It is
hardly necessary to add anything to MV’s comments in this Vortex episode ("Blindness About Obama", August 23). I don’t
think I’ve ever seen him so blunt and forceful in his comments; and I agree
wholeheartedly with everything he has said.
since I seem always to have something to add…I will! Here are some excerpts and
my comments; the Vortex and full script are below.
takes as his starting point the recent announcement of Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, RI, that he was jumping the Democrat ship and switching his
registration to Republican. MV adds:
While all faithful Catholics
should be happy about His Excellency’s self-described “aha moment”, this should
also be a HUGE indicator of just how deeply flawed things are in the Church
these days. How could it possibly take SO LONG for a Catholic bishop to see the
evil that the Democrats have foisted on America?
MV is quick to note that he’s not giving the Republican Party a pass, either,
because that party is also far down the slippery slope with regard to moral
issues. But it is ludicrous that, according to a number of bishops who have
spoken on the subject, “Obama [has] enjoyed at least 50-50 support among the US
Bishops, and some said he enjoyed majority support”.
Now let
me share with you what MV thinks of Obama and the Democratic Party (and I
cannot agree with him more!):
It has been clear since this
megalomaniac appeared on the stage of an earlier Democratic Convention out of
nowhere that he is an agent of Hell. And if you think that is over the top language…
actually, it’s quite tame when you look at his record.
From the slaughter of millions
of pre-born innocents, to the advancement of sodomy, to the continued
destruction of the family through his social and economic policies, to his almost
casual race-baiting and class war agitating, and so forth, this man does the
will of Satan at every turn. And so does his party. And enough already with the
tired old line – well, they care for the poor. They care for the poor like
Hell! Their social justice garbage and pretended war on poverty has been and is
nothing more than a giant wealth re-distribution program aimed at creating an
enormous underclass that they throw a few crumbs from the table to so they can
get their votes every election cycle.
They have wrecked the schools,
planted Planned Parenthood in their neighborhoods, backed any and all thoughts,
fads and philosophies that decry any reverence or thought of God, appointed
judges who dismantle whatever natural law reasoning actually was present in the
founding documents and directly caused the deaths of tens of millions of Americans
who were never given a chance to see daylight.
This has been their game plan
and action since Lyndon Johnson and his so-called Great Society back in the
1960s. And what do we have – death, destruction, marginalizing and mockery of
religion and a society rushing headlong into Hell.
And it
took until the 2012 Convention for a Catholic Bishop to see this??!?!
And MV asks:
So here is a serious question –
how on earth can a bishop who supports this agent of Satan be trusted to ensure that the Faith is being
faithfully transmitted?
answer…they can’t. And we have seen that they can’t. There are plenty of
examples out there – some in the news, some just anecdotal – of bishops failing
in their teaching office. (Yes, there are examples of bishops who do teach the faith, but they are few and
far between.) MV lays it on the line for the unfaithful bishops:
You liberal bishops have helped create this culture of death directly, by the work of your own hands.
Don’t think that the blood of those
babies, of those souls that fall
into Hell because of their evil sexual practices, will not weigh in the
scales against you on your judgment day.
You are successors of the Apostles – not political operatives for an evil
agenda that sounds nice and sugary on the surface, but is evil to its core on
the inside.
need to repent – all of you liberal bishops. You liberal
bishops who stamp on tradition in the Church, who let the rot of horrible
catechesis flourish in your own diocese, who let abuse after abuse remain
unchecked in parishes under your care.
doesn’t stop there; he lists the sins of these bishops in no uncertain terms,
and you, dear reader, need to either watch the video or read the script to get
the full effect of what he is saying. I have bolded that section in the script
below. Many bishops have blood on their hands, and for the sake of their own
souls they need to repent. And they need to repent publicly, because their sins
are public.
have abdicated your role as shepherd and let the wolves ransack the flock.
In all the sincerity it is
possible to muster, with the deepest charity for your souls, you need to repent publicly. You need to say much
more than “I switched parties”. You need to do much more than simply say, “We
were gun shy when it came to talking about sexual morality,” as Cardinal Dolan
told the Wall Street Journal last
You need to say, “I have been unfaithful”. And then you
need to open your eyes and see the destruction
of the faith that YOU have brought about, and you need to spend your remaining days trying to amends.
And we,
the faithful, need to pray for these men.
along with the prayers, I think it is high time that more people stand up,
actually point a finger at offending bishops, and say, “You are responsible.”
Now, of course, I hear
plenty of people object to “pointing fingers”; they say that “when you
point your finger, there are several fingers pointing back at you”, etc. Well,
I am not a bishop! I do not have the responsibilities of a bishop, and will not
be held accountable by God in the same way. I am not responsible for souls in the same
way a bishop is. I believe it is better to point a finger and say, “Repent!”,
than to turn a blind eye to the transgressions of our shepherds. Where is the
charity in agreeing with the wrong teaching of a bishop?
Pead, in his powerful talk on “The
Sword of Unity”, said
Look, we are kidding ourselves
if we think we do well to commend what looks like duplicity in our leaders.
