There’s one prayer that often
makes me melt. It’s in the prayers after the consecration; in the little red
Latin-English missal it’s under the heading “For Blessings”. It says:
we beseech Thee, almighty God, to command that these our offerings be carried
by the hand of Thy holy Angel to Thine Altar on high, in the sight of Thy
divine Majesty, so that those of us who shall receive the most sacred Body and
Blood of Thy Son by partaking thereof from this Altar may be filled with every
grace and heavenly blessing: Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
I love thinking about the holy
Angel carrying our offerings up to Heaven, right into the sight of King of the
Universe. I love thinking about “every grace and heavenly blessing”, because if you really think about what that prayer if saying, the immensity of it boggles the mind!
Also from the little red book
is an after-Mass prayer from St. Bonaventure. I especially like the first part:
Lord Jesus, pierce the inmost depths of my being with the sweet and wholesome
pang of Thy love, with true and tranquil and most holy apostolic charity, so
that from sheer melting love and desire of Thee my soul may ever faint with
longing, yearning for Thee and for Thy dwelling-place, asking only to be
released from the flesh and to be with Thee.
Today when I read that, I
thought also about how we must always strive to keep our souls cleansed of sin
by confession and penance, because if we are released from the flesh, we want
to go to Heaven quickly, with a minimum amount of time in Purgatory. And
thinking about that made me think about the sins I had already committed that day,
and inspired me to beg forgiveness for them.

The prayers of the old Mass, I
think, lead us into that kind of thinking and that kind of appreciation for
God, which then helps us to worship Him as He deserves and demands.
The little Red book so beautiful ..prayers of old that do make the heart melt and brings us to our knees to adore and pour out our hearts to our MERCIFUL Savior.
ReplyDeleteWe have these at St. Francis de Sales ....I have my own 1962 Missal which a dear friend gave me from the Oratory ! These prayers stir the Holy Ghost within me ...how blessed we are!
I would recommend that you read the chapter on "Abiding Sorrow for Sin" from Fr. Faber's classic work, "Growth in Holiness." Of course I always recommend that everyone read that book, especially when it is available for free on the internet. In this particular instance, however, I think the chapter on "Abiding Sorrow for Sin" will answer your questions about "dwelling on past sins." Another word for "abiding sorrow for sin" is "compunction," and Fr. Faber explains its necessity, its place in the spiritual life, the profit we get, the qualities that need to be present, etc.
-John G.
I love every single aspect of the prayers of the Latin Mass. It makes me melt every time. I could never get tired of the Holy Sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteI'm still trying to get over the shock of the glorious sung, High Mass at our chapel yesterday. I had never been to a sung High Mass before. It was so glorious I'm at a loss for words. This is the Beauty of the Holy Catholic Church.
Viva Christo Rey!
My favorite prayers are the washing of hands and what shall I render to The Lord for all the things that He hath rendered unto me....... Of course every line is beautiful but I always looked with anticipation for those two. Kathy