I saw this “status” on Face
Book, from a family member who is not Catholic but professes to be a Christian:
it's hard teaching kids about religion in the world! They were discussing
friends at school who "celebrate Hanukkah". How do ya squelch a 5-year-old's
excitement to play with her Jewish friend tomorrow and "tell her that
Jesus is God's son!" WOW.
I should tell her it's best not to talk about religion or politics! LOL!!!
My thought – and comment –
was: “If you don't talk religion, how will people discover the way to
That went largely ignored.
Okay, it went totally ignored!
Someone else commented:
of our really good friends are Jewish. We talk about beliefs and what we
believe to be the truth, but to also always be respectful of others beliefs.
The original poster
did discuss that with her. But her ideas and innocent enthusiasm was pretty
funny! I think we got through to her though. I'm sure the other little girl's
parents would be just THRILLED with us if our daughter comes bounding in with a
lesson on Christ! Not our
I had much I wanted to add
at that point, but I was leaving town and internet access for my retreat and
knew I wouldn’t be able to participate in what would have probably been an
ongoing conversation.
But here’s what struck me:
Why would these parents want to squelch their daughter’s enthusiasm for
evangelizing? Is Jesus just “something we believe in”, or is He real? He claims to be “the way, the
truth, and the life”! If a person believes that, and raises one’s children with
that faith, it makes no sense at all to discourage them from sharing the Truth.
Sure, we can treat others with respect and civility – certainly! But what did
the little girl learn in the above example? To only share the Truth with those
who already believe it?!
Michael Voris hit the nail
on the head in a recent Vortex episode
(December 10; full
script here) where he said (my emphases):
What is beyond question in the
Church today is that there is a decided lack of Faith in God: in understanding
Him; acknowledging Him; meditating
on Him. So many Catholics – including clergy – do not believe, or certainly not
They don’t believe in or accept
the fullness of exactly what we are dealing with here. We are talking about
Eternity – forever in rapture with the Divine Essence, being drawn up into the
life of the Holy Trinity, where we are called to live in light that for us now
is unapproachable.
Our very beings will become
radiant with truth and goodness; all semblance or spot of any taint will not
even be able to be conceived. We are drawn into and called to be deeply and
manifestly IN LOVE with God: to possess Him as He possess Himself.
Yet this is not believed. Even
in wide circles in the Church today, this is not believed. It is not believed
because it is not spoken of and when you
are touched by love, you cannot keep quiet. When you are transformed by the
finger of God, you become a new man and silence
is not an option.
lover refuses to reveal his beloved. He shows to the whole world the cause of his joy. He
lavishes her with attention and anything he heart desires that he can provide.
Such is the action of love.
Another commenter on the
Face Book entry said (my emphasis):
tell my kids that if you believe in Jesus, God, Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter
Bunny, etc. then he believes in you. Not
everyone has the same beliefs in this world and I encourage them to respect
other's opinions and not just one as the only truth. They need to make up
their own minds after they learn all the facts…
I don’t know whether that
commenter is a self-described Christian or not, but either way, there’s a
problem. “If you believe in Jesus, then
he believes in you”? And the audacity of placing Jesus on a par with the Easter
Bunny! Secular relativism rears its ugly head once again.
![]() |
H/T to American Catholic |
As for respecting others’
opinions…again, yes, certainly we respectfully
present the truth – though no matter how respectfully
you speak the truth, there will be some who are offended by it. And being
respectful doesn’t mean we agree that there is more than one truth, either. That’s
been the problem with Catholics for decades: we have become afraid to say that
there is one true Church. In
addition, those of other faiths seem to believe they have the right to tell
Catholics what they can believe! I’m thinking here about those prayers during
Holy Week for the conversion of Jews.
Yet another Face Book commenter
respect and enjoy all religions, indeed. However these human creations have
brought more cons than pros for more than 2,000 years.
“Human creations”? The
Catholic Church, as we Catholics (should) know, was instituted by Christ
Himself. The Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. And of course, Jesus
promised that His followers would experience trial and tribulation, because “I
did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34).
The apostles went out and
preached the Good News; most of them were martyred. Apparently they had not
heard that they should not be discussing religion or politics! They thought
saving souls was too important not to
share the Truth. How selfish it would be not
to share the Good News!
The people in the Face Book
conversation above seem not to realize that Heaven is the ultimate goal of
their beliefs. It’s all about how to avoid even speaking about religion to
those non-Christians. It’s all about being “nice” and “respectful” and not
offending anyone. So…if they do think
about Heaven, do they think everyone who has some nice thoughts automatically
goes there?
This also meshes nicely, I
think, with yesterday’s (December 12) Vortex (embedded below; full script here), in which Michael Voris examines whether non-Catholics
go to Heaven. He notes that there has been a bit of a debate in the blogosphere
lately concerning
…how many will be saved… how many
damned…if any will be damned. Will everyone go to Heaven? Which by the way,
Scripture and Tradition seem to indicate the answers are: few, many, yes and
Voris goes on to take the
discussion on a slightly different tack. He asks:
…[A]mong the saved, will there
be any non-Catholics? In other words, can Protestants, for example, go to
We do know THIS much in answer
to that question: if a particular Protestant goes to Heaven, it won’t be
BECAUSE he was a Protestant, but DESPITE it. And the same holds for Buddhists
and Muslims and all the rest.
