Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Vortex: Catholic or Patriot?

I'll let Michael Voris take over today:

The script:

All over the world…at least the western world…there is a growing unease that soon – and very soon – Catholics may have to make a choice between their Catholic faith and their country, between their faith and their patriotism. 

As Providence plays out, it would appear that center stage of this tragedy is the United States of America. All the stars are aligning against the Church, and don’t let lawsuits filed by the bishops and Catholic colleges fool you.

The clouds are gathering quickly and darkening for the Church in the US.  The American civilization has launched a culture war against faithful Catholics – just as Otto von Bismarck did in the mid to late 19th century in Germany, and the French government did in the 18th century, and the English government did in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Martyrs were born of those oppressive and tyrannical governments.  And martyrs will be born of the American government’s tyranny as well.

When will Catholics wake up and realize that what is working behind the scenes is a battle between Heaven and Hell, between St. Michael and Lucifer?

Satan, being defeated in eternity, still retains his angelic powers to wage war against the time.

And until time comes to an end and human history has played itself out, Satan will continue to assail the Church personally established by Our Blessed Lord on St. Peter, whom he renamed...Rock.

Once again, the bastard destroyer has seized hold of the powers of the state and is bringing them to bear on the faithful.  There are still unresolved matters left to be worked out – details really - in Obama’s diabolical health care law.

But at the White House, Obama and Catholic traitors are in full scale advance, putting in place their view of the world in which the Catholic Church has no part…the authentic Catholic Church that is.

One day, and soon, Catholics in America, who have been lulled into a false notion that you can be both a good American and a good Catholic, are going to have to choose between their Church and their country.

We have reached this point for many reasons, but one that cannot be overlooked is how Church leadership rushed headlong – and continues to do so – into a vision that a government which promotes a vast array of evil can AT THE SAME TIME be reasoned with to reach consensus on other questions of morality.

When a man named Obama stood at center stage of the US Catholic world in May 2009 and declared to raucous cheers from Notre Dame graduates, parents, and faculty, that common ground needed to be reached on questions of abortion and freedom of conscience, he was lying through his teeth and he knew it.

He used the softened-up Catholic mind – the Church of Nice – to present a soft side of evil; a side designed to be swallowed hook, line, and sinker by spineless and delusional leaders who TO THIS DAY still actively promote some of his legislation – suffering under an ignorant and less than fully informed understanding of Catholic social doctrine.

These enemies of the faith – like Obama, but certainly not just Obama; Pelosi, Biden, Kennedy, and hundreds of others come to mind – these enemies of the faith have been allowed to carry out their assaults against the common good of the Church and the culture PRECISELY because so many Catholic bishops and lay staff around the country for decades now have refused to stare down evil and call it out for what it is.

They have refused to decry a law because it is intrinsically evil – meaning rotten to the core JUST BECAUSE of WHAT IT IS.  Even now, this ridiculous idea of challenging the health care contraception mandate because it infringes on religious freedom is patently absurd.

The law is evil…NOT JUST UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  Who cares if it’s unconstitutional?!?

It’s evil because it promotes an evil; namely contraception. That’s why the law is bad – not because it may (OR MAY NOT) violate some arcane clause in a 200+ year old document that only means what a majority of nine judges say it means.

Here’s the reality, whether most bishops say it clearly or not: American Catholics will soon be facing a decision whether to cooperate with the state or stand by their faith and pay the consequences. 

We have come to this because too many leaders have betrayed their high calling to preach unabashedly and untiringly the unalterable truths of Christ. And even now, they still refuse to make pubic profession of their full guilt and do something about it.

So it is now up to the laity – the few who may still have some touchstone to the faith – to stand before judges and courts and bureaucrats and pay the price for Christ. 

Catholics in America may soon have to discover another way to live in the land of the "free" and the "home of the brave" – something America has not been since it unleashed the slaughter of tens of millions of pre-born fellow citizens.

Make no mistake: the diabolical has control of the halls of government and is waiting for the opportunity to reveal itself fully.  At the rate things are progressing, we shouldn’t have to wait too long.

It’s time to prepare ourselves, my fellow Catholics.  Immerse yourself in the faith and the sacraments, mind and soul, so that when your time comes to choose, you will choose the way of martyrdom…however it comes to you and me.

For other Vortex posts, click on the "Vortex" tab at the top of the page.


  1. Is there some reason that the video is not embedded? I mean, he IS wearing clothes!

  2. LOL! Well, I THOUGHT I had embedded it! Anyway, it should be there now!


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