A homily by Fr. Eric M. Andersen, Sacred Heart-St. Louis
in Gervais, Oregon
December 25th, 2012 In Nativitatis Domini
“In the forty-second year of the reign of Caesar Octavian
Augustus, the whole world being at
The vast Roman Empire was
then split between Marc Antony in the East and Octavian in the West. Marc
Antony married the sister of Octavian, but the marriage was not to last. He
soon put away his wife having become infatuated with a woman named Cleopatra
who brought about his downfall. Octavian declared war against Cleopatra and, upon
his victory, Marc Antony and Cleopatra both committed suicide. Octavian ended
up with the entire Empire at his command––East and West.
“In the year 27 B.C., three
years after his assumption of office, the Roman Senate had already awarded him
the title Augustus…meaning ‘one worthy of adoration.’” (Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth: the Infancy Narratives,
p. 60). He was hailed as Saviour and Redeemer (cf. 60) because he ushered in
the Pax Romana, or Roman Peace. This was an era of so-called “universal
peace” that lasted for about 207 years. It was a time of great prosperity in
the vast Roman Empire. Caesar Octavian Augustus “was a patron of art, letters,
and science, and devoted large sums of money to the embellishment and
enlargement of Rome. It was his well-known boast that he ‘found it of brick and
left it of marble.’” (Healy, “Augustus”, The
Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. II. 1913. p. 107).
During this time, “the
Romans built a Temple of Peace and placed a statue of Romulus in it.” The Roman
god Apollo was invoked for an oracle and asked how long the temple would stand,
and the answer was that it would be until a virgin bore a child. Hearing this,
the people said that the temple was eternal, for they thought it impossible
that such a thing could happen; and an inscription TEMPLUM PACIS AETERNUM, was
carved over the doors” ( Voragine, The Golden Legend, Vol. I, p. 37).
And then, “In the
forty-second year of the reign of Caesar Octavian Augustus, the whole world
being at peace, JESUS CHRIST, eternal God and Son of the Eternal Father, …was
born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem of Judah, and was made man” (Roman
Martyrology for December 25th. Roman Missal. 3rd Ed. Appendix I). On that “very
night when Mary bore Christ, the temple crumbled to the ground”(Voragine, 37).
The Temple of Peace Forever, which crumbled on the day of Christ’s birth, was
replaced by the Church of Santa Maria Nuova which stands upon that very site
But true peace cannot be
obtained by man. The United Nations will never achieve world peace because
peace cannot be regulated. It must first dwell in the heart of every man. The
United Nations cannot bestow that gift. In fact, peace is not a gift at all. It
is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Peace requires man’s cooperation, but it does
not originate from man, nor can man achieve such a thing. True peace can only
come from God. Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. He sends His Holy Spirit to
fill us with His gifts. Peace then is a fruit which is borne from one
cultivating the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Peace “is the tranquility
which follows upon joy arising from charity” (Ripperger, Introduction to the Science of Mental Health. p. 422). “When one’s
heart is made perfectly peaceful in one thing…he is not able to be…disturbed,
for he thinks of other things as nothing. As a result, as one’s heart comes to
rest in God alone through charity, then peace arises as the …fruit of the Holy
Spirit of peace” (422). St. Augustine defined peace “as the tranquility of
order. When various parts within a society or a person are rightly ordered
among themselves, then tranquility arises” (footnote 38, p. 422).
Contrary to peace is
idolatry: “Anything which goes contrary to the teachings of revelation,
resulting in man committing idolatry by having something other than God as his
good, goes contrary to peace” (422). This is why the Fathers of the Church
stressed detachment from worldly things and love for God alone. St. Augustine
taught that one should use and enjoy those things of creation that God has
given, but one should not love such created things. One should love God alone
above all things. This protects one from idolatry.
Peace in itself became an
idol to the Romans during the time of the Pax Romana. They wanted to
achieve peace at all costs. It was preserved by means of might, and therefore
it was not true peace. True peace is not obtained overnight, even by the most
fervent of souls. The spiritual life is a lifelong commitment. If we cooperate
with God, we grow ever so gradually towards perfect union with Him. Peace is a
fruit which means that it must be ripe before it can be enjoyed. The soul must
be cared for, watered, fertilized, and pruned. Fruit comes at harvest time. We
cannot be in too much of a hurry to harvest, or else we may end up with unripe
and bitter fruit.
Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, has come to us in such a gentle way at Christmas, as a baby. He is so lovable. We can approach Him as a baby and immediately feel His peace. This Christmas let us put away any idols that have crept into our lives, especially the idol which promises a false peace at any cost. Let us demolish the false Temple of Peace Forever in our own lives in favor of the true God who gives us real peace in our souls. In other words, let us clean up our lives, put things in order, live by the laws of Christian morality, make holy the Lord’s day every Sunday, and give true worship to Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, here in this Temple of God. Let us pray that our bodies will be worthy temples of God, with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and that be cultivating that gift, we may bear the ripe fruit of peace in our souls forever.
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