
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

NFP Discussion on Mic'd Up Tonight!

UPDATE: The completed show is posted here; the NFP segment begins at the 27 minute mark and goes to the end.

ChurchMilitant.TV is having a discussion about NFP on "Mic'd Up" tonight. Christopher Gawley, whose "Heroic Parenthood" was featured here, will be the guest.

Here are some status posts from the CMTV Face Book page:

Interested in "planning the size of your family" with Natural Family Planning? tonight's LIVE streaming of Mic'd Up at 8 PM EDT to hear some Catholic views on NFP!
Mic'd Up-
Call in at 1-866-738-1207 or tweet your questions to: @bornforcombat
You won't want to miss it!

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What does the Church actually say about Natural Family Planning?
Curious??? Find out on Wednesday's edition of Mic'd Up at 8PM EDT!
Get your questions ready! Call in at 1-866-738-1207 or tweet LIVE: @bornforcombat

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Natural Family Planning.
Are you?
Should you?

...are you sure?



  1. I thought about you when I saw that this was the topic for Mic-d Up. I look forward to reading your thoughts on what is discussed on what is taught as the Church teaching on NFP.

  2. Elizabeth - ha! I called in and got to talk a little. The completed show is posted now at

    The NFP segment begins at the 27 minute mark.

  3. Hey, thanks for your comments -- I think you summed up my points better than I did! Nice to hear your voice!

  4. Jay, it was good to hear your voice. Great comments! I wish there was more time on the show for you, Michael and the other guests to continue the conversation.

  5. Thanks for listening! I thought it was a good discussion, too. I hope MV is willing and able to do it again - there is a lot to discuss, and there just wasn't enough time in this particular segment.

  6. An article by my father-in-law was recently published on this topic. (He, too, is a traditionalist.)

    Mrs. Mike


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