Randy Engel |
[Randy Engel was also interviewed by Christine Niles on her Forward Boldly program earlier this year; you can listen to that interview here.]
Ms. Engel’s letter was
published before the recent suspension of Fr. Matthew Despard which I noted here; Fr. Despard had the courage to make public his own experience with
the “gay mafia” in Scotland in a book entitled Priesthood in Crisis, and he is paying a price for doing so. There
are many who don’t believe what he says, and many who do; all I know is that,
given what other reporters and researchers have found over the last few decades,
it is difficult to justify a blatant dismissal of Fr. Despard’s claims.
Earlier this year, it was said
that the Pope would appoint no new bishops in Scotland until a thorough
investigation was made into the issue of homosexual behavior in the clergy,
following Cardinal Keith O’Brien’s admission of his guilt concerning sexual
abuse of seminarians. I don’t know whether such an investigation has taken
place, but I’m sorry to say I have my doubts. And if the “gay lobby” in Rome is
as powerful as we have been led to believe, how successful could such an
investigation be? Is Cardinal O’Brien simply to serve as a scapegoat who will
allow other guilty members of the clergy to stay “under the radar”?
At any rate, I hope Fr. Despard’s
case can continue to sound the alarm, and provoke a real investigation into this problem.
Randy Engel’s letter – which is
a long one – provides a broad-ranging view of the issues surrounding homosexual
behavior in the Church, and the implications thereof; here are her subheadings:
“Homophobia” as Ideology
Homosexuality, Pederasty and Criminality
and Pederasty – An Ancient and Universal
Why the Etiological and Behavioral
Differences Between Pederasty and Pedophilia Matter
Pederasts – A Different and More Dangerous Breed
of Sexual Offender
The Post-Conciliar Church’s Dalliance With the
Homosexual Collective
The Plague of “Gay Parishes” and “Gay
Organized Crime and the Homosexual
Homosexuality and the Drug Connection
Homosexuality and Male Prostitution
Homosexuality and Domestic Violence, In-house
Murder, and Homicide
Suicide, Self-inflicted Violence, and
Blasphemy and Sacrilege
A Papal Commission of Inquiry into Homosexuality
and Pederasty in the Catholic Church
Benefits to be Accrued by the Catholic
Laity From the Establishment of
Such a Commission
Benefits to the Diocesan Priesthood and Religious
In particular, Ms. Engel’s
statements concerning “The Post-Conciliar Church’s Dalliance with the
Homosexual Collective” are of interest in the context of Fr. Despard’s
accusations. Ms. Engel writes 9my emphases
Throughout her 2000 year history, Holy Mother Church has always viewed widespread sodomy in its clerical ranks
and hierarchy as a clear and present danger to the Faith and the flock.
Unfortunately, the post-Conciliar Church no longer upholds or teaches and
preaches this Truth.
…Persona Humana - Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning
Sexual Ethics issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
(CDF) on December 29, 1975, under the reign of Paul VI, himself a casualty of
the unnatural vice and a major player in the paradigm shift in the Church in
favor of homosexuality, gave the Homosexual Collective its first major victory
in the post-Conciliar Church. By making
a fictitious comparison between
“transitory or at least not incurable homosexual tendencies” and homosexuality
resulting from “some kind innate instinct or a pathological constitution judged
to incurable,” Vatican authorities gave credence to the well-known agitprop
slogan, “homosexuals are born that way.”
… The
truth is that there is no such creature
as a “homosexual person.” God did not create “homosexual persons,” any more
than He created “theft persons” or “sadomasochist persons.”
created man in His likeness and image with a rational mind and immortal soul.
He gave man an Order of Being and a free will by which man chooses to live his
life according to that Order or rejects that Order and in the fashion of the
Gnostic attempts to create his own reality. The post-Conciliar Church took a wrong turn in the road when it adopted
the concept of the “homosexual person”
and this error needs to be corrected, the sooner the better…
The effect of all this pandering by
the Church to the forces of organized perversion is that the average Catholic boy and girl, man and
woman, lay or religious, has been systematically stripped of the natural and
supernatural revulsion that the normal person feels when confronted with
sexual perversion.
Coupled with 12 years of
pro-homosexual sex instruction in Catholic schools and CCD classes, few adult
Catholics have been able to withstand the onslaught of the enemies of the Faith
and purveyors of perversion.
In her section entitled “Blasphemy
and Sacrilege”, Ms. Engel notes:
Since the early 1970s, outright
blasphemies against Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity,
including references to Jesus as an active sodomite and a lover of Lazarus, have
been increasing dramatically within the Homosexual Collective.
