...I will in their yesterday and read many wonderful articles by Fr. Hardon and Fr. Mateo Crowley. Any other suggestions CK for us so we can be informed and learn the TRUTH, PLEASE , PLEASE share all you can with us! Thanks a million Dr. Jay for this post , as always may God Bless you and also NIK the BEAUTY of the TLM is breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL ! The Best thing this side of HEAVEN ,we are bleassed !
Miss Jean,
DeleteI sent Dr. Jay a private email attached with a "study" or presentation on heretical theologies on the Holy Eucharist. (based upon Fr. Hardon's tape-set)
I asked her to pass it on to you for your personal reading/study on this topic.
If Dr. Jay does not have your email - hers is listed at the top of the page. Send a note to her so she can forward my presentation to you, if you would like to read it.
God love you,
Please take seriously my comment left on the other post:
ReplyDeleteI could not be more sympathetic to the SSPX as a temptation for those suffering through the insults to Our Lord at so many Novus Ordo Masses. But it is terribly easy to rationalize one's participation on a regular basis as if we were recusants during the period of the English Reformation. The Church Herself has not declared a "state of emergency" and it is hubris to assume that WE can.
SSPX priests are validly ordained, their Masses are valid, but they are in all cases acts of disobedience to the Church. SSPX priests do not have faculties to hear confessions. I, personally, do not wish to "gamble" on "Deus supplet" on a matter so urgent. I, personally, experience even MORE pain at the idea that a priest of God offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in persona Christi disobediently than I do at the worst excuses for Mass that I have experienced in Novus Ordo settings.
Suffer through Novus Ordo Masses, even refrain from receiving Holy Communion, rather than rationalize your participation in a Mass that quite likely is even more insulting to God than the Masses you now endure. The cry of Satan was "Non serviam," the penultimate act of disobedience. It is conceivable that SSPX Masses are as offensive to God as Black Masses. God is not mocked, and God does not bless disobedience. Stay with the Church and, in the best traditional sense, "offer it up" as an act of redemptive suffering within the divine chastisement that we all so painfully experience.
The SSPX are not formally in schism. But the consecration of bishops was declared by Pope John Paul II as "schismatic." This is just a case of hearing "quacks" before definitively concluding that it's a duck. SUFFER through the Novus Ordo Mass and fulfill your obligation to keep holy the Lord's day. Don't pamper your spiritual needs with rationalized disobedience. Pray that the SSPX responds to grace and enters into communion with the Church. This is what the Holy Father asks. As faithful Catholics, THIS is what we should be doing, not reinforcing disobedience.
Terry, you don't have to ask twice. I see all too clearly where and how they are wrong. I was only in search of my own spiritual comfort. I see clearly now that that is not for me - Our Lord has called me to join with His Mother and friends at the foot of the Cross.
DeleteAfter accepting for years the reasons the SSPX put forth for the "validity" of their absolutions, one day I actually read them and concluded all by my lonesome self that they were hogwash and did not apply at all. Common error didn't apply, and, while there were bad parishes and not so good dioceses, you couldn't say that the entire Church was in such a state of crisis that God would supply jurisdiction. Initially, they put the doubt in everyone's mind about the validity of the new Rite of Ordination to bolster their "crisis" argument. They've since abandoned using that, and I have no idea how they justify their absolutions these days. I left them many years ago.
There is always hope. We have a priest at the church around the corner who is former SSPX. He has come home to the Church, and he also instigated a Low TLM once a month. Sure, it's only once a month, and very early in the morning, but it's an excellent start.
DeleteThat particular church has also upset potential parishioners because Father at the time (this is going back a few years and I'm not sure if it's the same one who was SSPX) refused to allow a couple to enrol their children at the school because they were unmarried.
He was apparently quite firm on this matter, and the parents were most offended. ("How could he do that? We're Catholic! Just because we're not married, it's our choice!")
What a gift all of you are! Thanks be to God a zillion times for what He has given me through you.
ReplyDeleteI am too overcome at the moment to write more...
Thanks CK for the sharing of this informative article that I received through email from Dr. Jay!
ReplyDeleteThanks a million.
We all want to worship Our Jesus in the most reverant of ways ...and the TLM is a gift from above .
I realize the NO mass is valid ....BUT...for me it is most distracting and offensive , but that is just me!
I will keep praying and loving for Holy Mother Church and her purification is coming and when is up to the good God.
But as one has said : In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph, and that my friends is GREAT NEWS!
You are welcome, Miss Jeanne. :)
DeleteYou say: "I realize the NO mass is valid ....BUT...for me it is most distracting and offensive , but that is just me!"
I agree. I, too, am very frustrated. I will offer myself up to our crucified Lord on the cross and deal with it the best I can. To whom shall I go? (John 6:68)