sure you’ve heard this one: “Rule Number One is, don’t sweat the small stuff.
Rule Number Two is, it’s all small stuff.”
No, really;
DO sweat the small stuff! |
That may be a workable adage for
earthly matters, but not for spiritual concerns. In the Kingdom, everything is
turned upside down: the meek shall inherit the earth; when I am weak, then I am
strong; we must die to self in order to truly live. In the Kingdom, sometimes
the “small stuff” is the truly important stuff. And in the Kingdom, it’s
definitely not all “small stuff”.
the liturgy, the “little things” spelled out in the rubrics or in Canon Law or
in the General Instruction of the Roman
Missal (GIRM) are all there for a reason, and the net effect of a correct
implementation of each part is a more beautiful portrait of the Heavenly
Banquet. In his book Worship as a
Revelation, Laurence Paul Hemming states,
A further part of this textual
character of the liturgy as a whole is the vestments the furnishing and
ordering of the church interior, the shape and character of the sacred vessels,
the materials from which all is made, its exact placing and so forth. Everything in a church intends a meaning,
so that the whole of the liturgy, its chant, what is performed, by whom, and
how, where, and when, form a whole
textual complex with intricate significance. (p. 11)
seems to me that the average Catholic – the one who goes to Mass on Sunday and
maybe holy days of obligation (wait…is that really average any more?) – well,
anyway, the average Catholic: a) doesn’t know what the rubrics say about how
the liturgy is supposed to be celebrated; b) doesn’t care; and c) is fine with keeping
things just as they are. “This is how we’ve always done it”, and they don’t
want anything to change.
result is that – at least where I live – we have Catholic parishes that look,
act, and think more like Protestant churches: the focus of worship is more
human-centered – it’s all about ‘us’. The music is “what makes us feel good”.
The homilies are pablum (actually, a lot of Protestant homilists are serving
meat, while many Catholic priests stick to cereal). We want to be “inclusive”
and make people feel “comfortable”.
Seriously?! |
liturgy is too significant to take lightly or to meddle with unnecessarily: It
is “the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also
the fount from which all her power flows" (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 10). It is the source and summit of our
life as Christians (Lumen Gentium,
11). It is the earthly sign of the heavenly banquet and our communion with the
saints: “In the earthly liturgy we take part in a foretaste of that heavenly
liturgy which is celebrated in the Holy City of Jerusalem toward which we
journey as pilgrims…” (SC, 8). What
can possibly be “small” in such an important piece of our Catholic Christian
a list of some of the “small stuff” that bothers me at Mass:
- Sloppily attired altar
- “Contemporary” music
- Priest adding “Good
morning” at the beginning of the liturgy, and “Have a nice day” at the end
- Inappropriate items placed
on the altar
- Using the altar as a
background for “seasonal” decorations
here’s a list of some of the “big stuff” that makes me cringe:
- Priest adlibbing the Lamb
of God and/or any other prayers
- Calling for “spontaneous”
general intercessions
- Inappropriate vestments
- Lay ministers performing
tasks that should be reserved to priests, deacons, or acolytes
- Unvested lay ministers
entering the sanctuary to receive Holy Communion
- Acolytes and deacons
performing tasks that should be reserved to priests
are just a few examples, and you may agree or disagree as to whether they are
“small stuff” or “big stuff”. To me, frankly, they’re all “big stuff”. These
errors violate the sacred structure of the Mass, disdain tradition and apostolic
teaching, and contribute to a general lack of reverence for the liturgy.
The point
is, in the liturgy, we need to sweat all of the “stuff” in order to make sure
that the big picture is not out of focus.
