
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Plight of Orphans

Here’s a little change-up from the topics I usually pursue here...

My friend-whom-I’ve-never-met, Leila Miller, has two great blogs. The first is “Little Catholic Bubble”; this is a wonderful blog with lots of great pro-life stuff and more – check it out.

Leila’s second blog, Orphan Report, was born of her discovery of Reece’sRainbow, an organization that promotes adoption of Down syndrome children – and any other orphans needing new families. She highlights children from the Reece’s Rainbow site, advocating for their cause, and engaging in a little fundraising here and there.

A daily dose of Orphan Report will make you very much aware of your blessings. These are some of the saddest stories around – there are some really awful orphanages out there! – but there is so much hope, too, because people are responding to the need and are adopting these little ones from all over the world.

Today, I’m highlighting “Declan”, whose “guardian angel” is promoting his cause and trying to raise funds for his adoption (it’s very expensive to adopt internationally!). The angel, Jennie, makes this offer at her blog:

Help Declan and Win a Kindle Fire!

What do a Kindle Fire and a 2-year-old orphan have in common? They both have a lot of spark! (Bad joke, I know).

This week and next I'll be raffling off a Kindle Fire to help Declan find his family!

Little Declan is almost three years old (just a little older than Hannah) and is looking for a Mama of his own. He is described as “lively" and "cheerful,” with a "calm and kind personality." Just look at what a cutie he is!

He lives in an orphanage in Russia and apparently no one visits him. How can that be?

Together we can help bring Declan home! By donating to Declan’s Reece’s Rainbow fund here or mentioning him on Facebook, you have a chance at winning a brand new Kindle Fire. [See Jennie's blog for the details on entering the drawing. And yes, I would love to win the Kindle Fire - but I would love even more to see this little guy find a family.]

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