There is also an important message for those suffering from same-sex attraction.
And finally, this homily also contains an important message
for those who have been divorced and remarried, or those who are experiencing
the threat or the effects of divorce in any way in their lives. (mostly my emphases)
This man, Adam, was not simple-minded. You may recall from a few weeks ago that Adam was created with infused knowledge from God. Therefore, he was knew the mysteries of creation and the wisdom of God. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, and his intellect was far superior to ours because he was created without sin. There was also no death, so his body was immortal and his soul was immortal. All this is outside of the garden.
Then, God placed the man within the enclosure of paradise.
The man was not created in paradise. Paradise was a gift to the man. We do not
know how long this time lasted before Adam was brought into paradise. We do
know that Adam was alone with God in this paradise filled with plants, flowers,
trees, and a river to water the garden.
Earlier, before God created
the man, He had already created all the beasts of the earth, and all the birds
of the air, but He had not placed them in the garden. And God said, “It is not
good for man to be alone; let us make him a help like unto himself” (Gen 2:18).
So God brought the beasts and birds into the garden to Adam for Adam to name
them. God did not name them. Adam named them. God did name Adam. That is what a
father does. A father gives a name to his children, claiming them as his own.
But God did not name the beasts or the birds or the plants. He gave that
fatherly responsibility to Adam to name the animals, the birds, the trees and
plants that surrounded him. Adam named them, therefore he was responsible to
care for them. “…but for Adam there was not found a helper like himself (Gen
This is a truly happy
ending if we end the story here because, at this point, all is love. Up to this
point, there is no sin and no death. Let us meditate happily and blissfully on
this time at the beginning of creation. All is love because all creation at
this point reflects God who is love. Therefore all is fruitful and fertile and
creative. Where there is love, there is creativity, fertility, and
What does this passage tell
us about the union of man and woman? One crucial aspect of this sacred
narrative is that the union happens in paradise. It does not happen in the
wild. Remember that outside of this walled garden is the wilderness. The garden
is surely expansive. Adam and Eve do not feel constricted in this garden, but
nevertheless, it is enclosed which means that it is set apart from the rest of
creation. That is the meaning of the word ‘holy’ or ‘sacred’. Sacred means cut
off or consecrated; belonging not to nature, but to God. Of course, all nature
belongs to God, but to be consecrated, or set apart is a willed act. God wills
that certain things be set apart and man must participate in this act by
willfully consecrating things to God.
Marriage is a willful act
of consecration. What validates a sacramental marriage is the free, willed
consent of both parties, being one baptized man and one baptized woman, who
publicly speak their consent in front of witnesses and an official
representative of the Church, normally a priest or deacon. This sacrament is an
act of consecration.

And the union of one man
and one woman in marriage is so sacred that it must be protected with the same
diligence and the same meticulous care. The union of man and woman did not
happen in the wilderness; it happened in paradise. It happened in a special
place that God had set apart. God had brought the man from the wilderness into
this consecrated place. God had created the woman in this sacred place and the
union of one man and one woman was willed by God, and happened in the sight of
God in this sacred place set apart from all that was profane. The two become
one flesh in a sacred place that is fruitful and fertile because of the love of
God. The man and woman are consecrated together and become as one. The man
gives the woman his name. He claims her as his own and is responsible to care
for her and love her as his very self just as Adam was given to care for the
woman he named. The Holy Spirit descends upon the man separately from the woman
but they become as one, just as the bread and wine are offered separately but
become as one. The Host is the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Likewise, the Precious Blood in the chalice is the Body and the Blood of
Jesus Christ. So the husband and the wife are individuals, but they are joined
as husband and wife and they can never be separated again.
Once the Eucharist has been
consecrated and mingled together in the chalice, the Body and Blood of Christ
can never be separated again. The Body is consecrated separately from the
Blood, but then they are co-mingled in the chalice. Once that happens, the Body
and Blood can never be separated again. In a similar manner, once a man and
woman become husband and wife in the sacrament of Matrimony, they can never be
separated again. They are consecrated as a married couple, meaning they are cut
off from single life and belong together. They can never be separated again.
