The article starts out:
I propose a brief quiz on the
Sacred Liturgy. Answer true or false to the following statements: 1) Vatican II
changed the language of the Mass from Latin to the vernacular (in our case,
English). 2) Vatican II replaced the signing of Gregorian chant at Mass with
more contemporary vernacular music.
If you answered “true” to one
or both of these statements, you should hear a buzzer going off right now
indicating at least one incorrect answer. I am sure that this will come as a
surprise to many…
He then quotes relevant paragraphs from Sacrosanctum Concilium as evidence that Latin and Gregorian chant
were never diminished in value, and that “these guiding statements from Vatican
II have not been fully adhered to, and have sometimes simply been ignored.”
Bishop Sample adds:
Just on the issue of singing
Gregorian chant at Mass, far from enjoying a “pride of place” in the liturgy,
when was the last time you heard it sung or sang it yourself at Mass? Surely “pride
of place” means more than an occasional sung Sanctus or Agnus Dei.
After assuring his readers that he is not proposing a “simple
return to all Latin and Gregorian chant in the Mass”, he says:
This especially applies to the
area of music in the Sacred Liturgy. Let’s face it, in most places liturgical
music has become simply selecting the four hymns for Mass (entrance, offertory,
communion, and recessional). Many might be surprised to learn that this is not at
all our liturgical tradition and is not what was envisioned by Vatican II. But
that is what we have become used to.
The Church’s tradition actually
calls for us to “sing the Mass,” not sing “at” Mass. The texts of the Mass
given in the Missal are meant to be sung. Instead we often just paste on the
four hymns which may or may not related to the actual texts of the Mass. Not
sure what this means? Read on!
And Bishop Sample had a plan: he invited all to attend a
two-day workshop on Sacred Music, which was apparently held last June.
I don’t know anything about the workshop – what was covered,
how many attended, or whether parishes are changing their approach to
liturgical music – but I do know that Bishop Sample posted the following
advertisement on his Face
Book page (my emphases):
I am
posting HERE my advertisement for the position of Diocesan/Cathedral Director
of Sacred Music. Pass the word to those who might be interesting and who might
"fit the bill":
Catholic Diocese of Marquette in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is seeking a
full-time Diocesan Director of Sacred Music/Cathedral Director of Sacred Music.
Time will be split between directing St. Peter Cathedral’s sacred music program
and leading the diocesan effort to renew
and reform sacred music as detailed in the bishop’s directives on sacred
music, which seek to implement the Church’s authentic discipline regarding
sacred music as outlined in official Church documents. Qualifications include fidelity to Church teaching and discipline,
proficiency in organ, and knowledge of
Gregorian chant. Applicants must be able to work well with choirs, cantors
and other musicians and possess the patience necessary to teach others, leading them gradually to a full
understanding of sacred music in Catholic worship. Full time compensation
and benefits will be commensurate with applicant’s educational and work
experience. Please send cover letter, resume and references to: Office of the
Bishop, Diocese of Marquette, 1004 Harbor Hills Drive, Marquette, MI 49855.
Deadline for submitting applications is November 15, 2012.
Oh, to see such an
announcement in our own Diocesan publication! Or even to see it at just one
parish in this diocese!
Well, at least one bishop
is doing it.
Pastoral Priorities
As the Diocese of Marquette
begins this work of the New Evangelization, we will focus on certain pastoral priorities
needed in our time. These pastoral priorities were identified by Blessed John
Paul II in his Apostolic Letter, Novo Millennio Ineunte.
The first six
of these seven pastoral priorities focus on those of us who already participate
in the life of the Church. Again, our faith and commitment to following Jesus
Christ in his Church must be strengthened first in order for us to share Jesus
and the gift of faith with others.
1. Holiness—The universal call
to holiness must be taken seriously. No one is exempted from this call; it is
the necessary consequence of our baptism.
2. Prayer—Our prayer must grow
and make progress "as a genuine dialogue of love…" Our parishes and missions
must become genuine “schools of prayer.”
