"What is the marriage debt?"
This ought to be a pretty straightforward question with a
straightforward answer. However, the paragraphs of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on marriage might leave one a
little confused; let's take a look at it from a traditional perspective.
Fr. John Hardon's Modern
Catholic Dictionary, defines marriage
this way:
As a
natural institution, the lasting union of a man and a woman who agree to give
and receive rights over each other for the performance of the act of generation
and for the fostering of their mutual love.
Marriage is a contract
whereby two people – a husband and wife – give each other exclusive rights to
acts which are "per se apt"
for the procreation of children.
That's it.
Marriage does not give the couple rights to treat each
other's bodies any way they wish, or rights to have supper prepared on time, or
rights to be treated as they would like to be treated, or rights to be as happy
as they think they should be with each other. Marriage is a very simple contract
which has very clear terms that make perfect sense within the understanding of
the primary purpose of marriage: the procreation and education of children.
Husbands and wives have rights to those acts which properly belong to marriage:
acts which are "per se apt"
for the procreation of children.
This clear and concise definition addresses and clarifies
the issue of continence and the necessity of mutual agreement to be continent. For
example, during former Lenten times, continence was part of the Lenten fast;
mutual agreement would be required in this case.
Similarly, it helps to examine the “purpose” of sexual
relations after menopause (or between couples who are “barren” or “sterile”). If
the marriage contract bestows rights to particular acts, then these acts are “appropriate”
no matter what the age or physical condition of couples because that is what the marriage contract
Couples may choose
to be continent when past child bearing age, but that requires mutual agreement
between the spouses. Concupiscence doesn't disappear just because the specific
purpose of the sexual act becomes increasingly difficult to fulfill. Couples
maintain rights to certain acts until death. Charity, or asceticism, or
whatever good spiritual reason may influence when and why couples decide to elevate
their way of expressing love to each other beyond the purely carnal; however,
the rights defined by the marriage contract remain until death. So if elderly
couples still wish to engage in marital relations, they are within their
rights. Maybe it would be better if they could get beyond that, but it is not
inappropriate, nor is it anything to be discouraged. One of the purposes of
marriage is as a “remedy for concupiscence”; therefore, if concupiscence is
still present, you can't mandate that the marital act should stop at some
In the context of the clear definition of the marriage
debt, the marriage of Mary and Joseph, and all other examples of “Josephite”
marriages, or the marriages of couples unable to have children, become
understandable as “real” marriages. Why? Because the marriage contract bestows rights on the couple, not
obligations to exercise those rights. Mary and Joseph were not asked by God to
procreate, but they were asked by God
to be married in order to provide a “family life” for Our Lord (and each
other). Therefore, they married, they had the same rights as other married couples,
but they chose not to exercise those
rights because of God's Will. They made the same contract with each other as
all other married couples but, because God did not ask them to procreate, they
did not exercise those rights.
Granted, “Josephite” marriages are exceptional, in no way
normative, but the reality that those marriages are valid speaks to the reality
that a “sex life” is not integral to marriage; rather, it is a way to fulfill
that purpose of marriage which God expects of most married couples. There is,
indeed, the “duty of motherhood”, which should be considered normative; but the
marital act itself is ordered towards this “duty of motherhood” and should never
be consciously exercised in a manner that seeks to defeat the purpose of the
act and of marriage. The currently
popular view that “We should get married and get to know each other for a
couple of years before having children” is contrary to everything ever
understood about marriage!
Theology of the Body and NFP have enormously complicated married life. When
marriage is viewed as a contract, we can understand that “the marriage debt
must be paid generously or it's not being paid at all” from within the original
simplicity of the terms of the marriage contract. The terms are, basically,
that if either the husband or wife want to have sex, their spouse must respond
generously. It doesn't really matter whether the desire for sex is to procreate
or to express love; the point is that one's spouse has rights in this area and
there is an obligation to respond generously, charitably, lovingly.
Looking back on “olden times”, that's all sex really was
within a marriage! People knew that sex causes babies, but I doubt too many
married couples entered the marital embrace because
they wanted babies. Perhaps the more holy couples did, recognizing the power of
concupiscence in this area, but the overwhelming majority of couples just got
married and did what married people do (and have always done), and babies came
and they raised them. It was exquisitely
simple and uncomplicated! Day-to-day married life flowed from this fundamental
premise, that marriage was for procreation, couples did what married couples
do, babies came, and "family life" was lived. TOB and NFP have
overlaid this fundamental simplicity with mystical-sounding language that makes
sex far more important to marriage than it ever was in the past.
Today's “theologies” have turned marriage into something that
is as much about the couple as it is about their children. There is an attempt
to put the unitive and procreative ends of marriage on the same level. However,
as we see in contracepting marriages and homosexual relationships, doing this
allows concupiscence to completely separate the procreative and the unitive “ends”
to the point that the unitive is more
important than the procreative. Sex has
become an end in itself in our society for couples today. Concupiscence has
It is difficult to imagine serious conversations occurring
in the past about “responsible parenthood” as we have now come to define it (and,
unfortunately, encourage it). This was due not only to the exquisite simplicity
of the definition of marriage and its responsibilities, but also to philosophy
and theology that started with reality
rather than “what's inside your own head”. We no longer are encouraged to understand
things in terms of their purpose, but rather, we are told to look at them in
terms of how we experience those things. Purpose is then projected on to our experiences, rather than derived from
the reality of things themselves.
Here is an excerpt from an excellent blog post at “Mother
in the Vale” last August:
see clearly the new orientation the Church has taken regarding marriage, I
thought it might be easier just to present the fundamental concepts from the
traditional Church and from the post-conciliar Church. (For the sake of simplicity
I will use the True teaching vs. the New teaching.)
