
Monday, July 13, 2015

Special Announcement: "Preferential Option for the Family" Booklet

Special Announcement!

Recently, three prelates authored a 60-page booklet entitled Preferential Option for the Family, designed to catechize the faithful regarding Church teaching on marriage and the family. Archbishop Aldo de Cillo Pagotto of Paraíba, Brazil, Bishop Robert Vasa of Santa Rosa, CA, and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary of Astana, Kazakhstan, present 100 questions and answers about the Synod on the Family, providing a welcome defense of Church teaching on marriage and family. 

[The above is the first paragraph of my article at Church Militant; read the rest here. Also, I am writing semi-regularly for CM, and you can see a list of my previous articles here.]

This little booklet is well worth reading. It probably won’t please those who harbor a desire for a change in Church teaching regarding the reception of Holy Communion by the divorced-and-remarried, but it provides a wonderful resource for the defense of the doctrine by faithful Catholics. It also gives some insights into and evaluations of the processes involved in the staging of the Synod on the Family.

These prelates pull no punches! They will prepare you for any “surprises” that might erupt in the Synod this fall, so that you may respond knowledgeably and confidently to any threats to Church doctrine.

Today (Monday, July 13, 2015), Church Militant has aired a Vortex touting this book. Here it is! Go to the Church Militant website to see the transcript.

Church Militant has probably already run out of the copies they are handing out for free, but complimentary copies of the booklet can be obtained by emailing

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