Voris is reading my mind again. The June 21 Vortex is another “must see”.
the video; the script is below, with my own comments interspersed in italics.
the script (my emphases, and my comments in bracketed italics):
are supposed to have BIG MOUTHS. Saints and Popes have said so.
And since, in order that the
deceits of the enemy may be avoided, it is necessary first of all that they be
laid bare; since much is to be gained by denouncing these fallacies for the sake
of the unwary, even though We prefer not to name these iniquities "as
becometh saints," yet for the welfare of souls We cannot remain altogether silent.
was Pope Leo XIII.
a Saint:
Saint Catherine of Siena, for the more curious among you.
[I have
seen that quote attributed to St. Catherine of Siena a number of times, but
have been unable to track down the exact place where she said it. Nevertheless,
it’s a great exhortation! Probably the main reason I started this blog was
because, as I told an adviser, “there are some things that need to be said”.]
in the face of evil, sin, immorality never serves the good and only cowards or those
who care about their own interests ever counsel silence.
there are many in the Church these days who prefer to remain silent. They call
it prudence… but it isn’t prudence at all.
people have tried to tell me this. It's amazing how many people want to tell you NOT to write something! Some people have suggested that it’s better
just to say the “nice” things and pray for a conversion of heart of those who
abuse the liturgy, etc. But, really, the Church does call for us to speak up when
things are really going rotten.]
is doing what is appropriate to the situation: the proper response according to
the circumstances. So for example, if a house is burning down, the proper
response is to yell your head off and shout for someone to call the fire
department and pull all the fire alarms and make a ton of noise.
my fellow Catholics, the house IS
burning down – the house of the Church. Gigantic flames are leaping out of
every window; people are dying in the flames; the smoke of Satan which Pope
Paul VI highlighted decades ago is choking and blinding huge numbers.
fire is so huge and engulfing that the air around the world has now become
poisoned as well. Everywhere modern man has immersed himself in the vomit of
his own sin because so many in the Church – leaders especially – have given in to the spirit of the age.
[To wit:
little preaching against contraception for 40 years. No preaching against
homosexual “marriage” for fear of political and even legal repercussions. Heck,
there’s little preaching of anything of substance! Even in RCIA there’s a fear
of mentioning the unmentionable, for fear that the catechumens will back out!
Instead, the new people are told how inclusive the Church is.]
Church Militant requires constant, never-ending vigilance – a constant and
steady drum beat of war being pounded out. We are at war. Too many fail to see
this. They don’t want war… as if they could escape it.
[Ah yes.
And how many say, “What’s the big deal?” or “Live and let live.” Or “This isn’t
Rome, you know.” Or “Sometimes there are more important things than being ‘right’.”]
Paul himself said near the end of his life, “I have fought the good fight.”
leaders in the Church laid down their weapons in the wake of the Second Vatican
Council, and began cavorting with the
world in a vain and naïve hope that the world could be cajoled into
accepting the cross, it was then that the identity
of the Church became obscured.
and more this seems so very true to me. And the reason for the “cavorting with
the world” was because certain forces within the Church wanted that to happen.
They wanted a Protestantization of the Church because they were Modernistis,
and the Modernist mentality permeates the Protestant denominations.]
The Church Militant was exchanged for the Church of Nice because the crowd that is afraid to fight – or refuses to acknowledge the Divinely revealed truths of not just the possibility of Hell, but its reality – did not want to sully their hands in the blood and mud of combat.
[Or…because they got what they wanted… or are well on their way to getting it. There are plenty of people – laity and clergy alike – who are quite happy with the movement of the Church toward a phenomenalistic and personalist approach to theology and the liturgy.]
When it
comes to Orthodoxy – faithful Catholics who love the truth of the Church and defend
the Magisterium with everything they’ve got – suddenly the weak crowd springs to
life to beat them down. Priests who
offer reverence to God in the Masses they say from the depths of piety; faithful
who cling to the heart of Our Blessed Lord and preach His truths in the face of
sneering and detraction; against these, the wimps suddenly discover a
robustness of personality and vigor that would make the gods of Olympus quake.

But they run like scared school children from rebellious priests and defiant religious. They bow down before the rapidly aging woman who is the real power behind the Catholic education office or the chancery department of this or that.
[Most priests hate to mess with the power structure of a parish, and they are probably wise to size things up for a while before making changes. But the changes in personnel never seem to come…unless it’s getting rid of the “divisive” ones (like me), who agitate for greater orthodoxy. The status quo is kept because of the fear that the money will walk away.]
[Or…because they got what they wanted… or are well on their way to getting it. There are plenty of people – laity and clergy alike – who are quite happy with the movement of the Church toward a phenomenalistic and personalist approach to theology and the liturgy.]
giants of the Church, Her greatest earthly commanders, were abandoned; and in
their place, wimps took over – cowards and shrinking violets – terrified to
confront anything…except, of course, Orthodoxy.
that the truth! I experienced this first hand in the Diocese of Baker last year
as we watched helplessly as the Apostolic Administrator closed one avenue after
another for us to have at least a monthly EF Mass in Bend, Oregon! Always there
was the excuse, “I have to move Fr. TLM to the farthest corner of the diocese…there’s
just nothing else I can do. So sorry…” Yeah…right.]

But they run like scared school children from rebellious priests and defiant religious. They bow down before the rapidly aging woman who is the real power behind the Catholic education office or the chancery department of this or that.
[Most priests hate to mess with the power structure of a parish, and they are probably wise to size things up for a while before making changes. But the changes in personnel never seem to come…unless it’s getting rid of the “divisive” ones (like me), who agitate for greater orthodoxy. The status quo is kept because of the fear that the money will walk away.]
sins are treated as jokes and those who point them out as judgmental and
and saints say something FAR different from many who exercise various levels of
authority in the Church these days. The Church of go-along, get-along is
quickly MOVING along… into oblivion. Hundreds and hundreds of parishes have
closed; hundreds more have had to merge.
mafias among the clergy and religious are routinely ignored or given a wink and
a nod. Heterodox instructors in schools, colleges, and seminaries are given a
pass except for the most outrageous of expressions and even then, not much
happens at all. And in the face of all this, the saints and popes from heaven itself call us to NOT be silent, but
to open our mouths and stand up and say “The emperor has no clothes! Your house
is on fire! People are dying due to your lack of action and plunging into Hell!”
leaders think that somehow they will escape judgment for this current state of
affairs? Have they deluded themselves with all their own happy talk and Church
chit-chat? The truth must be said and it
must be said clearly.
[I think
it shows that that truly do not believe in Hell!]
Gregory the Great famously said, "If people are scandalized at the truth,
it is better to allow the birth of scandal, than to abandon the truth.”
[If only…IF
ONLY…we had more priests and bishops who would apply this adage.]
So who
are you gonna listen to: the wimps, or the popes and saints?
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For other Vortex posts, click on the "Vortex" tab at the top of the page.
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do (and say) nothing." The silence of the clergy on important issues for the past 40 years and the evil that has resulted is clearly proof of the accuracy of that statement