Fr. Eric M. Andersen, Sacred Heart-St. Louis in Gervais
Dec 8th, 2012 Solemnity
of the Immaculate Conception
Advent Mini-Retreat #2
Today’s gospel recounts the
great moment of the conception of Jesus Christ. The Angel Gabriel announces to
Mary that she will conceive and give birth to a Son. But this conception of Jesus
in the womb of Mary is not the Immaculate Conception which we celebrate this
day. The Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Mary in the womb of
her mother St. Anne.
Meanwhile the angel
appeared to Anna and announced the same, telling her to meet her husband at the
Golden Gate. The meeting at the Golden Gate is a famous theme in religious
iconography and art. Mary was naturally conceived in the womb of Anna according
to God’s plan for married couples. But this conception was unlike any other
conception ever before or since. Joachim and Anna were not immaculate, but for
God’s purposes, God made Mary immaculate from the first moment of her
conception. …“at the very instant when God united the soul of Mary, which He
had created, to the body which it was to animate, this ever-blessed soul, did
not only not contract the stain, which at the same instant defiles every human
soul, but was filled with an immeasurable grace which rendered her, from that
moment, the mirror of the sanctity of God Himself, as far as this is possible
to a creature” (Gueranger, The Liturgical
Year, Vol. I., p. 378).
Soon after Mary was born,
her parents brought her to the Temple to be presented, and then at the age of
three, Mary was brought to live in the Temple precincts with the other virgins
who lived there. She was dedicated to God. By tradition, we know that when she
was betrothed to St. Joseph, they had an understanding that she would remain a
virgin because she was vowed to God and to no other. So, now the angel Gabriel
greets her. “Hail full of grace.” Full of grace is her title. Gratia plena.
Isn’t that a beautiful name? Gratia plena. Grace can be defined as the
indwelling of the Holy Spirit and His sevenfold gifts. In Mary’s case, she is
not merely the recipient of grace as we all are at baptism, but her very being
overflows with grace because she is immaculate. There is nothing to diminish
grace in her because she never sinned.
We can say the Christ
Himself is the fullness of grace, since He is God. The Holy Spirit is the giver
of life and the communicator of grace. The Holy Spirit proceeds forth from the
Father and the Son. So the grace of the Holy Spirit is given to Mary and she is
full of grace. But her fullness is analogous to the fullness of grace in Jesus
Christ. St. Thomas Aquinas describes it this way: “Whereas the Blessed Virgin
Mary received such a fullness of grace that she was nearest of all to the
Author of grace; so that she received within her Him who is full of all grace;
and, by bringing Him forth, she in a manner dispensed grace to all” (ST IIIa,
q. 27, a. 5 ad 1).
St. Bernard of Clairveaux
says writes: “In the Acts of the Apostles we read that Stephen was full of
grace and that the apostles were filled with the Holy Ghost, but in a far
different way from that of Mary. In another way, neither in him (Stephen) did the
fullness of the Godhead dwell bodily, in the way it did in Mary, nor did they
conceived of the Holy Ghost, in the way that Mary did” (Hom. super Missus
est, III, 2; PL CLXXXIII, 72). St. Peter Chrysologus writes: “Thou hast
found grace. How much? As much as he had said previously: to fullness. Indeed,
a fullness of grace which emptied itself in a heavy shower and flooded the
whole creature” (Sermo 142; PL, LII, 579).
What differentiates us from
Mary is that we are given sanctifying grace through baptism. Mary was given
sanctifying grace at the moment of her conception in the womb. We lose
sanctifying grace when we sin. If we commit a mortal sin, the Holy Spirit
departs and will not dwell in us. God does not abandon us, but the Holy Spirit
will not dwell in a defiled temple. So, in order to receive the Holy Spirit
back as a guest in our soul, we must cleanse the temple of our body. We do this
by going to Confession. At that point, we are absolved of our sins and the Holy
Spirit fills us again. Grace grows in us when we pray, when we do penance, and
when we avoid sin, detach ourselves from sin and grow closer in union with
Jesus Christ. But Mary is different. She never lost sanctifying grace because
she never sinned. The Holy Spirit continually filled her from the first moment
of her conception and sanctifying grace continued to increase in her until she
died. So she was singularly and uniquely full of grace among all created
Not only is Mary full of
grace, but she is the mediatrix of grace. She mediates grace to us. earlier I
mentioned that St. Thomas Aquinas said: “she received within her Him who is
full of all grace; and, by bringing Him forth, she in a manner dispensed grace
to all.” Because Christ came to us through Mary, therefore she dispenses the
gifts of God to us by giving us Christ. She is a creature, but she dispenses
the gifts of God, including gifts of grace.
When Mary appeared to St.
Catherine Laboure in 1830 in the chapel on the Rue de Bac in Paris, she
announced to St. Catherine that she was the Immaculate Conception. She ordered
Catherine to have a medal struck which came to be known as the Miraculous
Medal. It is formally called the Medal of the Immaculate Conception. The medal
is a sign of Mary’s promise to dispense graces to those who wear the medal and
ask for the abundance of God’s grace which He wishes to give us through her.
This medal of the
Immaculate Conception raised the awareness of a disputed doctrine in the
Church. The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception had never been formally
defined. So, Pope Pius IX began to circulate a request that all bishops in the
world consult with each other and the people to come to a definitive doctrine
on this point. The doctrine was not doubted, but the details had not been
defined. On December 8, 1854, the dogma was proclaimed: “The Blessed Virgin
Mary, in the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege
granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of
the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin.”
It is said that because Mary is Immaculate, the devil cannot see her. She is invisible to him, therefore he is terrified of her. She is the woman whose seed crushes the serpent’s head. This Solemnity celebrates the crushing of the serpent’s head. In fact, every time Mass is offered, the serpent is crushed. Every time a sinner receives absolution in the Confessional, the serpent is crushed. Every time someone genuflects before the tabernacle; or calls upon the name of Mary, or prays the Rosary, or wears a scapular or Miraculous Medal, the serpent is weakened. Jesus Christ is always the victor. And He keeps his Mother at his right side. If we venerate her Immaculate Heart, pray to her for her intercession, ask her to dispense God’s graces to us, God will listen to her. She will shower us with the graces of heaven and protect us under her mantle. God preserved her from the beginning and with her Immaculate help, we will never be parted from Him.
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