
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bishop-Elect Liam Cary Ordination Update


Apparently, my pronouncements on the unsuitability of the new St. Francis Church in Bend for an episcopal ordination went unheeded. Additionally, scant notice has been paid to my observations about the practical necessity of having the episcopal ordination of  the next bishop of the Diocese of Baker held in the Cathedral in Baker City (a novel idea, I know...NOT!).

Okay, truthfully, I never expected anyone among the powers-that-be to pay any attention to me. ;-)

Here are some announcements from the Diocese of Baker website:

We are pleased to announce that the
Ordination of Bishop-elect Liam Cary
will be available via this website by clicking on the link below.

This link is currently under construction. May 9, 2012 2:00 pm.

During the test phase, you may notice advertisements;
however, during the actual broadcast of the Ordination,
there will be no interruptions.


Information on Tickets: 

For those with tickets, we do request that you be at the church IN YOUR SEAT, IN YOUR ASSIGNED SECTION BY 1:30 PM; doors will open at Noon. We realize this sounds early, but there will be beautiful music to entertain you. Please use this time for silent prayer for our new Bishop. Your ticket is color coded to the section in which you will be seated. There is some advantage to being early; in some cases there might be two sections for the same color, one section closer than the other. These seats will be on a first come first serve basis.

Information on Parking Permit: 

If you received a Parking Pass, please place it on the dashboard on the passenger side. If you do not have a Parking Permit, there will be people at street-side directing you to off-site parking at the Church of the Nazarene at 1270 NE 27th Street. This is just south of St. Francis Church. We will be running shuttle buses from there to St. Francis Church. You might want to allow a little more time for this.

We are going to request no picture taking during the ceremony except by designated photographers!

For entrance into the church for reserved seating EACH PERSON MUST PRESENT A TICKET regardless of receiving an invitation. Also, in order to park in the church parking area YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PARKING PERMIT DISPLAYED. All others will be directed to the additional seating and parking areas respectively.

We want this occasion to be a wonderful, blessed and memorable event so we appreciate your cooperation very much. We look forward to seeing you on the 18th.

And no...Philothea on Phire does not have a golden ticket...


  1. Get there early there will be beautiful music for your "entertainment"....that's the ticket. We gotta make sure we entertain people in Church! yuk

  2. It was beautiful,


Please be courteous and concise.