think the most important point to be gleaned from Michael Voris’s three “Special
Reports” (all embedded at the end of this post) on the Supreme Court decision
on Obamacare is this: many Catholics have forgotten how to be Catholics.
They’ve gone along with the world on so many issues, they no longer believe – if they even know – what their own Church really teaches. It reminds me of the Jews telling Samuel to tell God they wanted a king, instead of the judges God had been providing. Why did they want a king? “Because everybody else has one,” they said (1Samuel 8:19-20). So God gave them a king, and things started to go downhill.
They’ve gone along with the world on so many issues, they no longer believe – if they even know – what their own Church really teaches. It reminds me of the Jews telling Samuel to tell God they wanted a king, instead of the judges God had been providing. Why did they want a king? “Because everybody else has one,” they said (1Samuel 8:19-20). So God gave them a king, and things started to go downhill.
But at
the Second Vatican Council, there was another push to move the Church into the “modern
world”, and a big part of that push was about “fitting in”. Gaudium et Spes, the Church’s pastoral
constitution on the Church in the modern world, gave only passing notice to Casti Connubii in its treatment of
marriage, noting only that couples “may not undertake methods of birth control
which are found blameworthy by the teaching authority of the Church in its
unfolding of the divine law”. (par. 51)
statement was footnoted:
14 …Certain
questions which need further and more careful investigation have been handed
over, at the command of the Supreme Pontiff, to a commission for the study of
population, family, and births, in order that, after it fulfills its function,
the Supreme Pontiff may pass judgment. With the doctrine of the magisterium in
this state, this holy synod does not intend to propose immediately concrete
the strong statements made in Casti
Connubii, one wonders why anyone thought there would, should, or could be
discussion by a “commission”! I think at least part of the reason was exactly
what Michael Voris talks about in his Special Report I: it was because Catholics
wanted to fit in, and that meant accepting artificial contraception and the
concept of “responsible” parenthood.
How has this happened? That’s
easy. Because Catholics in America have been so busy wanting to fit in and wrap
themselves in the flag – not just of the stars and stripes, but the flag of
social acceptance and political correctness, the banners of non-judgmentalism
and tolerance..
adds further explanation in Special Report III:
For too long, there has been
this attitude on the part of many that we can just get along with the culture –
that we can agree to disagree on some points and play nice-nice the rest of the
There is a foundational error
in that approach and it is this: that the culture will treat the Church in the
same fashion.
The Culture – political,
educational, media, judicial, health, entertainment – has no such desire to live
and let live. It must resist and tear down the Church because of one basic
truth: the culture, the kingdom of this world, is aligned against the Church
because the Prince of this world is Satan.
No one in the Church today – or
pitifully few – want to talk in these terms because…well…the world will mock
them… kind of proving the point.
Leaders have either failed to
understand themselves or failed to preach the words and their deeper meaning of
Our Blessed Lord at the Last Supper: “The world will hate you because it hated
me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but
because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world,
the world hates you.”
So then the Commission did its work, and many
were aghast that in Humanae Vitae, Pope
Paul VI did not follow the “majority”
decision that artificial contraception should be a-okay for Catholics. In fact,
liberal theologians, priests, and bishops were so aghast that they advocated
outright dissent to HV, and even made
statements to that effect (e.g., the Canadian bishops’ Winnipeg Statement).
ever since then, the bishops have been failing to adequately present and uphold
Church teaching. As Voris says:
…[T]he bishops caved, as
Cardinal Timothy Dolan was forthright in admitting a few weeks ago in a Wall
Street Journal interview. He said with regard to the absolute abdication to
the culture, to the offering of incense to the gods of Rome, to the sell-out of
the Faith by the shepherds with regard to promoting the Church teaching on
sexual matters – specifically Humane
“We have gotten gun-shy in
speaking with any amount of cogency on chastity and sexual morality. The
flashpoint was Humanae Vitae: It brought such a tsunami of dissent,
departure, disapproval of the Church, that I think most of us—and I’m using the
first-person plural intentionally, including myself—kind of subconsciously
said, ‘Whoa. We’d better never talk about that, because it’s just too hot to handle.’”
There you have it. Candid
expression that the collapse can be laid at the feet, in the first place of the
leaders. But quickly followed by a laity all too happy to walk away from Christ
and embrace every sexual passion they could. This was an epic fail that we are
now beginning to really feel.
It has caused such devastation
and mass falling away from the faith that a whole new massive evangelization
effort is now needed not to the heathens and pagans, but to the former Catholics
turned heathen and pagan.
In that interview
with Cardinal Dolan, the paragraph before Voris’s quote says:
What about
the argument that vast numbers of Catholics ignore the Church's teachings about
sexuality? Doesn't the Church have a problem conveying its moral principles to
its own flock? "Do we ever!" the archbishop replies with a hearty
laugh. "I'm not afraid to admit that we have an internal catechetical
challenge—a towering one—in convincing our own people of the moral beauty and
coherence of what we teach. That's a biggie."
he certainly seems to grasp the magnitude of the problem! But Cardinal Dolan
also made this comment in the same interview:
Catholics . . . are now saying, 'Fine, we'll get out of all that. It's dragging
us down anyway. Rather than be supporting 50 Catholic schools in the inner city
where most of the kids are not Catholic, and using a big chunk of diocesan
money to do that, we'll just use it for the schools that have all Catholics,
and it'll serve us a lot better.' . . .
find that, by the way, to be rather un-Catholic," he continues. "I
don't know what that would say to the gospel mandate to be 'light to the world'
and 'salt of the earth.' It's part of
our religion to be right out there in the forefront, right there in the
But the
Cardinal also acknowledged that we have a big “internal catechesis challenge”!
Where does he think that problem came from? The schools haven’t been doing their job
either. You can’t be “light” and “salt” if you’re just another cog in the wheel
of secular society!
I would not send my child to a Catholic school that was not teaching Catholic
values! Heck, I even respected Catholic values when I was a non-Catholic
teacher at a Catholic school, making sure I didn’t teach anything that was
against Catholicism. And although I was happy to have the job, I wondered why
in the world a Catholic school would hire a non-Catholic to teach anything (I taught a psychology class at
the time). And yes, I did end up becoming Catholic, but I can assure you it had
nothing to do with teaching at that Catholic school!
that was a rambling side note, but the point is, we’ve all but lost our
Catholic identity in the country, from bishops to priests to laity. So can we
expect Catholics to understand this whole “religious freedom” thing and vote
Obama out of office? Or will that large percentage of Catholics using
artificial contraception decide they’d just as soon have their contraception
provided for free?
what I think: whether or not Obama wins re-election in the fall, we’d better
get back to basics in the catechesis of our adults
as well as our children.
But here’s
what I’m afraid of: if Obama loses, everyone will heave a sigh of relief, and
it will be business as usual, and Catholic identity will continue to slip and
slide into oblivion.
And if
Obama wins, God forbid, it will be too late…except for the remnant, of course.
Vortex Special Reports:
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