Anita at “V-for-Victory”
blog has a great post, which starts out with this quote from Venerable
Archbishop Fulton S. Sheen:

Ven. Fulton J. Sheen, Life
of Christ
Be sure to read Anita’s whole
post – it’ll make your day. I especially like her characterization of her
recent Mass experiences. She writes:
This weekend, I had the joy of
attending Low Mass in the Dominican Rite, for the feast of St. Vincent de Paul;
then a Novus Ordo Vigil Mass for Sunday celebrated ad orientem.
But it all had to be paid for this morning, when I found myself at a Mass
with muzak-like campfire ditties played on piano and bass guitar and bongos and
cymbals and tinkly chimes; girl altar servers with loose hair and flip-flops;
people encouraged to socialize with each other instead of getting recollected
for Mass; a priest improvising Mass parts; the canon gone through hastily and
almost carelessly; and applause at the end for Murph and the Magictones,
followed by raucous yakking inside the church.
So…how was your weekend liturgical experience?
WOW ...crazy !
ReplyDeleteSince I am blessed to attend the TLM of the Extraordinary form at St. Francis de Sales I am blessed beyond words and am very sad for those who have to attend such watered down liturgies.
God have mercy on us all.
We are the light of the world, right? Aren't Catholics supposed to be the light of the world? It's time we started doing it then. Can't we give due honor and worship to God and then let that transform us? God is judging his Church. He at least expects our love and worship. Where else will He get it?
ReplyDeleteGod bless!