
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Michael Voris has some good suggestions here:

And yes, as he notes, all of them will make you wildly unpopular...

Another hero, Fr. Michael Rodriguez of the Diocese of El Paso, recently sent an email message to the faithful of his diocese; I think his words can speak to those of us in other dioceses as well, as we face the challenges of a secular society and lukewarm Catholicism. He says in part:

"Now is not the time to be indifferent, complacent, or tired. Now is the time to really STEP IT UP! Remember, we are soldiers for Jesus Christ, and we must fight for His Cross, His Kingship, and the Catholic religion which He established by shedding His Precious Blood."

Here's another resolution that I adopted a few months ago:

I'm not sure if he's saying "Oh no" yet,
but I'm pretty sure he hears my feet hit the floor.

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. Well we are ON FIRE with the Holy Ghost and you can be sure Jay , that the evil is for sure saying OH NO ...because we are SOLIDERS for Christ and the Battle is on ...Satan will be CRUSHED by a gentle and lowly Jewish girl named Mary : and HER NAME, and Her Immaculate Heart will crush the serpents head. Thanks be to God!
    Michael Voris and Father Michael Rodriguez are Might Warriors also for our Jesus.
    St. Michael the Archangel , pray for us! Splendid Jay as always !


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