just saw this
article posted on Catholic
Vote’s Face Book page: [and see an update below]
bishop: ‘Blasphemous’ same-sex advocates wearing rainbow sashes won’t be
allowed at Mass
for the Senate Bill 10 plan to attend a 5:15 p.m. Tuesday Mass at the Cathedral
of the Immaculate Conception as part of what organizers describe as a “loud
Catholic Presence for marriage equality” that will wrap up a daylong rally in
support of the stalled legislation.
Bishop Thomas Paprocki, head of the Springfield Catholic diocese, said anyone
wearing rainbow sashes won’t be permitted inside the church.
is blasphemy to show disrespect or irreverence to God or to something holy,”
Paprocki said in a statement released late Tuesday morning. “Since Jesus
clearly taught that marriage as created by God is a sacred institution between
a man and a woman (see Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-9), praying for same-sex
marriage should be seen as blasphemous and as such will not be permitted in the
wearing a rainbow sash or who otherwise identify themselves as affiliated with
the Rainbow Sash Movement will not be admitted into the cathedral and anyone
who gets up to pray for same-sex marriage in the cathedral will be asked to
leave,” Paprocki said.
course, our cathedral and parish churches are always open to everyone who
wishes to repent their sins and ask for God’s forgiveness,” he said.
What a wonderful Shepherd! He just defended the Faith in no uncertain terms! He defended the honor of God and His Blessed Mother, and he did so in words that no one can misunderstand.
What a charitable thing to say to those who have been deceived into thinking homosexual beahvior is anything less than a grave sin!
May God bless and protect
Bishop Paprocki!
Go here for an "on-line contact form" where you can leave a supportive message.
Go here for an "on-line contact form" where you can leave a supportive message.
A follow-up
article says in part:
Garcia, a longtime gay activist and political director for Civil Rights Agenda,
entered the church before the scheduled 5:15pm Mass without incident – but was
not wearing a rainbow-colored sash, he said.
He called Paprocki’s statement blasphemous,
and a stark contrast to Pope Francis’ recent comments calling for the need to
make the Catholic Church a more merciful, welcoming place.
“We’re not committing blasphemy. The
bishop’s committing blasphemy,” Garcia said.
Police cars were parked near the church
in the hour leading up to Tuesday’s Mass, and one officer could be seen
standing within the main entryway doors.
Well, we see again how the media reports of the Pope’s
comments are interpreted by the homosexualists. Thank God for the clear statement
of Bishop Paprocki. It appears that even the media could not distort his words
in a way that would be taken to mean that homosexual behavior is anything less
than disordered and morally depraved.
You may color me impressed!
ReplyDeleteI like this man more and more. May God be good to him, and help him.
ReplyDeleteA Bishop with backbone!
ReplyDeleteThank God for him. It's good to see a Bishop calling out evil for what it is. There isn't much of that to see today, unfortunately.
Thank you, Bishop Paprocki!!
We need more bishops to grow a backbone and do this. Next the sorry excuse of a Bishop in Whitehorse Canada needs to be reminded by the Vatican as they did with Bishops in Germany Europe(Divorce-remarriage and communion) as to what the churches teaching is on Homosexual so called marriage sodomy really is etc..
ReplyDeletePlease God we should have more like this Bishop. May the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and St. Michael protect and defend him. If only Our Lord would send us one like him here in NY. ..
DeleteHere in the Albany, NY Diocese we have only one week and one day to go!
Damnable sodomites!
ReplyDeleteHe's great, isn't he? I live in Illinois but not anywhere near the Springfield Diocese, unfortunately. Thanks, Jay, for providing a link to send a note of gratitude to him. I did.
ReplyDeleteWow! We need more of the likes of Bishop Poprocki in our Catholic church to speak the truth in love and not be afraid. Christ always spoke the Truth when he was on this earth and for this, HE was hated. The truth is always hard to swallow. When are these Sodomites going to stop shoving their lifestyle on the rest of society, especially the Catholic church!
ReplyDelete“We’re not committing blasphemy. The bishop’s committing blasphemy,” Garcia said.
ReplyDeleteAh, yes! Blame the other guy for your sins. Isn't that the way of it? Ever since Adam and Eve man has been doing this. ("The woman, whom thou gavest me to be my companion, gave me of the tree, and I did eat." - "The serpent deceived me, and I did eat.")
"The light of thy body is thy eye. If thy eye be simple, thy whole body shall be lightsome.
But if thy eye be evil, thy whole body shall be darksome. If, therefore, the light that is in thee be darkness, how great will the darkness itself be? No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Mt. 6:22-24
Be ready for the argument, folks, that goes something like this: "Well, Jesus ate with tax collectors, prostitutes and other sinners. Why should we not allow these folks to receive Him at Holy Mass?"
This is true! However, *He did not* give these sinners His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity to eat and drink at those times, did He?
God bless Bishop Paprocki!
Catechist Kev
The link to the Diocesan website is down. It won't work. But thank God for such a wonderful and faithful courageous Bishop. We need more like him. Will keep him in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Anne - I tried it and it seemed to work, and the Vortex uses the same link... Maybe it was just down for maintenance or something when you tried it.