let’s review a very general discussion of the relative weight of magisterial
teachings given by Helen Hull Hitchcock in her article The
Authority of Church Documents. Here’s an abbreviated list and
description of the different types of documents issued by the Holy See, based
on Hitchcock’s article (I’ve omitted a couple of her categories; see the
article for all the details):
Apostolic constitutions (apostolicae
solemn, formal documents on matters of highest consequence concerning doctrinal
or disciplinary matters, issued by the pope in his own name. They are published
as either universal or particular law of the Church. (Examples: the
Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium; Constitution on
the Catechism of the Catholic Church.)
Apostolic exhortation (apostolica
exhortatio): a papal reflection on a particular topic that does not
contain dogmatic definitions or policy directives, addressed to bishops, clergy
and all the faithful of the entire Catholic Church. Apostolic exhortations are
not legislative documents. (Example: Familiaris Consortio, on the Role of the
Christian Family in the Modern World.)
Apostolic letter (apostolica
a formal papal teaching document, not used for dogmatic definitions of
doctrine, but to give counsel to the Church on points of doctrine that require
deeper explanation in the light of particular circumstances or situations in
various parts of the world.
Encyclical (encyclica epistola -
literally, "circular letter"): a formal apostolic letter issued by
the pope usually addressed to the bishops, clergy and faithful of the entire
Church. Example, Humanae vitae, concerning the Church's
teaching on birth control issued in 1968 by Pope Paul VI.
Instruction (instructio): explains or
amplifies a document that has legislative force, such as apostolic
constitutions, and states how its precepts are to be applied. (e.g., Liturgiam authenticam, on liturgical
translation, an Instruction on the correct implementation of the Constitution
on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium.)
Institutio: instituted arrangement
or regular method, rules (as in Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani).
Motu proprio (literally, by one's
own initiative): a legislative document or decree issued by the pope on his own
initiative, not in response to a request. (Examples: Apostolos Suos; Misericordia
reader of this blog, in his own research on the topic of papal infallibility, consulted
a number of sources, including (but not limited to): Dr. Ludwig Ott's Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma; Father
Michael Müller's work, God the Teacher
of Mankind: Or, Popular Catholic Theology, Apologetical, Dogmatical, Moral,
Liturgical, Pastoral, and Ascetical, Vol I: The Church and Her
Enemies; and Monsignor G. Van Noort's Dogmatic
Theology, Vol II: Christ's Church. He
has provided me with this valuable summary:
Theologians have derived four
criteria for determining the infallibility of any statement made by a Pope.
1. What the Pope says cannot be
new, because "the Holy Spirit was promised to the successor of Peter not
so that they might, by his revelation, make known some new doctrine".
2. The Pope must be speaking
"in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians,
in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority".
-- This means that the pope is
not infallible in his opinion, nor in his conversation, nor when writing a book
of theology as a private doctor, etc. In general there are certain forms of
communication which are considered, and for the most part, have always been
considered by their very nature forms of communication in which the Holy Father
exercises "his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue
of his supreme apostolic authority". Some of these forms are encyclical
letters, consistorial allocutions, apostolic letters, and apostolic
3. The Pope must be clearly
defining "a doctrine concerning faith or morals".
-- "A doctrine", i.e.
a singular issue on faith or morals is defined; therefore an entire catechism
can never be considered protected by the charism of papal infallibility no
matter how strongly worded the Pope recommended a catechism to be used for
learning and teaching the Faith.
4. The Pope must clearly
indicate that this definition is "to be held by the whole Church".
-- This has usually been held
by theologians to be clearly indicated by an imposition of a penalty for not
holding to the definition, e.g. "should anyone, which God forbid, have the
temerity to reject this definition of ours: let him be anathema."
-- Also, the concept of the
whole Church is to be understood as not just geographical throughout the whole
world, but also temporally throughout the span of time; hence the fact that
such papal declarations are "irreformable". This also means that
exceptions granted for a particular group, or for a particular time are not
infallible. Therefore, an indult for communion in the hand is not to be
considered as a practice protected by the infallibility of the Holy Ghost because
the Pope granted an official indult.
In the
case of TOB, the criteria noted above are not met in other ways. For example, TOB denies a hierarchy of ends to
marriage, placing the “unitive” end on the same level as the procreative end.
This flies in the face of centuries-old Church teaching that has been
reiterated by many fathers and doctors of the Church; it is a “new” teaching. In addition, author Andrew McCauley has raised
a number of points regarding problems with John Paul II’s views of sexual morality
and concupiscence in his pre-papal writings, as well as the lack of internal
consistency in TOB (see Crossing
the Threshold of Confusion, Chapters XI and XII). I won’t go into the
details here, but McCauley presents ample evidence which you can read in his
book if you so desire.
bottom line is that we are allowed to – and should – question any aspects of
TOB that cannot be shown to have some continuity with the constant teaching of
the Church. The same would be true of any document that discusses multiple
Engel, in her work John
Paul II and Theology of the Body: A Study in Modernism gives a number
of reasons for her opinion that TOB is not Catholic, including these:
its ‘theology’ is man-centered,
not God-centered;
it has abandoned the perennial
teachings of Scholasticism in favor of novel contemporary philosophies including
Existentialism, Phenomenology (the philosophy of consciousness), and
it contradicts the traditional
teaching of the Church concerning the ends and hierarchy of ends of marriage;
it promotes the sensuous over
the spiritual;
it leads us away from Christ,
down the road of Modernism.
are serious problems.
