But when someone dies we generally cannot know the state of
the individual's soul. When someone I know dies, I think about what the Church teaches:
that the deceased person most likely is now in purgatory, being purified before
he is finally granted entrance into the presence of God.
(Some of the deceased persons I knew had never expressed any
belief in God, or had expressed disbelief. They may have gone to hell because of
their lack of faith in God, but we must hope for the best and pray for them
anyway, not assuming that we know where their immortal souls have gone. If
their souls are in hell, then our prayers cannot help them, but those prayers
would not be wasted – we can trust God to apply the merits where He sees fit.)
Just last week, I learned of the
death of a young Nigerian priest who had served in our diocese; he had
apparently been struck by a passing vehicle (in Nigeria). We know not the day
nor the hour… When I hear of these things, I wonder what it is like to die and
go to one’s final judgment. The thought is terrifying, and it makes me want to
go to confession! (That’s a good thing.)

When someone I know dies (and sometimes, even if I don’t
know the person, but a friend is deeply touched by the death), I pray a
nine-day prayer from my little Blessed
Be God prayer book. The belief of the Church based on the Word of God
as revealed in the second Book of Maccabees, is that it is a holy and
worthwhile thing to pray for the dead that they may be freed from sin. The
people of God from the earliest times have acted on this conviction in various
tradition that has come down to us, as related by Pope St. Gregory the Great
(590-604) in his treatise on the Immortality of the Soul, is that there is
special efficacy in having Mass celebrated on thirty consecutive days for a deceased person. For this reason they
are known as Gregorian Masses. St. Gregory relates in his Dialogues how, when
he had finished the series of thirty Masses for a departed monk, the monk
appeared to tell he had thus gained entry into glory on completion of the
Gregorian Masses.
hallowed tradition has been declared a “pious and reasonable belief of the
faithful” on the authority of the Sacred Roman Congregation on Indulgences.
are strict regulations concerning the celebration of Gregorian Masses.
1. Gregorian Masses are offered
for only one deceased person.
2. Gregorian Masses cannot be
offered for several deceased, nor for all the faithful departed.
3. Gregorian Masses must be offered
one each day for thirty consecutive days. Should the series be interrupted for
any reason, it must be begun again.
addition, though the thirty consecutive Masses in the Gregorian series need not
be celebrated by the same priest, nor at the same altar, they must each be
offered for the same departed person for each of the consecutive thirty days.
customary offering for the uninterrupted series of thirty daily consecutive Gregorian
Masses (for one deceased person only) is a donation of $400.
are, of course, people in my life for whom I will request Gregorian Masses,
should they precede me in death. But I can’t afford to have Gregorian Masses
said for everyone I know who dies! That’s why I’m telling YOU about this – to help
spread the word about this spiritual work of mercy, so that more souls may
enter Heaven more expeditiously.
myself, I’ve left written instructions for my family to have the Gregorian
Masses said for me at my death. I know I’ll need all the help I can get.
I'm a little pessimist but I think it would be hard to find a Novus Ordo parish that's willing to offer Gregorian Masses. Probably a lot of priests don't even know what they are.
ReplyDeleteI had the 30-day Gregorian Mass offered for the repose of the soul of my Mom with the Benedictine Monks at Clear Creek Monastery. I wish I could afford to do it again!
You could be right, Elizabeth; I have no idea what percentage of NO parish priests are aware of the Gregorian Masses. I've never heard it mentioned the parishes I've attended. It would be nice to see awareness grow, and more people offering them for their loved ones. Good to know that the Clear Creek monks will offer them!
ReplyDeleteHi tv tv