A friend sent me this contribution,
written by her daughter in 2010.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech “I Have A
Dream” was adapted to a modern situation of discrimination and oppression,
known as abortion.
Written by Andrea Gleason
An extraneous number of years ago, a great God, in whose
image we are created in today, transformed, from the dust of the earth, a man
and in turn a woman, whose disobedience cast a permanent shadow upon the soul.
Through the death and resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, man was endowed
with an opportunity for grace that beams like a piercing light to the human
race shackled by sin. It came to be, a prophecy fulfilled.
But even today, man cannot untangle himself free from sin.
Even today, man is still shackled by his own devices and blinded by his own
ambitions. Even today, man lives in a populated world of death, in the midst of
murderers in denial who are veiled under the pretense of an educated title.
Even today, man turns on his own, and has chosen to persecute the most
defenseless and innocent of his brethren. And so we are obligated today, to
protect the children from the very persons who have the responsibility of
bringing them into this world.
But we refuse to believe that such cruelty will continue. We
refuse to believe that hearts cannot be softened and that men have forever lost
their conscience to underhanded persuasions from the devil. And so, with God as
our witness, we demand for these children exactly what each one of us has
received, a fullness and richness of life with undeniable rights.
We must speak out at all times to remind the world of the
escalating tragedy at hand. This is no time to speak softly or to hide behind
indifferentism. Now is the time to bring the truth into the current reality.
Now is the time to unveil innocent bloodshed and invoke the name of God in our
earthly battle. Now is the time to speak for those who were never given the
chance. Now is the time for the realization of the dignity entitled to all men,
at all stages of God-given life.
It would be fatal for the people of the world to undermine
the importance of this issue. The darkness enveloping the minds of the
oppressors will not pass until there is a ray of light struck into the very
depths of their souls. Two thousand and ten is not an end, but a beginning. And
those who expect a silent retreat from the Lord Almighty and His faithful will
have a rude awakening if the world returns to business as usual. Until the
unborn are recognized to have equal rights, no peace shall exist in this world.
Rest assured, justice will be carried out, be it in this world or the next.
But there is something to mention to those fighting in this
battle for souls, as we all stand by with a sense of helplessness while our
fellow neighbors are sacrificed to the will of others: In this battle to
protect our young souls, we ourselves must rise above the violence of our
fellowmen. We cannot appease our Lord by breaking one of His commandments as a
means to fix a commandment already broken. Our protest must be vocal, but with
conditions of charity and peace. Our weapon of choice must include the powerful
Rosary of Our Lady. May she hear our genuine plea and intercede on our behalf,
that God may mercifully look down upon this pitiful race and change the hearts
of men as only He can.
We cannot fight alone.
As we struggle, we must always keep our eyes toward the
Heavens for guidance.
We cannot retreat.
We will not be
satisfied as long as a child is stripped of the chance of a full and natural
life. We will not be satisfied as long as the life-giving duties of God are
undermined. No, no we are not satisfied, and continue to “hunger and thirst
after justice: for they shall have their fill” (Matthew 5:6).
Let us rise de
profundis, out of the depths of despair.
And even though many spiritual battles lie before us, I
still have a prayer. It is a prayer deeply rooted in gifts of hope and faith
from an Almighty God.
I have a prayer that one day the world will rise up and live
out the true meaning of its being: “And you shall love the Lord your God with
your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with
your whole strength. This is the first commandment. And the second is like to
it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:30-31).
I have a prayer that on the day of announcement of the life
created, all mothers will rejoice in the gift received.
I have a prayer that one day, doctors will again be the keepers
of the gift of life, assisting mothers in nurturing the life within them.
I have a prayer that one day the world, even as it wreaks of
the stain of man’s sin, will show the mercy that we have been shown by God.
I have a prayer that all children will one day live in a
world where they will not be judged according to a perceived burden, but by the
inherent life and soul they possess, being made in the image and likeness of
I have a prayer of petition today!
I have a prayer that one day, in this world, with its
“pro-choice” supporters, with its leaders unleashing the chains under pretenses
of “women’s rights” -- one day in every corner of our world, a child, no matter
the manner conceived, will be accepted and loved and allowed to grow, to thrive,
to learn, and to one day decide to place his or her own life in the hands of
God the Creator Himself.
I have a prayer of intercession today!
I have a prayer that one day the chilled, iron hearts of men
will melt, our leaders will remove the self-interested magnets from their moral
compasses, doctors will return the power of taking lives to God alone, and God
will enlighten many to recognize the logical beginning of a human life at
conception; for as said by the prophet Ezekiel, “I will give them another heart,
and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of
their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh; that they may walk in my
statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people,
and I will be their God, says the Lord.”
This is our hope, and this is the gift of faith that we
carry with us, rosary in hand, on our way to the prayerful protests on the
corners of abortion clinics.
On our way to eternity, we fight for His will on earth, that,
some day, all God’s children will pray with new meaning:
Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in
Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. Amen.
And if God’s children are to rejoin Him for all eternity,
this must be believed with conviction.
And so Thy will be done in those countries who permit these
murders under the excuse of legality, and we ask to be delivered from this
Thy will be done in occasions of children conceived with
medical problems.
Thy will be done in occasions of children conceived by
teenage parents.
Thy will be done in occasions of children conceived under
financial difficulty.
Thy will be done in occasions of children conceived through
the heinous crime of rape.
Thy will be done in occasions of children conceived who are
unwanted by their own parents.
And when God’s will is implemented upon this earth, as it is
in Heaven, when He is allowed to reign His creation, we will be privileged to
hear a different cry from the once endangered unborn once they are finally
permitted to take their first breath:
Born at last! Born at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are born at last!
"What is taking place in America," Mother Teresa said, "is a war against the child. And if we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another."
ReplyDeleteFebruary 1997 - National Prayer Breakfast in Washington attended by then President Bill Clinton and First Lady.
Beautiful post , thanks so much for sharing .
ReplyDeleteLIFE is from the hand of God ...we need to applaud LIFE from conception to natural death.
It is sad to see the world not embracing the Sanctity of Life and embrace the culture of Death ...much prayer is needed and more of us need to be the VOICE for the unborn , I know I do.
I don't do enough for the Unborn , God have Mercy on me!