I was
there, but these photos show lots more than I could see!! :-)
that poor man - he must have been dying of the heat!
appears that, yes, he is wearing a (just barely visible) dalmatic under that voluminous
chasuble. But it's not a lightweight, episcopal dalmatic, but rather the heavy
deacon's outer dalmatic that goes with that set of vestments.
On top
of all that (well, actually, under all that), he's properly wearing a
long-sleeved, white shirt with French cuffs, and slacks; his episcopal choir
cassock (winter weight?), his alb and stole.
thought up that combination ought to be made to wear the same under hot
spotlights for a similarly ridiculous space of a three-and-a-half hour liturgy!
It was
a very reverent and dignified ceremony which all of us were very pleased about.
banners were brought in as the very first part of the procession at the
beginning of Mass. They were processed two by two down the main aisle, around
the altar and then out the side doors on both sides of the church. Next the
Catholic Daughters processed in followed by the Knights of Columbus and then
all the Priests, Bishops and Archbishops.
the microphones allow everyone to hear, it looks a wee bit odd to see wired
participants in this ancient ceremony. Good to see so many positive
developments in the Church these days: Pray for the Pope and the SSPX!
know what they say…you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.
Considering the resources available and the venue, though, this was probably
the best they could have done. Despite there being over 100 instituted acolytes
in this diocese, only one was used as a server; the other servers were altar
boys and seminarians. But there were no female altar servers – a significant step
probably wouldn't use the "lipstick on a pig" metaphor, but it could
have been much better, obviously. I wonder what happened to the choir singing
the "Te Deum?" It turned into 20 verses of "Holy God!"

I have been told that when the other bishops gather around the new bishop during the consecration ceremony, to lay their hands on him, that this is the moment when they remove his backbone. Pray they left this one intact and that the new bishop uses it for the purpose for which God gave it.
We in the Diocese of Baker are truly
And I
had one comment about the reception:
I suppose that if I'd strong-armed and
aggressively elbowed my way through the thronging masses I could have had a few
words with him...
Cathedrals, and the Diocese of Baker
For related
posts, click on the “Bishop Liam Cary Posts” tab at the top of the page.
I am going to go out on a limb. I am not a member of the Dioceses of Baker but I have been watching from a distance for a number of years. I believe the people of Baker Dioceses are going to be very happy with their new Bishop.