From LifeSiteNews:
Woo hoo! Another archbishop speaking and teaching the truth,
and publishing a 16-page pastoral
letter to boot! Not only that, he notes that his letter is meant to help
the faithful form their consciences.
I just like that kind of language!
If this kind of thing keeps up, we might end up with an
actual, real “renewal” of the faith, or even a “new evangelization”! We might
end up with a “year of faith” where the truths of the faith are actually taught
and talked about and (dare I hope?!) put into
Dr. Ed Peters at In
the Light of the Law provides a short canonical commentary focusing on one
paragraph of Archbishop Myers’ pastoral letter. He says that “Myers is also a lawyer and, even in a pastoral statement,
he writes with the care (though without most of the technical trappings) that
one expects from a good canonist.” Dr. Peters also notes that the letter is “aimed
more at conversion than compliance”, and that
has issued, in effect, a pastoral admonishment to observe Canon 916 of the Code
of Canon Law. Canon 916 directs would-be recipients of holy Communion who are
not in interior communion with the Church to refrain from receiving holy
Often we hear about Canon
915 with regard to refusing Holy Communion to “Catholic” politicians who are at
odds with Church teaching. Peters says that Canon 915 applies to ministers, not
recipients of Communion; Archbishop Myers is “reminding Catholics that
responsibility for worthy participation in the holy Communion begins with
individual Catholics”.
people will read Myers’ letter with the same degree of care with which he wrote
it and will recognize the spiritual seriousness of dissenting from Church
teaching on the nature of marriage, leading them in turn to avoid actions that
would make them ineligible for holy Communion.
Now that we have some bishops
speaking up and teaching the Truths of the Church, we just need the
somewhat-less-than-faithful to pay attention. That, I think, will take some
time. I’ve talked to enough “liberal” and “progressive” Catholics to know that
many of them have no desire to come to conversion. They have misconceptions
about what it means to “follow one’s conscience” and seem not to even know what
“forming” it might entail.
But at least we are all beginning to hear some things that will contribute to our salvation.
I hope and pray this is not a case of too little too late--but if more Bishops take the cue and this sort of thing becomes consistent over time it should have a positive impact. But it will be very difficult to reverse nearly 50 years of inattention to matters of faith and morals by the U S Church. But then what is 50 years compared to over 2000 years of Catholicism?