Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Winter in Eastern Oregon

This winter, I felt (for a few weeks, at least) like I was living on an iceberg. We had a long cold snap that kept a solid layer of ice under a thin covering of snow, and it just stayed cold. Low and high daily temperatures both well below freezing for weeks at a time, just gets old. It's warmed up a bit lately, but it's still way to early to hope for spring here. 

But there's always the beauty to comfort us! God's majesty is so evident in His creation...and all we have to do is look out the window.

Here are some of my favorite winter pictures of this year.


  1. Those are really awesome pictures, Jay!!! What mountain range do you guys live by?

  2. Heidi
    I'm answering for Jay since she is out of town and has poor internet access at the moment...besides as her husband I get to do that :)
    We live in the Baker (Oregon) valley at the base of what locals call the Elkhorn mountains. They are actually the southern arm of the Blue Mountain range. Way across the valley to the northeast are the Wallowa Mountains and due east on a clear day we can see the mountains near McCall Idaho. Our little ranch is at about 3850 feet but the nearby mountains go up to almost 10,000 ft.

  3. Wow! It sounds like you guys live in a very beautiful and mountaneous area!

  4. I agree , awesome pictures . Thanks for sharing Dr. Jay . And thank you Dr. Jay's husband ( Jerry) for answering Heidi's question; appreciate that info . I live the Midwest , St. Louis, MO , no beautiful mountains around here just buildings the pictures are a blessing to us poor souls in these parts . God Bless you all !

  5. Well we definitely get 4 seasons here. Unfortunately sometimes winter is about 7 months long so the other 3 are crammed into what's left!

  6. Sigh. How I miss the mountains and the wide open spaces! Beautiful pictures, Jay.

  7. Glad to see the beauty without experiencing the cold.


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