Just a few limericks (complete with bad rhyming) and commentary…
I wonder why Kathleen Sebelius
Believes we all think she’s
When “Catholic”, she claims,
Is her middle name.
Really…she must be delirious.
insists (wrongly) that “birth control has significant health benefits for women
and their families”. She rightly notes that “it is the most commonly taken drug
in America by young and middle-aged women”. So…her point would be?! It’s still against Church teaching! It’s still
immoral, a grave sin!
then she has the unmitigated gall to suggest that “…by carving out an exemption
for religious organizations based on policies already in place, we are working
to strike the right balance between respecting religious beliefs and increasing
women's access to critical preventive health services”. Yeah. Right.
Well, she has been told not to receive Holy
Communion. This is for her own good, lest she unworthily receive the Body of
Christ, but it is also necessary to protect the faithful from more scandal.
Fabian Bruskewitz has now famously called Sebelius a “bitter, fallen-away
Next up:
Pelosi just can’t get it right
She’d even believe “day” is “night”.
She thinks Catholic checks
Should help “contracept” sex!
Her religion is called “Kathlic-Lite”.
Now...the bishops...they are trying hard! Yay!
The bishops will fight the good
They’ll wield a pen with great
“We cannot, we WILL not!”
They say, but it’s STILL not
Much more than a shot in the
I am
impressed and encouraged, to some extent, by the outcry of the bishops. Good
for them! And good for the ones who have had a letter read in every parish of
their dioceses! We need to pray for our bishops to have the strength to wage
this war, because, frankly, they’re just not used to it.
I have
to admit, though, that I find this comment from Ann
Barnhardt amusing, because there is certainly some truth to it (my emphasis):
Let us pray that our bishops become more like this:
final limerick for the day:
The warnings we had were voluminous,
Those “Kathlics” were downright
We did this ourselves.
It wasn’t the elves.
It’s time we all turned back to
See this
article, for example, and this one. The bottom
line is that there have been decades of laxity in catechesis of Catholic
children and adults on issues of
morality and on the truth of Catholic teaching. And whose fault is that? Well,
we gain nothing by pointing fingers, really, except for those responsible (all
of us, in a sense) to do something about it.

it. Preach it. Live it.
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