I think
it is clear that TOB certainly does not meet the standards outlined at the
beginning of this post for “infallibility”; in fact, the problems reviewed here
indicate that it does not really carry any magisterial weight at all – it is
John Paul II’s personal thought and philosophy, and does not necessarily
reflect the mind of the Church.
I perhaps will not live to see it, but there is no question whatever that this "theology" of the body will be condemned by the Church down the road, when She regains her balance, Her composure and Her strength.
ReplyDeleteIf - God forbid - John Paul II is raised to the Altars (using the watered-down and neutered Saint-making process created by JPII himself) then, of course, it will make it extremely difficult to fight his tragic ideas and conceptions. We must pray that the Holy Ghost intervenes to put a stop to such an act of madness.
Keep punching away at TOB. The more we expose its absurdities the better off the Church will be.
Deus Caritas Est is not a book, it is an Encyclical.
ReplyDeleteThis is only one of many, many serious and blatant errors in this post and nearly all that discuss NFP on this blog.
Oop! You're right, Francis! I had in mind the book "Caritas in Veritate" along with the other books in that "series". I'd be happy to hear specifically about the other "serious and blatant errors".
ReplyDeleteCaritas in Veritate is also an Encyclical!
ReplyDeleteWell, for starters - stating that TOB was "new" is false: its doctrinal development of the consistent teaching of the Church. Doctrinal development is nothing new for the Church - the Church's understanding of the Trinity also developed in a similar way. I'm sure when the Church was wrestling with how to develop teaching on the Trinity, people were yelling, "No! This is NEW! This isn't the teaching of the Church!" But then, as now, those people were wrong - and the Church, in Her wisdom, knows better than the clattering throngs. (Thanks be to God!)
The most glaring errors, however, must be contained in Randy Engel's "work" on TOB. Evaluating TOB's theology as "man-centred and not God-centred," displays, simply put, a lack of understanding of the complexity of the teaching. In fact, I find it hard to believe any honest and serious reader could conclude that TOB is not God-centred, unless one is going into it merely attempting to undermine it. Further, TOB, as well as JPII's entire body of philosophical writings, are firmly rooted in Thomistic philosophy, and rely on Thomism far more than existentialism or any other school of philosophical thought. (I may remind all the JPII-haters here that people tried to discredit St. Thomas himself in the very same way that you are attempting to discredit JPII - because he relied on those awful pagans like Aristotle. Good thing we didn't listen to them then! Let's hope we don't listen to them now.)
It seems in any event that you're intent on your dissent, and unwilling to be obedient to things that have been pronounced in Encyclicals (which you conceded carry significant Magesterial weight,) such as when HV insists that both the unitive and procreative are inherent to the marital act. So, I suppose my question is what criteria do you have for picking which Encyclicals you follow, and which you decide are irrelevant?
Yep, you're right again, about Caritas in Veritate. My bad, doubled over. Nevertheless, TOB is NOT an encyclical, and carries no real magisterial weight. Neither is it Thomistic, and it is "personalistic" by JPII's own admission. As for HV's denial of a primacy of ends in marriage, that goes against all the Church teaching up to that point, and there is really nothing to justify it. That's called "discontinuity". Something "new" like that, which directly contradicts Church teaching can scarcely be said to be a "development". There is no reference to the Church fathers in that "development", just a reliance on Vatican II. There's no scriptural refrences. That's not enough to show a development of thought. You can bet those teaching the doctrine of the Trinity had more to go on than one document from a pastoral council that didn't even set out to define doctrine!
ReplyDeleteTo the extent that HV taught in keeping with the Church, that teaching is valid. But the "responsible" parenthood part and the idea of unitive and procreative ends being on a par with each other don't follow from what went previously.
I disagree with your characterization of Engel's work; I think she supports what she says with ample evidence. I suppose you're not much of a fan of Anne Muggeridge, either! At any rate, we will just have to agree to disagree.
Jay, I hate to say it - but you're wrong! ALL of HV is valid - the parts you like, the parts you dislike and everything in between. You don't have the authority to call it invalid -- you only have the option to assent or dissent. You may feel that there is some sort of disunity (most everyone else would completely disagree,) but notwithstanding your or anyone's opinions about it, it remains valid, and it remains a teaching, with Magesterial authority, that demands obedience. Lacking obedience, you would not be considered in communion with the Catholic Church. I would say in light of this that it might be wise to state this on the homepage of your blog, so that you're not fooling people and further leading them astray (which, as you know, is sinful in and of itself.)
ReplyDeleteFrancis, you're way off base. You presume to speak for "most people", and I don't know how you justify that. Further, I do not believe it is wrong to point out inconsistencies where they exist, and this is not an issue of "liking" or "disliking" what the document says. I also think there are solid grounds for not accepting every aspect of a document that covers a multitude of doctrinal and non-doctrinal issues.
ReplyDeleteI see hundreds of years of Church teaching that cannot be swept under the rug by one document that has ambiguities and weaknesses that are easily demonstrable. There's a problem here. The fruits of HV are evident, and they are kind of rotten. As Fr. Gardner asked you, "Where are the children?"