Bishop Liam Cary |
This announcement appeared in the cathedral parish bulletin
this week:
Bishop Liam Cary in Baker City - ...Bishop Liam Cary will make his first official
visit to the Cathedral on the weekend of June 30 - July 1. He will also use the
opportunity to ‘take possession’ of the Cathedral as its pastor. That weekend
he will celebrate Mass…in the Cathedral on Sunday July 1 at 9:30 AM, as well as
a Spanish Mass at 12 noon. The Folk Group have volunteered to participate at
the morning Mass, the Spanish Folk Group will also participate at the Spanish
Mass, and the Altar Society have been notified about possibly hosting a
reception after Mass. More details to come. Stay tuned.
Now, if I didn’t know better, I’d start getting real excited
about the possibilities here. And, in fact, I did. But…there are warning signs even in the announcement: "folk group" = guitars, and possibly tambourines. These people are good musicians, and there are many beautiful voices among them, but as I've said before, bad music sung well is still bad music.
And anyway, as soon as we start reading the Ceremonial of Bishops, the problems begin to make themselves painfully apparent.
And anyway, as soon as we start reading the Ceremonial of Bishops, the problems begin to make themselves painfully apparent.
Okay, first of all, Bishop Cary is not taking possession of the cathedral
as its pastor; he’s taking
possession of the diocese which is
represented by the cathedral. The Ceremonial
of Bishops tells us that (my emphases
1139 If the bishop-elect is ordained in his own
cathedral church, he takes possession of the diocese through the very rite of
ordination, in which the apostolic letter is shown and read and the newly
ordained bishop is installed in his chair (cathedra)…
Here in the Diocese of Baker, the waters have already been
muddied. The bishop-elect was ordained, but not in his cathedral; nevertheless,
the letter was read, and the bishop-elect was “installed in his chair
(cathedra)”…which had been unceremoniously uprooted from the cathedral and
hauled half way across the state so that the new bishop could be seated in it.
But the cathedral was nowhere in sight.
Ignoring our confusion for the moment, we continue reading
the The Ceremonial of Bishops:
1140 If the bishop-elect…has not received ordination
in his own cathedral church, he takes possession
of the diocese in accord with the provisions of law as stipulated in the rite of reception…
How it's s'posed to be done... |
1141 …[The bishop] is received by the gathered
community of the diocese and with the celebration of a stational Mass when he
comes to his cathedral church for the first time.
1142 The bishop is received at the doors of the
church by a minister dressed in cope, who is either the ranking member of the cathedral
chapter or, where there is no chapter, the rector of the cathedral church. He
offers the bishop a crucifix to be kissed, then a sprinkler of holy water, with
which the bishop sprinkles himself and those present. The bishop may then be
escorted to the blessed sacrament chapel, where he kneels for a moment in
adoration, then to the vesting room (sacristy). There the bishop and the
concelebrating presbyters, the deacons, and the ministers put on the vestments
for Mass, which is celebrated in the form of a stational Mass.
“Chapter”?! Are you kidding? Oh, if only…! Okay, we’ll
settle for the rector as the minister who greets the bishop at the door.
1143 After reverencing the altar, the bishop goes
to the chair (cathedra) and there, upon completion of the entrance song, greets
the people. He then sits and puts on the miter. One of the deacons or concelebrating presbyters first shows the bishop’s
apostolic letter to the college of consultors, in the presence of the
chancellor of the diocesan curia, so that he may record the matter in the
acts of the curia. Then at the ambo the deacon or presbyter reads the apostolic letter, to which all listen, then
respond with the acclamation “Thanks be to God” or with some other suitable
Well, darn. The letter has already been read, but not in the
cathedral of the diocese of which the bishop is taking possession. Do we do it
again?! I can pretty much guarantee that there will be no college of
consultors, nor a chancellor, present at the Mass on July 1 in Baker City,
Oregon. Well, one makes do with what one has…will the rector of the Cathedral
read (er…re-read) the letter then? I’m guessing…not…
The Ceremonial of
Bishops continues:
…The bishop is then customarily
greeted by…the rector of the cathedral church…
…[S]ome members at least of the
diocesan clergy, [and] members of the faithful…go to their bishop and offer
some sign of obedience and reverence.
