A correspondent sent me a link to a talk given by Bishop Fellay of
the SSPX on December 28, 2012. The talk is over an hour-and-a-half long, so it
requires setting aside a good chunk of time to actually listen to the whole
thing, but I found it worthwhile.

The head of the traditionalist
Society of St Pius X has called Jewish people “enemies of the Church”, saying
Jewish leaders’ support of the Second Vatican Council “shows that Vatican II is
their thing, not the Church’s”.
Bishop Bernard Fellay, the
society’s superior general, said those most opposed to Rome granting canonical
recognition to the SSPX have been “the enemies of the Church: the Jews, the
Masons, the modernists”.
He said these people, “who are
outside of the Church, who over centuries have been enemies of the Church”,
urged the Vatican to compel the SSPX to accept Vatican II.
He made the comments during a nearly
two-hour talk at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy in New Hamburg, Ontario,
The author then goes on to quote the “core text” of Nostra
Aetate, which he states “revolutionised the Catholic Church’s
relationship with those of other faiths; most notably the Jews.”
In point of fact, though, nothing that Bishop Fellay said
regarding the Jewish people actually goes against the text cited. Bishop Fellay’s
comment was made in passing, basically; did he describe the Jews as “enemies of
the Church”? Yes, he did. He did not clarify in what sense he meant that, other
than to point out that Jews have lobbied against Rome’s recognition of the
SSPX, and have lobbied in favor of some part of Vatican II documents that
support a very liberal ecumenism.
I don’t know whether I would characterize Jews as “enemies of the Church”, but I do know that I was quite appalled that Jews would think they had the right to determine the content of our Catholic Good Friday prayers a few years ago…and furthermore, that they seemed to have some success at pressuring the Pope to alter them.
I don’t know whether I would characterize Jews as “enemies of the Church”, but I do know that I was quite appalled that Jews would think they had the right to determine the content of our Catholic Good Friday prayers a few years ago…and furthermore, that they seemed to have some success at pressuring the Pope to alter them.
Anyway, a Google search showed that Bishop Fellay’s comment was
picked up by other news outlets as well. And of course, there were the
requisite, negative, put-down comments about that statement.
For me, though, this became a challenge to actually listen to the
talk. I wonder how many of the reporters actually did that, because there were
a lot more interesting things in Bishop Fellay’s presentation that a brief
comment about Jews, Masons, and modernists. (By the way, no one seems to be objecting to the characterizations of Masons and modernists as enemies of the Church...)
Bishop Fellay also commented about some diocesan bishops in
Rome asking to have an SSPX priest preach retreats for their own priests in
their dioceses. Isn’t that interesting?
As my correspondent noted, “They must be confident that the SSPX priests are qualified
and more than capable of transmitting the faith.”
Bishop Fellay also mentioned that several more bishops in
Rome wanted to learn to say the EF Mass, and did so as a result of SSPX priests
being available to teach them.
Actually, the main point of Bishop Fellay’s talk was to give
a “summary of recent events” with regard to the negotiations between the SSPX
and Rome. The first hour of the talk focuses on the events that unfolded over
the last year or so, mostly, and the bishop’s frank discussion raises lots of
questions about the “process”. I’ve not
seen a news story that reports much about that.
And that’s probably because Bishop Fellay discusses what he
describes as “contradictions and inconsistencies” in the communications he’s
had with Rome. Things like receiving a letter that says something along the
lines of “The SSPX will agree to x, y, and z, or excommunication will follow”,
only to be told verbally by sources close to the Pope to “ignore it”, because
official recognition is coming. Bishop Fellay claims that he has been told by
people who should know that “the Pope is on your side”; yet at the same time,
he is warned not to say such things in public.
As I listened to the talk, I thought to myself, “Someone is
not telling the truth here.” Well, duh. Sin abounds in the world, even in the Vatican,
even in the SSPX, even in our own individual lives! I don’t know who’s being
dishonest, but I do know this: Bishop Fellay gives every appearance of being open
and honest; he’s straightforward; he doesn’t pull punches; he doesn’t sugar-coat
things; he doesn’t dance around with politically correct verbiage.
In short, he doesn’t talk like some of the bishops with whom
I’ve had experience.
