Vortex (May 6) gives us a bunch of great quotes. Here they are:

“But when we start to cut down
the Faith, to negotiate Faith, a little like selling it to the highest bidder,
we take the path of apostasy, of disloyalty to the Lord.”
“These Christians are not
united in the Church, they do not walk in God's presence, they don’t have the
security of the Holy Spirit, they do not make up the Church… to quote the words
of Jesus in Revelation, 'lukewarm Christians'. The indifference that is in the Church
... They walk only in the presence of common sense common sense ... that worldly
“.. if we do not profess Jesus
Christ, things go wrong. We may become a charitable NGO, but not the Church,
the Bride of the Lord … When we do not profess Jesus Christ, we profess the
worldliness of the devil, a demonic worldliness .. we may be bishops, priests,
cardinals, popes, but not disciples of the Lord.”
the Vortex, with the script below.
The script:
When the Holy Father was elected – can you believe it was almost two months ago already – MSNBC loud mouth commentator and fake Catholic Chris Matthews said the following in part:
When the Holy Father was elected – can you believe it was almost two months ago already – MSNBC loud mouth commentator and fake Catholic Chris Matthews said the following in part:
"Let me start tonight with
the election of the new Pope. It brings with it a great hope, and not just for
Catholics. It promises a progressive church and economic justice. Francis 1 is
a Jesuit from Argentina. He is known for throwing off trappings and perks of
power, living in a small apt, taking a bus to work. The new Pope has said
things about capitalism and its failure to deliver economic justice that could
drive the right wing nuts crazy.”
here now for loud laughter.
that’s exactly what progressive liberal non-thinkers always want to do: portray
reality in an unrealistic way. This was part of the hijacking process that the
Matthews-type media tried to do immediately with the new Pope.
totally off topic for a moment .. has anyone seen Chris Matthews taking the bus
and living in a rinky-dink apartment and giving back all those expensive suits
paid for by his network .. I mean if he thinks that’s so great, why doesn’t he
do it? Just askin’.
back to the point, Pope Francis is continuing to disappoint the liberal spin
machine. Just recently he made a most decidedly Catholic claim:
“You cannot find Jesus outside
the Church ... It is the Mother Church who gives us Jesus, who gives us the
identity that is not only a seal, it is a belonging..”
What a
divisive thing to say. My oh my! There goes yet another pope, being Catholic
and all that. See, the liberal media has no idea what to do with a comment
like, other than ignore. The media however should take their cue from liberal
Catholics who could spin that so furiously, it would look like a Tasmanian
devil by the time they were done with it.
But at
the end of the day, the Pope means exactly what he says. The Catholic Church is
the means for finding Jesus Christ and incorporating us into Him. That doesn’t
sound very 1960’s era ecumenical, and it certainly doesn’t fit the sputum poured
forth by the American Patriotic Church and its agenda to be the Church of Nice.
But it
is what it is. A decidedly – not to mention refreshingly – NON-vague insistence
on what the Catholic Church is. But those aren’t the only comments, homilies
and remarks the Holy Father has made that are Catholic. In challenging
Catholics to be more stalwart and rigid, yes rigid in their faith he said:
“But when we start to cut down
the Faith, to negotiate Faith, a little like selling it to the highest bidder,
we take the path of apostasy, of disloyalty to the Lord.”
Did you
hear that seminary formation teams. BAM!
lukewarm Catholics he said:
“These Christians are not
united in the Church, they do not walk in God's presence, they don’t have the
security of the Holy Spirit, they do not make up the Church… to quote the words
of Jesus in Revelation, 'lukewarm Christians'. The indifference that is in the Church
... They walk only in the presence of common sense common sense ... that worldly
And at
his first Mass, he said point blank to the cardinals who has just elected him
the day before:
“.. if we do not profess Jesus
Christ, things go wrong. We may become a charitable NGO, but not the Church,
the Bride of the Lord … When we do not profess Jesus Christ, we profess the
worldliness of the devil, a demonic worldliness .. we may be bishops, priests,
cardinals, popes, but not disciples of the Lord.”
for it… BAM!
do liberals talk about this? What can they say? Sure, they can hang on every word
that the Pope says about poverty while ignoring these things, but they paint an
incomplete – WILDLY incomplete – picture of him and his message. But hey, that
never stopped the media liberals before.
So our
modernist friends are caught in a trap of their own devising… the phrase hoist
by their petard comes to mind.
in the Church – like for example Fr. Thomas Rosica, who heads up Salt and
TV from Canada – was all aglow with the election of Francis, saying that things
in the Vatican changed instantly with his election… over night.
would of course like to join with his secular counterparts like Chris Matthews
in painting a picture of vast difference between Benedict and Francis , because
of the sneaky implication that beyond style, something of substance will change
as well: a little extra dash of ecumenism here , a little shared Holy Communion
Well, do
people like Fr. Rosica and Chris Matthews REALLY think that all that much has
changed now? Pope Francis talk like a pope – like the successor to St. Peter.
You can easily imagine Peter saying there is no finding Jesus outside the
Church – that it is impossible.
when Pope Francis echoes those sentiments and states them plainly…well, what
are poor liberals to do, other than ignore those comments and really really
hope he comes out soon and says something about poverty.
funny that because of his name, Benedict the 16th was nicknamed B-16…like the bomber;
because when you listen to the bombs exploding everywhere these days in the Church,
they’re being dropped by Pope Francis.
Bless the Holy Father.
WOW, some powerful words from Pope Francis ....
ReplyDeleteKnow let me go and listen to the Vortex and Michael Voris back soon!
BAM, BAM and BAM.....
ReplyDeleteYep LOUD and CLEAR Our Holy Father , Pope Francis speaks right to the heart of the matter.
I wanted to get up and dance around my chair but I refained myself ....just kidding about the dancing.
But I will say everything within me was filled with overflowing JOY to hear these words of Pope Francis: Let us all pray that we will all be on FIRE and reject any complacency and lukewarmness ....God Bless you all!
Read more good news on Pope Francis:
BAM! BAM! BAM! (This one deserves 3!)