
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Apology to Dr. Ed Peters

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
Dr. Edward Peters rightfully notes that his affiliation with the Archdiocese of Detroit has never been hidden or obscured in anyway, and there was no need for him to make any further proclamation of it in his comments on the Voris/AoD issue.
In addition, it is perfectly clear that he expresses his own opinion on his blog, and he is entitled to do that without others casting aspersions on his good name…just like the rest of us.
I don’t know Dr. Peters personally, have never met him; I know him only through his blog, In the Light of the Law.  What I’ve read there suggests to me that he is a man of integrity, and that his affiliation with any particular entity would not easily influence his interpretation of and opinion on Canon Law.
I apologize for making a comment on this blog suggesting otherwise.

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