Our Lord in the gospel ratifies this saying that “What therefore God hath
joined together, let no man put asunder” (Mk 10:9).
Now, let’s return to the
union of the Sacred Host and the Precious Blood in the sacrament of the Holy
Eucharist. This tells us something else very important about the union of a man
and a woman. In the Mass, a priest comes to the altar and he consecrates the
bread and the wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. They are transformed in
the sacrament by the power of the Holy Spirit. A priest cannot not take a Host
and consecrate it and then separately take another host and consecrate it,
avoiding the consecration of the Precious Blood and then attempting to
co-mingle the two hosts into one. He can consecrate many hosts but they are
already as one Body of Christ. He could not avoid to consecrate the Precious
Blood. Likewise, a priest could not avoid the consecration of the Sacred Host
and attempt to only consecrate two chalices of the Precious Blood and then
mingle them together. That would not be the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. It
would not be the Eucharist. It would in fact be sacrilegious, meaning that it
would be cut off from the holy; cut off from God. That is why marriage can only
be, by definition, a union of one man and one woman and nothing else. Any other
combination is not marriage. If you find yourself in this situation, or if you
are suffering due to same-sex attraction, do not despair. You are not defined
by those feelings. You are defined as a beloved son or daughter of God and He
wishes to heal you and fill you with the Holy Spirit. Come and talk to me about
it. I will receive you with the love of God.
Our Lord has set these
boundaries for us to help us to understand paradise, and to get back to
paradise. The Sacrament of Matrimony is entered into so that each spouse can
help the other get to paradise, which we call heaven. Heaven is an enclosed
garden. We are now in the world, but not of the world. Our fulfillment is to
get back to the garden, but we must cooperate with God to get there. The
sacraments happen in paradise and when we participate in the sacraments, we
experience paradise here on earth in order to lead us fully to the paradise at
the end of our days. Marriage is not meant to be easy. It is a vocation,
therefore it involves carrying the Cross of Jesus Christ.
That having been said,
earth is not heaven. Life on earth is not perfection. We are all sinners. We
suffer from sin. Some marriages are a source of great suffering. If you have
suffered due to a divorce, God does not will to abandon you. Come and talk to
me about it. I will receive you with the love of God. If you were married
outside the Church, or remarried after a civil divorce, come and talk to me. I
will receive you with the love of God. If your parents are divorced and you are
suffering, come and talk to me. I will receive you with the love of God. God
does not want you to live your life in a state of uncertainty and shame.
The Church is bound to the words our Lord spoke in the gospel today about divorce and remarriage, and we cannot change that. The Church assumes that all marriages are valid. Therefore, there is no such thing as divorce for Catholics. But what happens to those who have divorced and remarried? The Christian life is all about reconciliation with God. So how do we reconcile this situation? The Church has no power to nullify something that is valid, but if there is something that invalidated the marriage from the beginning, the Church can identify that and formally declare in writing that the marriage was never a valid sacrament. Yes, the marriage happened and the children are legitimate. It does not erase the marriage. It does not heal all the wounds of those involved, but it does begin the healing process making it possible for both parties to reconcile with God. If you or someone you love is in this situation, have them come and talk to me. God wants you to be healed and I want to help.
For more homilies by Fr. Andersen, click on the tab at the top of the page.
The Church is bound to the words our Lord spoke in the gospel today about divorce and remarriage, and we cannot change that. The Church assumes that all marriages are valid. Therefore, there is no such thing as divorce for Catholics. But what happens to those who have divorced and remarried? The Christian life is all about reconciliation with God. So how do we reconcile this situation? The Church has no power to nullify something that is valid, but if there is something that invalidated the marriage from the beginning, the Church can identify that and formally declare in writing that the marriage was never a valid sacrament. Yes, the marriage happened and the children are legitimate. It does not erase the marriage. It does not heal all the wounds of those involved, but it does begin the healing process making it possible for both parties to reconcile with God. If you or someone you love is in this situation, have them come and talk to me. God wants you to be healed and I want to help.
For more homilies by Fr. Andersen, click on the tab at the top of the page.
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