Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Thoughts on Evangelium Gaudium

I have been reading the Holy Father's Apostolic Exhortation Evangelium Gaudium, which means, of course, "The Joy of the Gospel".

There are many, many commentaries on this document already, and the blogosphere and Face Book are both rife with gems quoted from the many, many, many, many words that flow from page to page to page to page. I highly recommend the one from Eye of the Tiber.

So let this video serve as my commentary. You may interpret it as you wish.


  1. Perhaps the summary of this document will be read at Mass by a cute little second grader accompanied by the folk choir with the priest exhorting the congregation at the end to "just all get along". On a more serious note, it is clear that the Pope (or whomever wrote it though the style is his) knows little about economics. Ah, but since when do facts matter anyhow? What is clear is that we have a Pope who is enamored of South American liberation theology which is only compounded by being a Jesuit. The one, holy, Catholic, orthodox Catholic Church is in serious trouble


  2. DrJay: I used My Generation, by The Who for my own interpretation. So we may have some differences here. Let´s start an ecumenical dialogue.

  3. J - LOL! Yes, we must dialogue! With happy faces!

  4. The Vatican hasn't been able to translate things into English for quite a while...The Spanish text is much clearer (though still problematic)....I'm bracing myself to do a paragraph analysis...after re-translating it correctly....I'll sum up my thoughts as follows "The Holy Spirit saves us again" this is an apostolic exortation and not an encyclical or anything defining Dogma :)

  5. Love our dear Pope Francis!

  6. Thanks for your positive input, Pat Smith. Sadly, though, it's clear than many people quoted in the mainstream media "love" Pope Francis for all the wrong reasons (i.e,. they think he is changing Church doctrine).

  7. The Pope, willingly or not, is doing much to diminish the Church's real, intended position in the world. Instead of being a steady beacon of the truth the Church, via the Pope's statements, is being used by the enemies of the Church. His statements are reinforcing CINO's while doing nothing to reinforce those who are orthodox. I have said it before and I will say it again. When the left (Marxist/socialists) praise the Pope's interpreted position there is a problem. I can't know his heart, but all external evidence says he is out to be popular. Popular in this day and age is seldom right.

  8. This is an Apostolic Exhortation and a very effective one at that. Anyone who reads it and does not feel they have had their butt kicked is probably too cynical and set in their ways to feel it. Anyone who cherry picks it to make the pope agree with their own pet cause is really missing the point. Anyone who sees in this document some indication that the pope is some sort of Marxist sympathizer is woefully ignorant of the entire corpus of social encyclicals dating back to Rerum Novarum. Finally anyone who is merely content to make fun of it is just plain rude and beneath contempt.

  9. Freyr, I have allowed your comment only because it illustrates how willing some people are to turn a blind eye to inappropriate things said by the Pope, while engaging in ad hominem attacks on those who point out that "the emperor has no clothes."

    An "effective" document? Ha! Whatever valid points might possibly be made in the Apostolic Exhortation, they are buried under a multitude of sophomoric cliches and straw men. And whatever Catholic points may have been made, they are swamped by the vast number of paragraphs that will be employed by both the liberal progressive modernist types within the Church, as well as the secular media, to further their own agendas. Our Church is truly in dark times. We need shepherds who will speak the truth plainly and forthrightly.

  10. I think Pope Francis has been reading your blog and watching the Vortex because he speaks directly to you in paragraph 94. "The other is the self-absorbed promethean neopelagianism of those who ultimately trust only in their own powers and feel superior to others because they observe certain rules or remain intransigently faithful to a particular Catholic style from the past. A supposed soundness of doctrine or discipline leads instead to a narcissistic and authoritarian elitism, whereby instead of evangelizing, one analyzes and classifies others, and instead of opening the door to grace, one exhausts his or her energies in inspecting and verifying. In neither case is one really concerned about Jesus Christ or others. These are manifestations of an anthropocentric immanentism. It
    is impossible to think that a genuine evangelizing thrust could emerge from these adulterated forms of Christianity."

  11. Anonymous: Thanks for proving my point...again...In a variety of ways.

    Why are all manner of sinners and heretics excused and embraced by those of you embracing EG, but the poor promethean neopelagian is subjected to abuse and approbation?! Go figure! I guess the concept of the "sacred ground of the other" (par. 169) doesn't apply to the rabid trad. (BTW, this promethean pelagian is justone example of the straw men that populate the document.)

  12. Those who object to the objections of some of us to the Pope's point of view might want to read this


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