I concluded the post with the comment:
…the validity of the logic depends on the
truth of the premise. I’m afraid the world is bordering on insanity on this
issue, and is willing to deny the truth in order to pursue the logic of the
culture of death.
That logic – the logic of the culture of
death – is what is being put forth in the “infanticide” paper. I will be
posting more about that later (go here for the new post).
September 2011] LifeSiteNews ran a
story with the headline “Shock: No jail time for woman who strangled newborn
because Canada accepts abortion, says judge”.
Well, yes and no. I’ve thought for years that this is the logical outcome of
acceptance of abortion, but I guess I never really thought it would happen. I
remember reading a story years ago about a college girl who gave birth in a
bathroom and then put the baby in a trash can. I remember the horror I felt at
such a thing happening, but also remember thinking about the ludicrous fact
that while she was condemned for her actions and did some jail time,
abortionists are killing thousands of babies each day and yet what they are
doing is legal. What is the difference between what the college girl did and
the abortionist does? It is only a separation of a small slice of time and the
difference of physical location.
also thought about the laws we have regarding unborn babies. For one thing, of
course, abortion is legal (not safe and rare, as its proponents say they would
like). It is therefore legal to kill an unborn child. But wait…if a pregnant
woman is murdered and her unborn baby also dies, there’s a double murder.
Wikipedia’s entry on the subject says, “The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of
2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a "child
in utero" as a legal victim, if he or she is injured or killed during the
commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines
"child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at
any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."
7 months along, in mother's womb |
incongruity of the law on the subject of the killing of unborn children is
evident also in the push to pass a “Personhood” amendment to the Constitution.
This amendment would essentially define the “fetus” as a person. That would
make it difficult to justify the legality of abortion. So there is a war going
on right now in that arena, because pro-abortion groups know they must prevent
that amendment from becoming reality if they are to stay in business.
are the two lines of thinking:
2) the “fetus” is a person from the moment of
conception. If that is true, then the life of every unborn baby is to be
protected by the same laws that protect “born” people. That means no abortion.
None. For NO reason.
are logical consequences of each way of thinking. But remember: the validity of
the logic depends on the truth of the premise. I’m afraid the world is
bordering on insanity on this issue, and is willing to deny the truth in order
to pursue the logic of the culture of death.
See also: Slippery Slope: Justifiable Infanticide
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