I think also that the SSPX is held to a higher standard than
diocesan bishops the world over. The SSPX is criticized for the slightest
mention of some disagreement with any of the points of Vatican II which they
What is so different, then, about those Canadian bishops who in 1968 issued their own formal statement of disobedience to Humanae Vitae, known as the Winnipeg Statement?
What about the bishops who condone homosexual behavior?
It contains 600 pages of legislation on music that’s been largely ignored by bishops everywhere.
And what
about the bishops who are not following the Holy Father’s clear instructions
with regard to providing the extraordinary form of the Mass for those who
desire it?
Why do all these bishops get a free pass?!
I admit to having mixed feelings and confused thoughts about
the whole SSPX issue. Nevertheless, I think that they have much to offer our
poor, ailing Church. I don’t really think the SSPX is part of the problem; I think
their presence serves to remind the powers-that-be that Tradition is important! And I believe that the
SSPX may prove to be a very important part of the solution to the Church’s ills
if reconciliation and official recognition are ever achieved.
And no matter what the truth is about how the Pope “really feels”
about the SSPX, it is quite clear that he, too, desires reconciliation.
So, I pray daily – and fervently – for that reconciliation
to occur.
Great blog post. It's nice to see a little common sense applied to the situation.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this post, Jay. Agreed that we must pray for reconciliation.
ReplyDeleteThis was a nicely balanced review of the Bishop's talk!
ReplyDeleteI found it natural for Bishop Fellay to suggest that the Jews are "enemies of the Church"; otherwise, why pray for their conversion? If we are not for Christ, we are against Him.
Every time we read The Last Gospel of St. John, we are reminded that "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not." The Jews did not acknowledge Him to be the Messiah and even though they were favored, they rejected Him. Besides the humiliation and abasement, I think this message is meant to serve as a continued warning.
Likewise, we Catholics will have some serious accountability (I shudder to think of my own failings).
Of course, it is understood that anyone who rejects Christ (in some form or another) is an enemy of the Church, Christian or not. Unfortunately, the rejection of Our Lord Jesus has now become much more universal.
Thanks for the great post!
Well said, HSE! Yes, that is a good explanation of the enemies of the Church. It's just that the Church of Nice doesn't like to use those harsh words like "enemy", ya know! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHi Jay:
ReplyDeleteFrom the SSPX website, January 5, 2013:
SSPX USA District press release
Bishop Fellay's comment "enemies of the Church"
During a 2-hour conference given in Ontario, Canada on December 28th, 2012, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society St. Pius X, commented on the relations between the Holy See and the SSPX during the last two years.
During the conference Bishop Fellay stated “Who, during that time, was the most opposed that the Church would recognize the Society? The enemies of the Church. The Jews, the Masons, the Modernists…”
The word "enemies" used here by Bishop Fellay is of course a religious concept and refers to any group or religious sect which opposes the mission of the Catholic Church and her efforts to fulfill it: the salvation of souls.
This religious context is based upon the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ as recorded in the Holy Gospels: “He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth.” (Matthew 12:30)
By referring to the Jews, Bishop Fellay's comment was aimed at the leaders of Jewish organizations, and not the Jewish people, as is being implied by journalists.
Accordingly the Society of St. Pius X denounces the repeated false accusations of anti-Semitism or hate speech made in an attempt to silence its message.
That pretty well explained it for me. I have respect and great trust in Bishop Fellay and figured it would have some reasonable explanation contrary to the news media's splash headlines.
Thanks, Elizabeth! I just received that text from another reader via email, and made it into another short post.
ReplyDeleteYes I suppose we have all been enemies of the church at one time or another....I know I have !
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time I was doing it my way and living life just the way I please....I shudder also to think of those days and being an enemy of the church .
Thanks be to God, TODAY is a new day and I have surrender to Jesus Christ ,His Church and His Teachings .
I pray daily for the conversion of sinners and for the world for without Christ we are all lost!
Thanks be to God for the Society of St. Pius the X and for Bishop Fellay . Let us embrace Tradition becuase it is very important for the future of the Holy Catholic Church ! The Church of Nice just doesn't have anything to offer : these are sad times! But stay stron and rejoice Jesus has overcome the World ...that is HIS Promise !