On Ash Wednesday, the Vortex addressed the
issue of artificial contraception from the standpoint of the battle currently
going on in the Philippines to prevent the legalization of contraception. This
issue is incredibly important to the recovery of moral values in our nation; so
many people – so many Catholics – just don’t get it…and that needs to change.
Here’s your "Readers' Digest condensed
version" of the salient points of Michael Voris's presentation; watch the entire episode below.
let’s examine in short summary what Pope Paul VI said in his encyclical Humane Vitae [On Human Life]. It can be boiled down to
4 major points.
1) An
overall lowering of moral standards
2) A
rise in infidelity and illegitimacy
3) The
reduction of women to objects for men’s pleasure
4) Government
coercion in reproductive matters.
And now
with Obama’s evil mandate, the fourth point has now come to pass. Who knew Pope
Paul was a prophet?
Filipinos need to do is look at America and run down the checklist from Pope
Paul. Since birth control became legal and widespread in the United States
every one of those things has come to pass…in spades.
standards have been lowered so much that morality ITSELF is now seen as strange
and outdated.
1960, 5.3% of all births in America were to unmarried women. By 2010, it was
over 40 percent. In 1960 married families accounted for three out of every four
households; by 2010, it was less than half. And living together has increased
tenfold since 1960. And as for Pope Paul’s prediction about government coercion...
we’d like to introduce you to the face of evil and government coercion [Obama’s
contraception mandate]…
How can
anyone seriously defend contraception and birth control as legitimate? It has
left in its deadly wake struggling single mothers, fathers who have completely
abandoned their duties to their own sons, tens of millions of dead children,
nuclear level divorce rates, an epidemic of pornography. Evil begets evil as
surely as night follows day...
is only one remedy for the collapse of a culture, and that is Catholic
teaching. Catholic
teaching is the only thing that upholds the dignity of the person from womb to tomb.
If Catholics in America – including the leaders – can find the vigor to
announce this convincingly, then there might still be hope for the west.
the battle over contraception – which is ULTIMATELY a battle between good and evil – is
being fought in different ways in The Philippines and the United States the battle
in the US may in the end prove to be the more important. An enemy must be
defeated by cutting off the head…and there is no doubt that the dragon of
sexual immorality lives in the United States. This must be defeated there – no matter
how daunting the task.
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