Episcopal salvation is, to say the very least, problematic. "Many
priests are lost and few bishops are saved," said St. John Chrysostom,
himself a bishop. After his mother congratulated him on his appointment as
Bishop of Mantua, St. Pius X told her: "Mother, you do not realise what
it means to be a bishop. I shall lose my soul if I neglect my duty."
So we have to stop pandering to duplicitous Shepherds and start fearing
- for them, since they appear to have lost all fear of God themselves, and
fearing for our complicity in their negligence.
And Rod
Pead was speaking 13 years ago! A lot of water has gone under the bridge since
then, and a lot of evil has been done by bishop, whether by commission of
A few
days ago, Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence Rhode Island told a Rhode Island
station he was changing parties from Democrat to Republican.
The 65-year-old
bishop who has been a registered democrat since 1969 says the big moment of
awareness came for him when he saw the 2012 Democratic Convention and its
insistence of promoting the culture of death.
all faithful Catholics should be happy about His Excellency’s self-described “aha
moment”, this should also be a HUGE indicator of just how deeply flawed things
are in the Church these days.
could it possibly take SO LONG for a Catholic bishop to see the evil that the Democrats
have foisted on America?
And for
the record – we know the Republican Party leadership in many ways, also supports
many of these same evils, but just treads a little lighter because of the rank
and file.
So this
is no homage to the Republicans, but rather a serious questioning of what is in
the minds of many American bishops.
It has
been clear since this megalomaniac appeared on the stage of an earlier Democratic
Convention out of nowhere that he is an agent of Hell. And if you think that is
over the top language .. actually, it’s quite tame when you look at his record.
the slaughter of millions of pre-born innocents, to the advancement of sodomy,
to the continued destruction of the family through his social and economic
policies, to his almost casual race-baiting and class war agitating, and so
forth, this man does the will of Satan at every turn. And so does his party.
And enough already with the tired old line – well, they care for the poor. They
care for the poor like Hell! Their social justice garbage and pretended war on
poverty has been and is nothing more than a giant wealth re-distribution
program aimed at creating an enormous underclass that they throw a few crumbs
from the table to so they can get their votes every election cycle.
have wrecked the schools, planted Planned Parenthood in their neighborhoods, backed
any and all thoughts, fads and philosophies that decry any reverence or thought
of God, appointed judges who dismantle whatever natural law reasoning actually
was present in the founding documents and directly caused the deaths of tens of
millions of Americans who were never given a chance to see daylight.
has been their game plan and action since Lyndon Johnson and his so-called
back in the 1960s. And what do we have – death, destruction, marginalizing and
mockery of religion and a society rushing headlong into Hell.
And it
took until the 2012 Convention for a Catholic Bishop to see this??!?!
various interviews with a number of different bishops over the past few years,
each admitted that Obama enjoyed at least 50-50 support among the US Bishops
some said he enjoyed majority support.
So here
is a serious question – how on earth can a bishop who supports this agent of
be trusted to ensure that the Faith is being faithfully transmitted? Seriously?
great defense on the part of these liberal-minded bishops is: “Oh, the poor;
oh, the poor… the death penalty, the death penalty”. Poverty and execution are
not intrinsic evils – check the Catechism – but abortion, sodomy, euthanasia,
contraception certainly are, and they are the backbone of the Democratic Party
[platform], and have been for decades.
every election, we hear this liberal bishop pabulum conflating intrinsic evil with social ills as though they are the same.
They will not take a stance against these things because they, in their minds,
are locked in the halcyon days of the 1960s, and live in a pretend world of
peace and joy and flower power.
For the
liberal bishops who have contributed to such an undermining of the faith all
these decades, there is much more here than coming to some dim awareness of the
evil that has been staring you in the face all these years. There is a
requirement to renounce your personal
contribution to it – not bemoan some vague set of social circumstances that
are complex and difficult to get your hands around.
liberal bishops have helped create this culture of death directly, by the work of your own hands. Don’t think
that the blood of those babies, of those souls that fall into Hell because of
their evil sexual practices will not weigh in the scales against you on your
judgment day.
You are
successors of the Apostles – not political operatives for an evil agenda that
sounds nice and sugary on the surface, but is evil to its core on the inside.
need to repent – all of you liberal bishops. You liberal bishops who stamp on
tradition in the Church, who let the rot of horrible catechesis flourish in your
own diocese, who let abuse after abuse remain unchecked in parishes under your
You have supported a political system which
has brought morality in this country to its knees and made a virtuous life the
butt of jokes. Yes, you! Do you think you will escape
responsibility for your deeds and their consequences – your sins of omission
and commission – what you have done and what you have failed to do?
The truth of the Faith has been strangled
on your watches with your complicity. You are shepherds appointed by GOD
Almighty to souls to Christ, but you have led souls right into the arms of the
enemy. You have compromised with evil – you covered up the rape of children and
pled ignorance afterwards.
You have allowed hordes of homosexual men
to become priests and then promoted them after ordination to influential
positions on the Church where they could reign down their spiritual terror on
the unsuspecting faithful.
