
Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Modernist Beast: Vortex

In the August 27th Vortex (embedded below), Michael Voris discussed the continued battle between “secular humanistic progressive liberal modernism” and the Catholic Church. Things are not looking so good for the Church, he notes. (See this post on modernism as well.) MV elaborates:

The hallmark of secular humanistic progressive liberal modernism is that it seeks an overthrow of God and the true religion and it uses ALL areas of life to achieve this end. And all these various areas overlap considerably. When St. Pope Pius X condemned the error of Modernism in 1907, he called it the synthesis of all heresies. And that is a very fit description.

...But the conundrum is this: so many members of the Church – most especially leaders – have been corrupted themselves, that they have fallen prey to this enemy without even realizing it.

In the West for example, so many Catholic bishops have bought into the false notion of a pluralistic society’s claim to competing subjective truths that they are powerless to see the damage that such a political and social philosophical construct can do to the culture.

When the leaders of the Church have drunk the kool-aid of modernism, MV laments, then something has gone very, very wrong. And are we not seeing this develop more and more every day? But it cannot go on. MV reminds us:

The only force in the world capable of attacking and beating back the secular humanistic progressive liberal modernist beast IS the Catholic Church. …The Church, meaning her leaders, has got to stand up and say it like it is. They need to stand up announce to the world that a new day has come in the battle against the beast – and that day is the day where we announce that this is a spiritual war.

…So the Church must first clean house to make herself an even more effective fighting force against the Beast. Weak bishops, those who have given in must repent, resign or both.

In their place must emerge strong men, strong fathers, who will not sit at dinner tables with the enemy, but rather reach across and plunge a dagger into the beast’s neck, the beast that threatens to devour their children.

I couldn’t agree more, but I must say that I do not think that the weak bishops will repent OR resign of their own accord. Many of them are so steeped in modernism and relativism that they don’t even know they’ve lost their map and their compass. It will take strong top-down measures to remove them, and frankly, I don’t see that happening any time soon. Would re-instituting the Oath Against Modernism change things? Actually, I don’t think so. People these days, even bishops and priests, seem not to take vows and promises seriously.

God, however, will do what He wills. Our Lord Jesus Christ will not let wayward bishops rape Holy Mother Church forever. MV says:

The Bishops who have consorted with this enemy need to wake up and realize what they have allowed to happen and that they will face the judgment of Christ the Fierce if they do not change now.

107 human beings die every minute; they exit earth, never to return again 107 every minute – 6 and half thousand every hour; 155,000 every day – day after day. How many of them plunge into Hell because they ignored the impulse planted in them by God to seek Him, but were never encouraged to follow that impulse by the very men put on this earth to encourage them to do so?
And that is why we must pray for these men who have lost their way. We pray for their souls, and for the souls of those they have led astray.

The script:

So far, in the battle between secular humanistic progressive liberal modernism AND the Catholic Church, the Church we are very sorry to have to repeat, has come up on the short end of that stick.

The reason we have to identify the enemy with such a long string of adjectives is because this enemy, this beast, has all sorts of tentacles that have inserted themselves deeply into every area of life – from the courts, to the movie houses, to the legislatures, to the classrooms, to hospital, to social philosophies and political philosophies to economics and yes, even into the houses of faith, including many areas in the Catholic Church.

The hallmark of secular humanistic progressive liberal modernism is that it seeks an overthrow of God and the true religion and it uses ALL areas of life to achieve this end.
And all these various areas overlap considerably. When St. Pope Pius X condemned the error of Modernism in 1907, he called it the synthesis of all heresies. And that is a very fit description.

Because it synthesizes a whole array of heresies from earlier days in the history of the Church, it can therefore be expressed in a whole multitude of areas of human life, as stated above.

But the key components of this social and theological heresy are what we need to identify before we can even begin to attack the tentacles in each area of human experience. At the end of the day, it is a rebellion against authority, specifically the authority of Almighty God expressed through His Holy Catholic Church. And since God vis-a-vis the Church is the ultimate enemy that secular humanistic progressive liberal modernism seeks to destroy, the Church Herself must come to terms with this reality and muster her forces.

