I have stumbled upon a little article
that provides an excellent (and hilarious) analysis of why a priest/bishop/pope
should wear the vestments appropriate to his office. (H/T to Annie.)
For the full effect – and a good laugh – you must read the
whole thing. But here’s a sample of this little tirade by “Mantilla the Hon”:
Mantilla concludes:
I think maybe I write to the
Holy Father about this. He’s a good man, but he never do a degree in
Ecclesiastical haberdashery like me. I think maybe I am going to say, “Holy
Father, thank you for being poor and riding the bus” I am going to say. “Thank
you for being poor and wearing brown shoes. Thank you for being poor and riding
in an old jeep and kissing people, but Holy Father, when you come to the altar,
then I want you to be a prince. Be poor like poor baby Jesus every day, but
when you come the altar I want you to remind me of King Jesus.”
You know what I mean Hon?
I love it. It couldn't have been said better. I hope she sends it to the Holy Father.
Here is an excellent article from Michael J. Matt at the Remnant Newspaper.