You have not just allowed but encouraged a
spirit of radical feminism to run wild in the
Church, in your own ranks and in the pews,
universities, parishes, seminaries, houses of formation and so forth.
You have sat atop a near total destruction
of the faith unprecedented in the history of the Church that it would have made
Nero blush.
You have coddled murderers and sodomites
and evil men of every sort. You have rolled out the red carpet for them in your
cathedrals. You have delivered Holy Communion to them as surely as Judas handed
over Our Blessed Lord.
You have abdicated your role as shepherd
and let the wolves ransack the flock.
In all
the sincerity it is possible to muster, with the deepest charity for your
souls, you need to repent publicly. You need to say much more than “I switched
parties”. You need to do much more than simply say, “We were gun shy when it
came to talking about sexual morality,” as Cardinal Dolan told the Wall Street Journal last year.
need to say, “I have been unfaithful”.
And then you need to open your eyes and see the destruction of the faith that
YOU have brought about and you need to spend your remaining days trying to
Love You,
Michael Voris
Excellent Jay. This post should be distributed by the Vatican to every Bishop in the world.
ReplyDeleteI watched this episode with my jaw on the floor. I've never seen anyone speak like he does. Michael is amazing! He's bold, courageous and fearless. Thank God for Michael. He says what needs to be said.
ReplyDeleteLukewarm Catholics, are you listening? I sure hope so. WE need to help our Bishops act like Bishops, as Ven. Bishop Fulton Sheen said. That's right. WE! We need to stop being lukewarm and be on fire with the Faith and Truth. If your not even acting like Catholics, then how will you help your Bishops, lukewarm Catholics? If you can't even give God the worship due Him with your full mind and heart, then how will you help anyone, lukewarm Catholics? Get your hearts out of the culture and your ridiculous tvs and back to the Church, where it belongs! Win the Culture for Christ. Help your Bishops to win the Culture for Christ. Your Bishops need YOU! If your going to sit around and be lazy about your Faith, then nothing will change! I'm addressing all Catholics really, but especially those who don'e care. Sorry about the rant. I really need to get it out.
I'll let you all in on something. My prayers and sacrifices and love go to our Bishops and Priests. I rpay for them as much as I can. Anyone who knows me knows me by respect for the Priesthood. This pains me, more than anything. I pray for these Bishops. Why? Because there is a hell and many go there! I don't want my Bishops and Priests to go to hell! Not one. I hope my prayers do some good. I don't know what else to do. They have to answer for much more than we do. So much more. This is all ultimately about Heaven and Hell, people. Heaven and Hell. It's your choice, Fathers and Your Excellancys and Eminances. You will go to either one and bring many souls with you.
"If the Priest understood who he really was he would die not of fright but of love." -St. John Vianney
God bless!
Richard - thanks! Maybe Michael Voris and I will each get a call from Pope Francis, thanking us for our contribution. Ha!
ReplyDeleteHannah - keep praying!
No bishop should adhere to any political party.
ReplyDeleteBarona, how about a party that supports life? :)
ReplyDeleteIf a Catholic should support/register with a political party that party *should not* have the five non-negotiable issues as part of their "party platform": abortion, euthanasia, fetal/embryonic research, same-gender "marriage", cloning.
Any party that supports *any* of the above five issues should rule out *any* Catholic from being a part of it.
MV does a great job of telling it exactly like it is. The problem is that most Bishops are arrogant and self impressed and will hardly ever listen to a layman. They especially won't listen to Michael as he is not the sort of "can't we all just get along", social justice oriented catholic they prefer.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things that has become most obvious to me over the years is that very few in the Church know anything about leadership. They equate it with popularity which, I can assure you, it is not. I'm afraid our current Pope is of that school of thought as well.
Michael's message to Bishops has a chance only if that same message is delivered directly to each Bishop by the Pope himself. Two problems there. #1 I don't think the Pope has much more of an idea about how to effectively lead than most Bishops---In fact I think the Cardinals elected him precisely for that reason. #2 Even if the Pope could deliver such a message firmly, unless there are consequences for disobedience (which there have not been) most U S Bishops will ignore what the Pope says. They are very good at that having done it for so long.
Disobedience is a terrible thing ....
ReplyDeleteThese Bishops are seemingly weak and afraid ...
They are caught up in the modern world as are many of the average Catholic is challenging to be LIVING example ...the world and the flesh are at odds with the Spirit of Christ .
This applies to Bishops as well as our priest. What we are witnessing is the Great Apostasy ...I truly believe that.
Our Lady told us these things would happen , we really shouldn't be surprised ..we should pray and offer sacrifice for the conversion of sinners and pray for the Consecration of Russia ...
make reparation for these crimes and pray unceasingly dear friends...yes WE need to stand up and Speak the TRUTH at all times..Michael Voris was BOLD and yet spoke the TRUTH ...I wonder how many Bishops heard this BOLD proclamation...these are dark days but REJOICE : GOD WINS !