A homily by Fr. Eric M. Andersen, Sacred Heart-St. Louis
in Gervais, OR
Feb 3rd, 2013 Dominica IV
Per Annum, Anno C
“If I should have all faith,
so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing” (1 Cor.
Faith, Hope, and Charity:
these three are called the Theological virtues. The greatest of these three is
charity. St. Ambrose of Milan comments on today’s gospel and he contrasts
charity with envy. He says that the people in the synagogue had no joy in
Christ’s charitable works among others. Rather, they were envious of His good
works performed for the people of Capernaum. Why would he not perform any good
works for them, His own people, in His own country? St. Ambrose writes: “in
vain can you expect the aid of Divine mercy, if you grudge to others the fruits
of their virtue. The Lord despises the envious, and withdraws the miracles of
His power from them that are jealous of His divine blessings in others”
(Aquinas. Catena Aurea).
This brings up the
question: What exactly do we mean by envy? Is envy the same as jealousy? No, it
is not. Envy is different. So, how does envy differ from jealousy? Let’s look
at an example: Jealousy means that you want something that someone else has.
Your neighbor just bought a new car. You are jealous because you would like a
new car. You do not hate your neighbor for getting a new car, but within
yourself, you are discontented. You are not satisfied with the things that God
has given you. You want what another person has. It is a distraction from
growing closer to God. It is a love of worldly things rather than heavenly
Envy is similar but
different. Envy involves jealousy but envy takes things a big step forward.
Here is an example: Your high school classmate is popular, a good athlete, big
muscles, lots of money and all the girls swoon over him. If you are jealous of
him, you will want what he has. You will not be content with the special gifts
that God has given you. Instead you will dwell upon this other person and what
he has. But. . . if you are envious of him, you will dwell upon
imaginary scenarios in which he breaks his leg and has to sit out of the game
for the rest of the season. Then you imagine that his girlfriend breaks up with
him and turns all his friends against him. Finally, you take delight in the
thought that maybe his father loses his job and then this classmate will be
poor, unpopular, and a terrible athlete…just like you.
Envy wants what another
person has and wants it to be taken away from that other person. Envy is cruel
because it desires that another person should be miserable. It involves
revenge. Movies love to portray this: At the high school reunion the ladies
stand around taking delight in the fact that the most beautiful and popular
girl in high school is now fat, divorced, and on welfare. That is cruel.
We must counter envy with
charity. Charity is a theological virtue. Charity is also a fruit of the Holy
Spirit. It must be practiced. But if a person has practiced envy for some time,
then that behavior will become like second nature. It becomes a vice that can
destroy that person’s eternal soul. Envy is among the Cardinal or Capital Sins.
It is among the worst of sins. We cannot tolerate it in ourselves. We must hate
and detest sin. We must do everything in our power to avoid such sin. But our
own power is not enough. If you or someone you love struggles with the sin of
envy, come to Confession. Confess it! Break it! Do not endanger your salvation
by tolerating something so grave.
There is a particular
danger in this day and age for Catholics in the United States to be envious of
other Christians because other Christians are not facing the same persecution
that Catholics are facing. To be Catholic in the United States today means that
you will be marginalized. You will have fewer rights than other people simply
because of your religion. You might find yourself being jealous of people who
are not being targeted and persecuted for their faith. You might even find
yourself envious, begrudging others because they seem to have things easy,
wishing that they too would be persecuted. But we must be very careful with
such thoughts and refrain from speaking them. We must never wish evil or
hardship on another person. We must certainly never wish evil on someone who is
innocent. And. . . we must never wish evil on someone who has harmed us.
Revenge, envy, unforgiveness: these three have no place in a Christian’s life.
But Faith, Hope, and
Charity: these three are the theological virtues and the greatest of these is
Charity. With the help of the Holy Spirit, let us all cultivate this precious
fruit called Charity so that as we restore our souls to a state of sanctifying
grave through a good sacramental Confession, we learn to cooperate with the
grace of the Holy Spirit to break the vice of envy. Envy sought the life of
Jesus Christ. Let us not choose that side of the battle. Let us not battle
against God but choose instead to battle against the devil with God on our
Wow... thank you for this post.
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to deal with jealousy recently and I realized it was eating me up inside. I knew it was an evil but this post made me recognize what jealousy and envy is, and why I should fight jealousy (and that I really need to go to confession for it asap!) thank you so much.