Of course, this is not explained any further than that;
perhaps in some other rubrics, in another document? I don’t know. And frankly,
I’m pretty sure that the rector of the cathedral doesn’t know either. When I
was the secretary at the cathedral, there was not even a copy of the Ceremonial of Bishops in the parish
office. I provided my own (and I'm willing to loan it out).
The penitential rite of the
Mass is omitted…the Gloria is sung…
Again, I wonder if the liturgy
planners know this. If they don’t have the book, how would they know?
1144 In the homily after the gospel reading, the
bishop addresses his people for the first time.
Oops. He’s already done this…at the ordination in Bend, at
the Aztec handball court. He was seated on his cathedra, and he addressed the
people, and he became the principle celebrant…even though he was not in his own
So…how should this reception of the bishop in his cathedral
commence? Should all that happened in this regard – which is recorded on DVD for
posterity, and is available for anyone to purchase for $20 – be repeated in the cathedral,
where it should properly have taken place? Or should it all be ignored, since
it’s already been accomplished…elsewhere?
Ahhh…it could have been so grand!
Still, even if this ends up just being a regular Mass with
the bishop presiding (which I’m betting on), there are things that could make
it special.
In the cathedral parish, there are at least 5 or 6
instituted acolytes, in addition to a permanent deacon. And then there’s the
priest, of course. Imagine the grandeur of the occasion if those acolytes were
all pressed into service, and vested in cassock and surplice! Maybe another couple
of deacons could be imported, too (three is the rule for a bishop’s stational
Mass). Throw in a few altar BOYS to round out all the necessary positions.
Now, it’s going to be a novus ordo Mass, which means that
any music at all will be allowed and tolerated, and even encouraged. At least,
that’s my experience. But imagine how it would be to have Gregorian chant propers,
and the Missa de Angelis, all in Latin! Sung by a schola tucked away up in the choir
loft! Imagine that incredible, silent-for-many-years organ put into play! Wow!
Umm…Okay, let’s get real. That’s NOT going to happen on July
1, 2012 in Baker City, Oregon. But still, there could be SOME Latin (the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei, perhaps?) And the Mass of the Angels could be used, in
English (sigh).
Please…just pray that the tambourines remain hidden in the
back room. And that the little girls in high heels aren’t invited to be altar
servers. And that we don’t sing the Gloria with the “clap-clap” in it.
I think I’ll plan on attending the Spanish Mass at noon.
For related
posts, click on the “Bishop Liam Cary Posts” tab at the top of the page.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your instruction! I appreciate your sagacity! Please continue to exercise the Spiritual Work of Mercy of instructing the ignorant, even priests and bishops!
To preserve our Catholic identity, we really need to celebrate the liturgy properly, and thus, beautifully.
Peace and Blessings!
- Fr. Andrew Colvin
LOL! Thank you, Fr. Colvin! I do not pretend to have a lot of "sagacity", and I am almost certainly lacking in prudence, but I can read the book! I know not everyone appreciates my style (ha! that's an understatement!) but I really do mean it for the good of all of us, to the glory of God, and for the preservation of our Holy Catholic Church from glaring liturgical errors!
ReplyDeleteDr Jay, keep it coming. It may even creep over the mountains. I almost fell over last Sunday when were told the sign of peace was not a social event.
Bill - wow! "Not a social event"? Hooray! That's progress. Tell your pastor it's also OPTIONAL. He could omit it altogether; it really is an interruption in the flow of things.
ReplyDeleteIf you are ging to do something it is worth doing right....especially when the written instructions for the Installation of a Bishop set down the rules.