But my
view is not shared by many in the parishes I’ve experienced. An entirely
different attitude prevails: one of casualness. One parishioner asked me in all
sincerity, “Do you really think that stuff matters to God?” She also wondered
aloud why my opinion on liturgical matters should matter more than hers or some
other parishioners’. My explanation that it was not my opinion, but rather,
what the Church demands of us for Her
liturgy, fell on deaf ears. This parishioner – and she’s not the only one – has
no concept of the authority of Church teaching, documents, or tradition. She
doesn’t know the difference between an encyclical and an encyclopedia, or
between the GIRM and the missalette (“Isn’t everything we need to know in the
missalette?” she inquired).
parishioner told me didn’t understand why we should have to follow a bunch of
rules about the way the sanctuary was furnished and how the altar was covered.
“I think people should be comfortable when they come to church,” he said.
Yep. He's comfortable... |
this comment is probably the most telling of all. I would say that people are
definitely “comfortable” in our Catholic churches. They are so comfortable that
they feel free to traipse through the sanctuary at will, with a quick nod of
the head toward the tabernacle. They feel comfortable enough to enter the
sanctuary and stand right next to the altar to receive Holy Communion. The
altar servers feel comfortable enough to slouch and yawn their way through
Mass. The priests are comfortable enough to treat their role as one of
talk-show host. Once, I suggested to a priest that if Jesus entered the room,
we would all fall on our faces in adoration, not just greet him with a casual,
“Oh, hi, Lord.” He laughed and said he would probably do the latter.
truth, most priests probably do follow the rubrics quite well… or at least
intend to. For most, any errors are probably due to oversight or ignorance,
rather than willful disobedience. Busy parish priests may find it difficult to
take the time to study the GIRM. However, shouldn’t this have been covered in
the seminary?!
I also
understand that priests are faced with “parishioner pressure” – those pillars
of the local parish community who tell the priest, “But this is the way we’ve always
done it”. And certainly, re-catechizing such parishioners can be a daunting
task. In my own little parish, I have had unfruitful conversations with others
regarding liturgical issues.
But I
think priests and bishops are making a big mistake by “going with the flow” in
their parishes and dioceses. If they are not moving toward greater liturgical
excellence, then they’re going backwards. And
they are doing a disservice to the faithful.
priests and bishops dismiss liturgical abuses as insignificant they do two
things: First of all, they allow the faithful to persist in their errors, and
hand these errors on to the next generation of parishioners (“that’s how we’ve
always done it”). They dilute our Catholic identity.
they cause scandal. When a faithful Catholic discovers the truth about the
liturgy, he’s bound to wonder why the shepherds of the Church have failed to
teach it. When a faithful Catholic begins to see the beauty, wisdom, majesty,
and pure depth of Catholic tradition, he is bound to wonder why the shepherds
of the Church have hidden it.
And he
begins to wonder if those shepherds are really wolves in sheep’s clothing. That
is not a good thing.
I’ve been maligned by the pastor of my own parish (and beyond) because
of my orthodox views, and my willingness to insist on liturgical correctness. I’ve been censured by an acting bishop. So what I see is
that the leadership of the Church cares very little about the liturgy, but very
much about popular opinion. And since my “opinion” is not popular, they don’t
care about it.
doesn’t bother me that the powers-that-be (or even my friends, family, and
fellow parishioners) don’t care about my “opinions”. Sometimes, I don’t care about theirs, either!
bothers me is that they are so quick to dismiss what the Church has to say
about the liturgy and how it should be celebrated. This is not a matter of
opinion, and shouldn’t be dismissed as such. It is a matter of truth.
people say the rubrics are optional or don’t matter for some reason or another,
what they are really saying is that their
opinion should hold sway! And they tell me I’m too “rigid”.
them, I offer this thought from Pope Benedict XVI, writing as Cardinal Joseph
The life of the liturgy does
not come from what dawns upon the minds of individuals and planning groups…[It]
becomes personal, true, and new, not
through tomfoolery and banal experiments with the words, but through a
courageous entry into the great reality that through the rite is always ahead
of us and can never quite be overtaken.
Does it still need to be
explicitly stated that all this has
nothing to do with rigidity? (Spirit
of the Liturgy, p. 168)