But the conundrum is this: so many members of the Church, most especially leaders, have been corrupted themselves that they have fallen prey to this enemy without even realizing it.

In the west for example, so many Catholic bishops have bought into the false notion of a pluralistic society’s claim to competing subjective truths that they are powerless to see the damage that such a political and social philosophical construct can do to the culture.
Societies are not made stronger by division, they are weakened. Nations do not profit from a foggy notion of diversity, they are made weaker when that diversity allows for varying approaches to absolute truth – including its complete dismissal and ignoring.

Now the rest of society is quite capable of falling into the pit of hell, but when leaders in the Church pave the way for this by drinking the poison offered by the very enemy they are supposed to recognize and attack, then something has gone very wrong and wayward.

The only force in the world capable of attacking and beating back the secular humanistic progressive liberal modernist beast IS the Catholic Church. Nothing else and no one else – even those who dimly see the damage this beast has and is causing in certain areas of life.

It’s fine for the Church to have allies in fighting against the beast among, for example, political conservatives, or even social conservatives, but when those same people agree with the propaganda of the beast in other areas – like theology, or certain moral issues –  then they are weak allies at best, and still operating under the influence of the beast.

The Church, meaning her leaders, has got to stand up and say it like it is. They need to stand up announce to the world that a new day has come in the battle against the beast – and that day is the day where we announce that this is a spiritual war.

That the beast is at the service of the diabolical, that anything that is not in conformity with Catholic truth will eventually fall prey to the beast, because only Catholic truth is guaranteed Divine truth and only the Divine can vanquish the diabolical.

So the Church must first clean house to make herself an even more effective fighting force against the Beast. Weak bishops, those who have given in must repent, resign or both.

In their place must emerge strong men, strong fathers, who will not sit at dinner tables with the enemy, but rather reach across and plunge a dagger into the beast’s neck, the beast that threatens to devour their children.

Priests and religious who have consorted with the Beast must be expunged from the ranks. They have offered profane sacrifice after profane sacrifice to the Beast in their errant preaching, lack of faithful instruction, immoral lives and perverted twisted reason.

They have corrupted the young minds in their charge by their intellectual poison and poor example, thus setting the stage for their evil and wickedness to continue and survive long after they themselves have been damned.

The laity, who to be sure, have enjoyed the pleasures of indulging our senses and dulling our thoughts must at last be called back to a faithful stance, have the authentic faith preached to them and told to live a life of sacrifice on the ramparts of Fortress Catholicism.

Orthodoxy must be resurrected and faithfulness at last restored. If not, we will continue to see our children, friends, family, devoured by the Beast – for this is his sole reason for being – to devour the sons of God.

The Bishops who have consorted with this enemy need to wake up and realize what they have allowed to happen and that they will face the judgment of Christ the Fierce if they do not change now.

107 human beings die every minute; they exit earth, never to return again 107 every minute – 6 and half thousand every hour; 155,000 every day – day after day. How many of them plunge into Hell because they ignored the impulse planted in them by God to seek Him, but were never encouraged to follow that impulse by the very men put on this earth to encourage them to do so?

Christ did not intend for His Church to fail.


  1. The real tragedy is that the Chief Bishop in Rome doesn't start firing his faithless ministers. The buck does stop there I'm afraid.

  2. Aged Parent, I cannot disagree with you. I keep having this sinnking feeling in the pit of my stomach...

  3. But, but, but, Dr. Jay - they're only being "pastoral", doncha know?

    MV is really ramping up lately. Good for him!!


  4. I'm just as fed up with Modernism as Michael is. I'm so sick of it! People have left Holy Mother Church because we've attempted to make her modern. People don't want that. And young people don't want that! We don't want modernized mush and the best we get is a Mass that looks like a concert?! We don't want that. We want the Latin Mass. We want beauty and we're taking it back!

    It is sad, Aged parent.

    Holy Father, please you must do something. The Church is being persecuted by her on children. The Church is being persecuted by her on servants and ministers, the Bishops. You can't let it continue. You must speak up and punish, if necessary and it is. You must start preaching the Faith in it's entirety. You must start condemning the evils of the day. Why are you silent? We need you to condemn abortion, contraception, sodomy, etc. Why don't you, Holy Father? Why don't you drive the unfaithful Bishops from your ranks? Why don't you drink Modernism out of the Church? Where is our Pope Pius X when we need him so desperately? You can save the Church. You have to.