If there is a mechanism for
them beholding the Blessed Trinity face to face, it most certainly is not their
This only flows logically when
one understands the nature of the Catholic Church – Her charter and mission.
She is to preach Jesus Christ to the nations. Jesus Christ is God. He is not a
great philosopher. He is Divine, not a really cool smart man.
And the Church preaches Him as
the only way to the Father because that is what He said.
So much is wrong with the idea
that all religions are essentially the same that one hardly knows where to
That’s what I would like my
non-Catholic and fallen-away Catholic family members to realize: Jesus is God –
that’s a reality! The Catholic Church was instituted by Jesus, and there is no
salvation outside the Church.
Michael Voris continues:
Only the Catholic Church
preaches the absolute fullness of Christ as He desires that it be preached.
That is the charge He gave to his apostles and, by extension, to all Catholics.
He established but one Church. He calls it “My Church”.
How can anyone in the right
mind possibly consider that all these other “churches” are equally or nearly
equally valid routes to Heaven? They are not.
Heaven isn’t so much a place as
it is a condition in which we behold and love and possess God, and he loves and
possesses Himself. The surest and most available and only guaranteed means to that in this life is the Catholic Church, no matter how upsetting that truth may be
to some people.
When people pose the question,
“Does anyone really go to Hell”, or “Do you have to be Catholic to go to
Heaven?”, what sort of forces are at play that give birth to that question? Among
theologians, that’s one thing. Among men on the street, it betrays a minimalist
approach to salvation: what is the LEAST and simplest I have to do to get to
Falling in Love with God is not
a question of the least or the minimal. It is a question of the most and the
fullest. If someone who is not Catholic gets to Heaven, it isn’t BECAUSE he
tried to find the easiest way in.
Being a faithful Catholic is
hard work. And to those faithful Our Blessed Lord said, “Pick up your cross and
follow Me, for he who loses his life for my sake, will find it.”
I am happy that my little granddaughter mentioned at the
beginning of this post has such enthusiasm about the fact that Jesus is God’s
son that she wants to share it with her Jewish friend. I hope she won’t be
And even more, I hope and pray that all my non-Catholic and
fallen-away-Catholic family members come to (or return to) the one true faith,
and become as enthusiastic as that little 5-year-old about sharing the Truth!
I must admit I get caught up in "not offending" my neighbor or family member.
ReplyDeleteWhy do I allow that to creep in my life when I want to PROCLAIM and shout it from the rooftops that Jesus Christ is Lord and the Catholic Church is the One TRUE Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Himself!
I am weak ...I pray to the Holy Ghost to fill me with His Burning Fire ..so I can be a radiant wintess .
What am I afraid of...not being liked, being made fun of ...people not wanting to be around me anymore...etc. etc.
I am tried of being weak and afrain of others ...God have mercy on me .
Yes I am called to LOVE but I must share the entire and complete TRUTH, people souls depend on this .
God help me to be a TRUE LIGHT for the Glory of Your Name .
The failure to recognize and stand up for the one true Church is a logical outcome of several generations worth of apologies on the part of the Church itself; the failure of the Church to teach the truth; and the general political correctness---oh we can't offend anyone-- in our society as a whole. Before anyone will proudly proclaim the truth they have to know what the truth is...and with rare exception they are not getting any help in that regard from U S Bishops and Priests. Even when the Holy Roman Pontiff proclaims the truth too many modern U S clergy ignore it or disobey it. Just more evidence that the true Church must and will become much smaller before it can grow into what it is supposed to be.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 5:19PM,
DeleteMy friend, you are spot-on.
It is rather obvious you are fairly intelligent and understand the problem (and it has been so excellently covered at great blogs such as Dr. Boyd's, Fr Z's, SuperT's, Les Femmes's, Tantamergo's, and others...).
For example, our former diocesan "DRE" (from a monastery of new-agey type sisters) used to tell Catholics (in various circles of catechetical influence) that "the Catholic Church does not have a corner on the truth."
Well, good grief! What does a statement like this mean for us as Catholics? How is one supposed to understand such a statement and what do you take away from it? (especially if you are a young person going through confirmation "formation")
Do we then simply *not* tell our co-workers, friends, relatives that the fullness of truth subsists in the Catholic Church? Does it mean if we *do* tell others where the fullness of truth is found are we suddenly being "triumphalistic"?
I shudder and cringe at such statements. It is like saying, as I have heard many Catholics say in some circles, that it does not matter which "church" one belongs to just as long as you love Jesus! (blech)
Some Catholics (clerics and religious, too) even go so far as to say you can find "truth" in other religions as well, without ever clarifying *where those* religions got their little nuggets of truth! (see CCC 819 for that answer folks)
Why are these misguided, sincere (but wrong) people so afraid to evangelize the one, true faith?
Many times I have encountered Catholics who are in positions of authority in the Church (and, yes, drawing paychecks from our collection baskets) who loathe apologetics, evangelization, the Catechism, the Holy Rosary, Adoration, the TLM, EWTN, sacramentals, and any other thing that can lead one to holiness and sanctity.
Why is this? (other than pride, I know)
I just fail to understand it.
Our blessed Lord commanded us to "preach the Gospel to the whole creation." (Mk 16:15, RSVCE)
What is so hard about that?