3. Sunday Eucharist—The
celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist is the “source and summit” of the Christian
life. Not all believers realize the grave obligation to participate with the
rest of the Catholic community in the celebration of the Mass. In the work of
the New Evangelization, the celebration of the Holy Eucharist must become once
again the heart of every disciple’s life.
4. Reconciliation—All of us,
clergy, religious and lay faithful, must rediscover the beauty and power of this
great gift that Jesus has given to the Church.
5. Primacy of Grace—We must be
reminded that "without Christ we can do nothing" (cf. John 15:5). It
is the grace and power of Christ that we must depend on, not our own efforts.
6. Listening to the Word—The
study of Sacred Scripture, praying and reflecting on the Word of God, and applying
these teachings and the living Tradition of the Church, to our lives will
become a major focus of the renewal of faith.
7. Proclaiming the Word—Animated
by the Holy Spirit, with the same zeal and fervor of the Apostles and the first
Christians, we must proclaim the Gospel by our words and the witness of our
The Three “Fronts” of the New
1. The Liturgy—The Sacred
Liturgy encompasses a special and particular space for the New Evangelization. Lex
orandi lex credendi – the law of praying is the law of believing.
2. Faith Formation &
Catechesis—Adults, youth and children must all receive a thorough, systematic
and substantial education in the mysteries of our Catholic faith. They must be
well equipped to explain and defend the faith and to pass on the gift of faith
to others.
3. Charity—We must witness to
our faith in Jesus Christ in our daily lives, especially in our works of charity
and kindness toward the poor and those who are in most need among us.
I think it sounds like he’s
put some thought into this Year of Faith, and that he intends to lead
the faithful through it like a true shepherd.
I’m thinking of moving…
Haha! I'm thinking of moving too!!!
ReplyDeleteWe just got a new bishop a few years ago. I prayed so hard for a good CATHOLIC shepherd. I could only conclude that our diocese wasn't worthy of one, which isn't hard to believe.
I don't want to take the liberty of posting a link, but Bishop Daniel Jenky sent a very beautiful letter about devotion to Our Lady to the Priests, Deacons, Religious Educators, Pastoral Leaders and Faithful of the Diocese of Peoria.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is that if our bishop did that, I would think I had died and gone to Heaven!
Lorraine, there's no problem with posting a link like that! Go ahead, and save me the google time!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure...
ReplyDeleteHope it works!
Among other reasons, this tops them all - I'll be a Michigander any day! They are quite fortunate to have Bishop Sample to shepherd them in the U.P.!
ReplyDeleteI love to see photos of courageous Priests and Bishops too. They aren't 101 years old. God-willing this good Bishop will be around for many years to come to break through the cycle of poor catechesis!
Lex orandi lex credendi - he sure hit the nail on the head. Basically, he is saying that bad stuff isn't going to happen on his watch!
He is in my Rosary tonight. Thanks for the post!
I am from the Diocese of Marquette. We are blessed beyond words to have Bishop Sample as our Shepherd. If you have ever met him, you would not forget it. He is a holy man filled with the love for Christ. I knew him when he was a priest at our parish. Which happens to be the only parish he was a priest at. What Bishop Sample is doing is very much needed in our area too as well as throughout the whole world. At several men's conferences that he has held, his statement is, RISE UP O' MEN OF GOD! Telling us that he cannot do this alone but needs our help as well. He has also held two women's conferences in the last couple years, asking for their help. He has once a year activities involving 7th and 8th grade students and in the opposite year, involving 9th to 12th grades. He meets and walks among the young people. There are so many wonderful things I could say about him but his actions speak for themselves. We have about 65,000 Catholics in our diocese and sadly, maybe only half attend church on a regular basis. But as you can see, our diocese is going to change that by the grace of God. Reading your posts makes me realize just how lucky we are to have this man as our Bishop! Thank you all and I pray you will all be blessed with a Shepherd who walks in the footsteps of Christ! Brad, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
ReplyDeleteBrad, thanks for sharing - that is so nice to hear! Sometimes a bishop looks good "on paper" (or in the news), but only talks the talk and doesn't walk the walk, Sounds like Bishop Sample is the real deal. I hope his example will inspire others!