
Friday, July 6, 2012

A Local Family: Lightning Strikes Three Times

Please keep the Bingham family in your prayers; visit this website to read their story, which is mind-boggling. The site also includes a donation button if you are so inclined. The family maintains a blog, where updates are posted.

This is a local family here in Baker City, Oregon; it’s a small community, so almost everyone at least knows someone who knows the Binghams. My husband has worked with Mr. Bingham, and just the other day, the little neighbor girl appeared at our door asking if we had any recyclable cans we’d be willing to donate for the cause.

Here are some excerpts from the website, which presents their situation:

…this site aims to thrust the Bingham family into public view—something they have resisted over the last six years. They have consented to this (at the request of others) only on account of the incredible circumstances they now face.

…In the summer of 2006 Jason and Stacy's oldest daughter, Sierra, was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy. She was six years old. In short, her heart had weakened, causing it to enlarge to the point that it could no longer function adequately to support her body's needs. Sierra was suffering congestive heart failure.

Sierra did undergo a successful heart transplant. But…

As if living through Sierra's ordeal were not bad enough, just a few short weeks ago (May 20, 2012) little Lindsey (Jason and Stacy's third child) was diagnosed with the same disease—dilated cardiomyopathy. Lindsey is eight years old. She was flown to the same hospital where Sierra was treated, and the Binghams began reliving the same nightmare they faced just six short years ago. Lindsey was placed on the transplant list June 20, 2012.

With Lindsey’s diagnosis, doctors ordered tests for the other children in the family. As a result, 3-year-old Gage was also found to have the same problem. In June, Gage was admitted to the same hospital as Lindsey.

It’s hard to imagine having this situation with one child, let alone three.


  1. And I thought I had problems. I will keep the family in my prayers.


  2. Well, your heart ordeal wasn't/isn't exactly a walk in the park either! Hope you're doing well!

  3. Do you know what traditional priests have to say about heart transplants? You might want to do some research.

    1. I'm sorry that you felt it necessary to make a comment like this. Anyone who has prayed for the life of their child through transplant thinks EVERYDAY about about what it means in much bigger terms then you will ever know. I'm glad that these children's parents have the faith in God to let Him lead the way.

  4. What traditionl Priests say matters less than what the Church officially says

  5. I'm aware of the issues with transplants. That's why I asked simply for prayers. This is a family in need of prayer! Most of the time, I pray "God's will be done" for anyone who asks for prayer. That seems the surest way to help.

  6. Going back as far as Pope Pius XII (which coincides with the advent of medical science making transplants possible) and continuing to the present time the Roman Catholic Church has repeatedly stated that, consistent with certain ethical guidelines being followed, transplants (either from one living person to another as in a kidney transplant, or harvesting an organ from a deceased) is licit. Pope John Paul II had a particularly specific and supportive statement on that.

  7. The problem enters in with the question of whether or not the deceased is actually deceased. Medical definitions of "dead" have been changing over the years specifically to allow organ "donation". It is a real problem.

  8. I think it is insensitive to make comments like these. It is likely the family will see this blog. They are going through enough right now and don't need others judgements. Let's leave that upto God.

  9. Anonymous, please leave your name (or a pseudonym if you wish). I don't think anyone is judging the Binghams or any family going through such a trial.

  10. I think if you would read back through the comments and consider the family's perspective you might find them very uncaring and tactless. You post an article and say to pray for them but then imply they are committing a sin. I am sure there are feelings of guilt that accompany their prayers for a heart but they just want their daughter to live. I came across your site while googling their story to see what media outlets had picked it up. It is likely that they might do the same and then they will be subjected to reading these callous comments. Maybe you should consider removing all of the comments.

  11. The issue is a real one, and I don't think it is treating the family callously to have it arise in the comments here. I think any family facing this issue would want to be aware that there might be ethical issues surrounding vital organ transplantation that are obscured by certain quarters within the medical field. The family is just as likely to find the issue brought up in other places. We cannot bury the truth.

  12. Anyone wishing to discuss the issue with me further via email rather than the comments section is welcome to contact me at


Please be courteous and concise.