Similarly, sacrilege, in the form of
acts of sodomy and oral opulation committed on and about the sacred altar have
been recorded in a number of criminal cases involving Catholic priests and
religious here in the United
States .
In late July 2010, the Italian
magazine Panorama ran an undercover story
on the double life of three bona fide “gay” priests, two Italians and a
Frenchman. One of the priests donned a cassock to have sex (secretly filmed)
with the magazine reporter’s “gay” accomplice, and later said Mass for the
reporter. There was no comment from either the Italian Bishops Conference or
the Vatican .
Ask yourself Holy Father how often are these grave sins committed by
homosexual priests, religious and prelates on a daily basis throughout the world.
Don’t you feel any sense of outrage?
Have you ever made an act of public reparation to atone for these offenses
against Almighty God? If not, why not?
It involves no stretch of the
imagination to come to the sober and bitter conclusion, that if you, as the
Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, do
not take the lead in enforcing an absolute ban on candidates for religious
life with homosexual and pederastic tendencies in seminaries, the priesthood
and religious orders, and if you do not enforce
the rule of chastity for priests, religious, and members of the hierarchy
afflicted by this vice as well as philandering heterosexual priests who are
also making a mockery of their vows,
then the Catholic priesthood and religious life will continue to disintegrate and become dens of iniquity.
But how can you undertake such an
arduous task without first knowing all the facts concerning the extent to which
the Homosexual Collective with its pederast contingent of clerics has already successfully
colonized the Catholic priesthood, religious life, and hierarchy?
It is strange that despite more than
three decades of clerical sexual abuse scandals in the Church, most linked to
pederasty, neither you nor any of your post-Conciliar predecessors have ever
made any attempt to investigate the
extent and consequences of the dual plague of homosexuality and pederasty on
the Catholic diocesan priesthood and religious life, and on the life of the
Catholic laity? With thousands of convicted clerical abusers, and hundreds
of thousands of victims, and billions paid out in legal and reparation fees
world-wide, isn’t it time that such an investigation were instituted?
In addressing the benefits that
the Catholic laity might receive from the findings of a Papal Commission, Ms.
Engel points out that
Such an understanding is virtually non-existent among Catholic
adults today due largely to the Catholic hierarchy’s failure to provide them with
honest answers as to the nature and consequences of a homosexualized clergy and
hierarchy including an increase of pederastic crimes with all the disastrous
physical, emotional and spiritual repercussions these crimes bring upon innocent
victims and their families.
…By its willingness to answer these
hard questions based on actual case studies of clerical sex abuse, the Papal
Commission could began the arduous task of helping to restore confidence in the Church, especially among those Catholics
who have left the Church in despair and
disgust over clerical sex abuse crimes and their cover-up by the hierarchy and the
Randy Engel makes some good
points, as you can see. Read the whole letter here.
And Ms. Engel is not the only one making these points. Here’s
a list of books/articles that have been published over the years, each
documenting the problems with active homosexuality in the clergy. It’s really
quite sobering to think about.
1982: Fr. Enrique Rueda’s
ground-breaking book, The
Homosexual Network
2002: Michael Rose, Good-by,
Good Men
2006: Randy Engel Rite
of Sodomy (5 volumes)
2013: Fr. Dariusz
Oko, Ph.D., With the Pope
Against Homoheresy
2013: Fr. Matthew Despard, Priesthood
in Crisis
Pray. Fast. Pray some more.
Thank you for this post and God bless.
ReplyDeleteMay I add Stephen Brady to your linklist?
He gave up his fight against the homosexual clergy in 2010. On his website he explains why.
Quote: http://www.rcf.org/RCFgoodbye.pdf
From his RCF's newsletter, AMDG (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam) I really learnt a lot for example that the Vatican is well informed about the ongoings
Regarding Randy Engel´s book, the first two volumes are online.
And here´s an excerpt from Chapter 15
The Special Case of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
BTW, NCR thinks Pope Francis breathes new life into Bernardin's contested legacy
And this is a must-read-interview with John Vennari:
CFN interview with Randy Engel on "homosexuality and the New World Order"
Last but not least another outstanding article from her:
St. Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah - A Moral Blueprint for Our Times
Randy Engel was also interviewed by Christine Niles on her Forward Boldly program earlier this year: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/forwardboldly/2013/02/15/forward-boldly-guest-randy-engel-homosexualist-collective
ReplyDeleteThanks, Terry; I inserted that info into the post.
ReplyDeleteI read all the volumes of Randy Engel's book. It is horrifying. I understand why people would rather lie to themselves and pretend everything is fine because the truth of how deeply the Church has been colonized is so painful.
ReplyDeleteFr. Rueda suffered much for the Church and at the hands of the Church.