    That's what I would tell the Pope...

    Keep persevering and keep the Faith...

    God bless!


  5. "MV is really ramping up lately. Good for him!!"

    Yes, Adrienne - and he is going to coming to my neck-O-the-woods next month! (Evansville, In.) I am stoked. :^)

    Cannot wait to hear him encourage us to have a "Hard Catholic Identity". (as Fr. Z says)

    No more "modernized mush", please. (as Hannah so adeptly put it) ;^)

    Along those lines, a friend (soon to be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate) once approached a, how shall I say it delicately?, um... modernist/progressive/dissenting priest (his pastor). My friend asked the priest why he never-ever spoke the hard truths of the faith.

    The priest told my friend that he (my buddy) could take those hard truths and understand them. He was "at another level" compared to most of the rest of the congregation. He said he had to "water the Gospel down" to make it palatable in order for them to "digest" it. (the man never "condemn(ed) abortion, contraception, sodomy, etc." as Hannah says it)

    Wow. Really? I told my buddy, "Think about what he said to you. The vast majority of Catholics who are 'pastored' by this man will never hear the hard sayings of Jesus Christ. Ever. How sad is that?"

    Think about this as well. That priest basically told my friend that those under his care were too "stupid" or didn't have a high enough I.Q. (for lack of better wording) to be able to understand *all* of the teachings of our Blessed Lord!

    How condescending. It has nothing to do whatsoever with being "pastoral" or making the Gospel more "palatable", but it has everything to do with being "the Church of nice" as M.V. puts it. (it can also mean he doesn't want to "rock any boats" and have people dislike him)

    I'm with Hannah. Priests "...must start preaching the Faith in it's entirety."

    Yes, post haste.


  6. "and he is going to coming to my neck-O-the-woods next month! (Evansville, In.) I am stoked. :^)"

    NOOOOOO you gotta come get me!!

    I want to work with Michael so so so so bad. That would be like Disney World for me LOL!!!!

    "That priest basically told my friend that those under his care were too "stupid" or didn't have a high enough I.Q. (for lack of better wording) to be able to understand *all* of the teachings of our Blessed Lord!"

    I will pray for that Priests' soul. Does he not understand that he will have to answer to God for every soul under his care? And people wonder why I have such love for Priests that I'm willing to implore God to spare our Bishops and Priests from hell??? I just can't imagine. I'm 16 and have no problem whatsoever understanding every teaching of the Church. Heck, I can read the Summa Theologica with no problem!

    So many souls go to hell. So many Catholics are ignorant. So many Catholics don't believe the Holy Eucharist is God. Etc.

    When will it end? When? Let's pray the purification of the Church comes quickly...

    "I'm with Hannah."

    Thank you. Glad to know someone out there agrees with me.

    God bless!


  7. Great comments everyone !
    Yes, I will say it again : Michael Voris is ON FIRE.
    Are you my dear friends ON FIRE: we must get ready for the FIRE and the Chastisement that is soon to come .
    The Immaculate Heart of Mary and The Sacred Heart of Jesus are being insulted with terrible crimes spoken against them both.
    I reject Moderism and all the other ism's out there.
    I am sick and tried of the Church of Nice and this watered down liturgy ( I don't attend anymore) we are not even liked among other Catholics...most of them hate TRADITION and the Traditional Latin Mass....they embrace the new mass and catholicism lite ...I use to do the same thing folks UNTIL let us PRAY for there eyes will be open too and they will be saved . The Church of Nice has nothing to offer...but it's watered down protestantize liturgy ...terrible what these MODERN priest, bishops , cardinals and Pope's have done to HOLY MOTHER CHURCH! I know what is coming ....we are living in the Great Apostasy ...hold on tight dear faithful, soliders of Jesus Christ ....the WAR is upon us ...Coem Lord Jesus !


  8. I just read this excellent article entitled "Has change shattered our Faith"? and wanted to pass it around. Very eye-opening. Check it out.

    God bless!



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