Debt: St. Paul outlines in 1
Corinthian's that married spouses are bound by their marriage debt, or the
conjugal act. The marriage debt is designed for 3 ends or purposes in order:
procreation, calming concupiscence, and fostering love and affection. In other
words, conjugal relations are designed for first, the couple to have children,
then to keep the spouses from falling into sin, and what grows from that is a
mutual fondness and enduring love, often developed through sacrifice,
submissiveness, and selflessness. The husband and wife are both obliged to pay
their "debt" whenever the other spouses requests, provided that the
request is not unreasonable. In this way, the marriage debt protects the
spouses from incontinence: the inability to control one's sexual appetite
Children: The principal object of
marriage is to have children, to bring them up in the true faith, and to teach
them service to God. In other words, couples need to have always in their minds
the birth of a child. They wait for children to arrive when God sends them, no
matter how small or large a number. They have the duty and responsibility to
bring up these children for Christ.
Help: With the husband as head of the
family and the wife as willingly submissive to her husband, the couple are able
to work towards the common good of their family and the education of their
children in matters of faith and morals.
of Matrimony: Matrimony is a word that comes
from the Latin word, mater, or mother. Why? Because marriage is designed to
make a woman a mother. Christ elevated the state of marriage to a Sacrament
thereby giving graces to the couple. These graces enhance their natural love,
increases the strength of marriage bond, and sanctifies the spouses, so that
they grow in holiness and help to bring each other, and their children, into
Embrace: This is a concept defined by
Dietrich von Hildebrand. According to von Hildebrand, the marital embrace, or
the conjugal act, is designed for the couple to grow in mutual love for one
another. While procreation is naturally a purpose of the marital embrace, it is
not the sole purpose or even primary purpose. He taught that the marital
embrace has two designs, one unitive and one procreative. In other words,
through the marital embrace couples grow to understand, respect, and love each
other and then, as a secondary but equal consequence, they procreate. Couples
can not engage in the conjugal act without first considering the
"personal" and "reasonable" wishes of the spouses. Couples
are encouraged to practice self-discipline in matters of conjugal relations
through periodic continence. Only through self-control can spouses truly
express their love for one another.
Parenthood: The concept of responsible
parenthood first appears in Catholic thought in Pope Paul VI's Encyclical Humanae
Vitae. Responsible parents are always aware of their social and
physical conditions and "prudently" decide whether or not to have
children, even for an indefinite period of time.
Interests: There is emphasis on personal
respect and dignity of the spouses. Each spouse in encouraged to grow in
understanding the other spouse and respecting his or her interests. Often times
spouses are counseled to develop personal hobbies separate from their spouses.
The education of the children, especially in matters of faith, is secondary.
Often times there is a focus on the development of the children's personal
interests as well.
of the Marital Embrace: In the marital embrace,
the spouses are united spiritually. Through the conjugal act, the spouses
"gift" themselves to each other. It is taught that the marital
embrace, the conjugal act itself, is grace giving and sanctifying. The unity of
the spouses is perfected and strengthened through sexual relations. And
children are a "fruit" of this oneness. Sexual relations are to be
enjoyed for the sake of their pleasure and through this pleasure, the spouses
grow in love for each other. (Here
a writer discusses what she has learned from her parish and Theology of the
Body.) [Visit that site at your own risk...it is an occasion of sin in many ways!]
this new orientation of marriage has had a huge impact on the Church. In a
prior time, large Catholic families were not only a fairly normal occurrence,
but they pointed to a healthy and vibrant faith. In his Allocution
to Large Families in 1951, Pope Pius XII said this:
Whenever you find large families in great numbers,
they point to the physical and moral health of a Christian people, a living
faith in God and trust in His Providence, the fruitful and joyful holiness of
Catholic marriage.
In the modern civil world a large family is usually,
with good reason, looked upon as evidence of the fact that the Christian faith is
being lived up to...
If we return to the simple concept of “the marriage debt” as
it has traditionally been defined (and still is!), then concepts like “responsible
parenthood” and “an NFP lifestyle” become unnecessary and even harmful. If we
return to the simple concept of “the marriage debt”, perhaps we will see a
resurgence of large Catholic families… resulting in a resurgence of vocations… hopefully
resulting in a tradition-based renewal of the Church.
Great presentation. It has the virtue of simplicity -- like all true Catholic doctrine.
ReplyDeleteGood point about Dietrich von Hildebrand. Traditional Catholics underestimate the damage he caused.
Well done, Dr Boyd. You have done more good than you know.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to imagine TOB without DVH. Josephite Marriages vs. the Marriage Debt were very humourously explained by Fr. Duddleswell to his curate in Beddings and Weddings set in 1950. http://www.tv.com/shows/bless-me-father/watch/beddings-and-weddings-1573331/ That was a different world. Watch it and laugh.
ReplyDeleteI don't see any way to actually see the video - just "episode summary" and such. ??? I would love to watch it, though!
ReplyDeleteOh, it was a great episode. Young Fr. Boyd counsels an older couple that they can't really be married unless there's "that sort of a thing."
ReplyDeleteThe wise pastor assures them that their marriage would be like that of St. Joseph and Our Lady and that Fr. Boyd was operating from the usually sound Catholic principle that "everything is forbidden until it becomes mandatory." LOL
Ÿou have to be a traditional Catholic to even find the series funny. The sad part is that the author was a Jesuit who became the English version of Gary Wills after the Council.
Watch it on Hulu or do yourself a favor and buy the whole series off Amazon.
Dr. Boyd, this is an amazing post once again. Your reference to my blog post on the marriage debt is profoundly humbling. I am honored, though, to have you read my occasional blog post, but especially that you consider my thoughts worth the time to read. Thanks again and God bless you.