
Friday, November 15, 2013

An Exorcism by Bishop Paprocki

Wow! Dr. Ed Peters shared this link on his “Canon Law” Face Book page; it’s an article in the Chicago Tribune which reports that (my emphases):

Bishop Paprocki
Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield said he will offer prayers for “exorcism in reparation for the sin of same-sex marriage” at the same time Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is expected to sign the same-sex marriage bill next week.

Paprocki said he will offer the prayers intended to cast out evil at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in the state’s capital Wednesday.

“It is scandalous that so many Catholic politicians are responsible for enabling the passage of this legislation and even twisting the words of the pope to rationalize their actions despite the clear teaching of the church,” Paprocki said in a statement.

“All politicians now have the moral obligation to work for the repeal of this sinful and objectionable legislation,” Paprocki said. “We must pray for deliverance from this evil which has penetrated our state and our church.”

[I've been informed that this is technically not an exorcism, but is a "rite of expelling demons from a particular location". For the moment, I think we can use the shorthand of "exorcism".]

Dr. Peters commented that what’s “really interesting” about the bishop’s exorcism:

… is that Paprocki is a lawyer (twice over, in fact, JD, JCD) and he makes excellent use of law in his work. But this, this, calls for something stronger than law: preserving marriage calls for grace. God bless Bp. Paprocki.

Yes…something stronger than law!

Meanwhile, back at the USCCB ranch, we have that “special statement” about the HHS contraception mandate, and how all the bishops will fight it. Hmph. Yeah, sure, I’m glad they made a[nother] namby-pamby statement about it, and that the statement was unanimously approved.

Still, it doesn't sound different from anything they have already said. It doesn't say WHAT they will do, other than "continue our efforts", which of course have been so effective thus far...

I don't see anyone offering to go to jail.

And I don’t see anyone offering to do an exorcism, either.

God bless Bishop Paprocki. Keep him in your prayers, because he will definitely be in the devil’s cross hairs now.

I have also written about Bishop Paprocki in these posts (most recent first):


  1. Just wish we have just ONE Bishop like Bishop Paprocki here.

  2. *Cheers*

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Bishop Paprocki! This is so great.


  3. I admire this man more and more with each passing day.

    Though I am surprised that the ubiquitous Dr Peters finds it admirable. His defense of Cardinal Wuerl ("the Girl") after that horrible situation with Fr Guarnizo justly refusing Communion to the homosexually-disturbed Buddhist was not something he should be proud of...though he is.

  4. Has he placed any politician under interdict? Has he at least said they should refrain from communion. A decent bishop would have excommunicated a bunch of these traitorous Catholics by now. I'll wait and expect nothing.

  5. I'll stand by Bishop Paprocki. He's been fighting the good fight on this issue for some time now.

  6. I totally applaud Bishop Paprocki, always. But may I just say that wouldn't it be even more wonderful if he prayed the traditional Rite of Exorcism, not the post-VII watered down, namby-pamby version? One can always hope and pray for it. If only....


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